ITT: 10/10 films that came out after the year 2000

ITT: 10/10 films that came out after the year 2000


I'd give it about a 9.8 actually



>not oscar winning
Do you even plebs?


The Incredibles

i am literally uncle rico
i could have been a famous chef, instead i shitpost on an television imageboard

I actually agree with this

Does it remind you or anyone else of dexter's lab ?



>yo yo yiggity yo


this is fake right?

is drive just a Sup Forums meme or is actually good

all i know is hes a real human bean or something

Fuck off reddit

It is literally a 10/10 great film

This was Apekino

Fury Road

It's literally a 10/10 great meme. shit film though


It really is a fantastic movie.

Bloody contrarian

Honestly it's like a 7.5/10

it's an objective 10/10 unless you're a filthy hooplehead


drive ripoff


Drive has extremely good cinematography and is super comfy. Real human bean is unironically on my normie playlist, and friends often ask what it is because they like it.

How ? Its actually flawless


Greay popcorn flick, not a 10/10 though

>he city shines brightest at nigh

Not even close.

They both drive cars and are both autistic but still manage to be cool

Check and also mate

Black Hawk Down
Blood Diamond
Children of Men
Pans Labyrinth
Fellowship of the Ring
Spirited Away
Fury Road
Lives of Others
Lost in Translation
Memoirs of Murder
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Ex Machina
The Dark Knight
Hotel Budapest
Inglorious Basterds
Cloud Atlas
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eastern Promises


Not at all really

>hur dur he drives a car at night so its the same

well said user

Thanks. Bogdanoff, is it?

It's good



>ex machina
>cloud atlas

Nah, some others are borderline, all at the very least good films

The Grifter





this movie is fucking garbage stop forcing i

OP: The first pirates of the carribean is a 10/10 fun light action adventure movie. I truly feel this way

can i get a quick rundown?

Its a cult classic

FUCK. I want to recommend this movie to people but the titty scene is gratuitous.

Nice logic. There are thousands of drive ripoffs then. These two movies are different by it's meaning and main characters ESSENTIALLY and they are both great.

Yeh, if you frame it as thatbtype of film, its a 10/10, but on its on merits is it ?

OP asked for 10/10s not steaming piles of pseudo-intellectual dogshit

Zodiac too

rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs,

in contact with aliens,

rumoured to possess psychic abilities,

control france with an iron fist,

own castles and banks all over the world,

direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line,

will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city),

own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth,

first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies,

both brothers said to have 200+ IQ


What the part where he has the hammer over the guys head ?

I never even noticed all the tits until like my 3rd watch, i thinks it was because all of the mirrors and bright lights and the absolute tention of the hammer threat.

And who cares, you're nit telling children to watch it are you ?


who is that guy on the right? I've seen him before
quick rundown?

first pirates is comfy. the others lost steam pretty quick ircc

Shaolin Soccer is better

No. Me and most of my family/friends are christian but I think they might take nudity more seriously than I do.

Fair enough

Seriously. There's no way this can be real.

Sigourney Weaver


No u

Literally and unironically blatantly untrue


its a movie for spergs who want to be quiet yet seem cool

This movie is a lighthouse for pseuds.

It won for best make-up

I enjoyed it a lot more before Sup Forums memed it to death.

Yeah but I'm saying there's no way they put that on the cover. It's incredibly misleading

>The Oil Experience Museum
wew that sounds lame as fuck

because you're a hipster?

Now I enjoy it less because you mentioned it

How is it misleading? It won an academy award

I enjoy it more now because it seems the concensus opinion is becoming more negative.


It implies that the movie won the award based on the merit of the story, actors, or anything other than fucking makeup. If you cant see that, you may be autistic.

>oscars matter either way


No it doesn't. It just says Academy Award Winning. What would you want them to put?

Who is the guy on the right?

Add *for makeup

Other than the autism this movie has absolutely nothing to do with Drive and Gylenhaal's autism is a far better performance anyways.

ᶠᵒʳ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ-ᵘᵖ

his name was Mott. he founded Yelp!

>be 11 when Rate Race goes to vhs/dvd
>dad rents Rat Race from movie store
>first joke in the movie is the joke about porn being charged to the guys hotel room
>dad makes me leave the room and I dont get to finish the movie
>instead I go to my room and watch pic related
still 10/10

The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford is pretty great famalam.

No because the pointed out all the autism so I can't take it seriously anymore, is all.

Classic kino. Do yourself a favor and go watch it.

Take it to the JAM

Came to post this

I agree they are both 10/10.

The Raid 1