Just saw Get Out. There hasn't been a more pandering movie to SJWs ever...

Just saw Get Out. There hasn't been a more pandering movie to SJWs ever. How the fuck does this have 99% on Rotten Tomatoes?

>pander to SJWs
>makes white women evil
pick one.

really? it doesnt look pandering compared to the other shit out there, it actually looks like it's making fun of the fake liiberal weirdos who are obsessed with niggas

White women are now the enemy now that SJW know more than half of them voted for Trump.

>Panders to SJWS
>Specifically condemns Liberal-Elite Racism

Dafuq you talking about?

Problem with that though, is the bad guys the writer/director was trying to spoof were the "well meaning white liberals".

Well meaning white liberals wouldn't remove black peoples brains and replace them with white ones. There's nothing "well meaning" about that, especially for the black people they try so hard to help.

A better way to have gone about it would have been, I think, closer tied to the concept of black people brains being less developed than whites (I believe the term is Frenetics, but I might be wrong. Pretty much what DiCaprio was talking about in Django Unchained). Maybe have the white family believe they could help blacks push past their own natural boundaries, without the stupid brain removal concept, but it actually wipes them of their culture, their enthusiasms, and eventually their very personalities (the strange black people walking around in the movie would then be failed experiments).

I'm mostly just shocked at the lack of self awareness in this movie, the mixed messages, and, most of all, the people saying the movie ISN'T race baiting. It absolutely was. It was engineered that way. It was made by an angry black guy lashing out without putting any thought into it first.

Why can't black people make a movie that doesn't involve race relations?

lol If you thought it pandered to SJWs you missed the point. It explicitly targets liberal racism.

>Well meaning white liberals wouldn't remove black peoples brains and replace them with white ones.
It's not about them being "well meaning." It's about liberal fetishization of blackness.

People don't watch them.

>Problem with that though, is the bad guys the writer/director was trying to spoof were the "well meaning white liberals".

No they weren't you fucking retard

because their own subculture is based on nothing but how hard they have it in life due to white racism and how they must overcome that. if you take away racism you are literally taking away the foundations of their identity.

Well it really is multiple things operating at once.

White guilt, paternalism, envy, "positive" discrimination, de facto white supremacy, forced cultural assimilation, etc.

>trusting rotten tomatoes

Nothing in the media is real. The votes, the comments, it's all just propaganda to get you to think the way they want you to think.

You sound like a feminist.

>"The villains here aren't southern rednecks or neo-Nazi skinheads, or the so-called 'alt-right'. They're middle-class white liberals. The kind of people who read this website. The kind of people who shop at Trader Joe's, donate to the ACLU and would have voted for Obama a third time if they could. Good people. Nice people"

>when you nut but she keep suckin

>when your wife's white bull has a bigger dick than you

I've heard that it's supposed to be funny but like how is it funny? I saw the trailer and looked not funny at all.

>all southerners and conservatives are racist
>voting for Obama solely for the fact that he's black and because you can huff your own farts about how progressive you aren't doing so isn't more demeaning and racist than simply not liking Obama for his policies

Movie wasn't great but you're retarded.

99% of all journalists are SJWs so.

Welcome to the redpill bitch

You are for doing so*

>Welcome to the redpill bitch

it was pretty good man. Daniel Kaluuya did a fine job.


>How the fuck does this have 99% on Rotten Tomatoes
>There hasn't been a more pandering movie to SJWs ever

Hmmm, I wonder why...

In spite of being a white male southerner in a service profession, I do understand complex racial concepts.