Matrix reboot starring Michael B. Jordan

end me


>with WB hoping The Matrix reboot can become its own universe and spawn multiple sequels and spinoffs

I'm really fucking done with this

You let this happen. You allowed capeshit to flourish. The only person who tried to save cinema was the guy who shot up the theater airing TDKR

Every major movie over the past 50 years will be redone with either black people or women in place of original cast.

Welcome to Cuckwood


Kill yourself attention seeking faggot. Post in one of the other threads.

>Micheal B. Jordan
They''ve pretty much shot themselves in both feet and they aren't even off their asses yet

What next Emma Watson as Trinity

Is this where Sup Forums gets upset about a black despite the original having fucking Morpheus?

fuck off reddit

Nope nope nope
no no nope

>1999 was 30 years ago

King Kong continues to prove you wrong

The whole "let's cast people of other races for reasons" has far since concerned me. I don't care about that really.

It's rebooting films like 15 years old that's really concerning. These stupid fuckers can't even adapt capeshit and books and any other genres so they're seriously adapting already existing movies into movies. This shows just how uncreative they are.

What's wrong with Michael B. Jordan?

Jesus fucking christ

>ayyy yo Morpheus where neo be at?

>way he be at mane?

>What next Emma Watson as Trinity

Nope, this gal

The original matrix had like two white dudes in the entire trilogy so this isn't that surprising.
Turning the matrix into a series isn't surprising either, they tried doing that with the animatrix, enter the matrix and the mmo back in the day.
It could be cool, I miss late 90's-mid 2000's trench coat sci-fi. Hopefully they'll bring stuff in the vein of Blade and Equilibrium back too.

on the bright side we'd get another comedy goldmine of everyone calling everyone racist for any and all complaints against the movie

Trinity will be white, rest assured.

Maybe Anne Hathaway or...Scarlett Johansen, someone terrible like that most likely


As each day passes I wonder whether or not Hollywood execs are so out of touch with the mainstream that they literally don't know what they are doing or I'm so out of touch with the mainstream that I don't know what normies will accept as good entertainment anymore

it can be a little of both!

Why reboot something that can just be expanded upon? Seriously, fuck Hollywood. I really can't wait for the bubble to burst.


Why would you want any of that shit? They were all good things and you just want a pathetic rehash of them for no good reason. Fuck you user.

all these things keep failing because even normalfags know this shit is being pushed on them these days.

Who fucking cares you unrelenting whining piece of shit?

Every few years remake the movie. Who cares? Don't fucking watch it.

Have a new version of a movie if you want. See how they do. It doesn't erase the original.

I don't want a rehash, I want stuff in the same vein of the those IP's.
I don't mind them having new stories in the matrix universe, but a reboot is pretty dumb.

then let's reboot the Cosby Show and Good Times with an all-white cast.

"Oh, I say, dy-no-mite."

looks more like the problem is people tolerating APEshit.

And miss a chance to normalize white women sucking black dick? No way.

>fat Albert
>but with mexicans
I'd raugh

expansion is moving into unproven territory. a reboot is like trying to get the same hit from heroin you got when you first shot up.

Why does Hollywood keep trying to shove Waldo Geraldo Feraldo down our throats as the next big new star?

Why are you guys so mad at this, it's not like Keanu reeves was white either

i wonder if this can be done? complete race and gender inversion.

Welcome Back Kotter

Mrs Kotter is a black woman. Her partner is a wise-cracking black man who we only ever see in their bedroom.
Washington is a white girl.
Epstein is an Israeli girl.
Horshack is a German girl.
Vinne Barbarino is... Carthaginian? A black girl from North Africa, i don't know. what's the cultural opposite of an Italin 50s greaser stereotype who is also a Scientologist?

They originally wanted Will Smith for the role too but he turned it down for Wild Wild West lmao


watch him turn down Morpheus for some other shitfest

I'm down for it.

Will Smith was the prime candidate for Neo back during the originals and he turned it down like a retard. Then the Animatrix showed us multiple ethnicity (not that the original already DIDN'T do that). I don't see the problem, I mean is Michael B. Jordan a shitty actor or something or is this thread just race-baiting?


to be fair Wild Wild West is a fun movie

Yeah if you're functionally brain-dead.

This has to be the opinion of a pathetic 90's born queer. Heaven forbid they actually make something original instead of shitting out remake after remake that everyone except kids knows is complete garbage.


He seemed like a cool guy in the 90's but I don't want tot see him in anything any more.

Neo: Michael B Jordan
Trinity: Elizabeth Olsen
Morpheus: Donnie Yen
Smith: Nicholas Hoult
Oracle: Pam Grier
Cypher: Timothy Olyphant

He's a smug as fuck Chad, fuck him

Olyphant would be a great Cypher actually.

Keanu Reeves is NOT white

>turned it down
It was turned down by both parties after he insisted on having Neo be a smooth talking ladies man like all the other characters Smith plays.

he's a shitty actor

if they are gonna get a dindu, it should be someone who can actually act and isn't cheesy

Is Warner becoming the new Sony? Goddamn it's one shit idea after the other.
At least Kong was good.

was 30 years ago
Are... are you okay user?

Mate, they're all the same shit.

>I miss late 90s hopefully they'll bring back...
They won't. Have you seen the Ghost in the Shell trailers? This will probably be like that, vaporwave shit, holograms, Steve Aoki dubstep mix of the original soundtrack

These Mutha Fucka's can dodge bullets!?!?!


>At least Kong was good.
hell no fite me

It's what you fucking get for not paying money to see Pacific Rim

Haha hva faen.

What's the point of watching a remake, especially that of a movie that came out like 18 years ago only and that was already good enough in the first place? I don't get why anyone is interested in remakes/reboots. I mean I get why they make them, it's because people watch them, but why do people watch them? What's the appeal?

Tbh I just want this so early 2000's goth girls make a resurgence. Health goth was too tame and self contained.

Keanu earned his place since he was the first guy to play Neo back when it was original enough.

There have been 3 different spiderman actors in three different franchises within the past decade.
Hollywood has been a lost cause for a while.

God jul, ditt beist

Oh god dammit is Hollywood this creatively fucking bankrupt? They're not even good enough, or old enough, to warrant a damn reboot.

I can't imagine them remaking this and not making it like 90% shitty action whereas the original was more like 30%.

>18 years ago
Fuck I'm old...

>What's the appeal?
Nothing really, its just safer to reheat established properties than try something new.
Hollywood is a pure business worried about risk management, despite self-important actors and directors making speeches about it being "art."

People like familiar more than quality too, its why McDonald's is everywhere, its not that its good, its that people know it and are more likely to go there than some hole in the wall hamburger shop.

>Neo is a nigger
>taking the red pill is actually a metaphor for realizing you're a female trapped in a females body and "waking up to the real world" is all boiled down to a mentally disabled faggot working up the """Courage"""" to cut his dick off and wear a dress

It will sweep the Oscars.

Og godt nyttår.

I don't know if I would like that, the 2000s were a different time. A new goth resurgence would just mean a bunch of basic poser girls dressing goth because it's trendy, for tumblr and instagram.

>Zak Penn

I love Zak Penn, but he is a studios bitch. He will bend over and do whatever he is told to make executives happy. He has no conviction or integrity and is a yes man. He Is really clever and great at fan service, I just know tho, this movie is being factory made.

>Oh god dammit is Hollywood this creatively fucking bankrupt?
I wish people would stop acting outraged about this as if it's some sudden turn and just accept it and boycott their shit.
People have been saying this for almost two decades for fuck's sake.
It has and will only keep getting worse.


Shit. You are right I completely forgot about the transgender plot. Although they say the Wachowskis are not involved in this? So that plot may not happen, no black (but in his mind, white? asian?) transsexual Matrix.





At least people are vocal about it though, more than before. It's a slow step by step thing but hopefully it will lead to a massive boycott eventually. Let's hope.

You're not wrong. I'm just jealous cause I'm the youngest in my family by 16 years and I got to see my brother bring home hot goth girls all the time but I was still in elementary school.

>A guy who is exclusively involved in making movies targeted primarily at children
I won't even pirate this shit, simply on principle.
You gotta draw the line somewhere.

I hardly ever go to the movies anymore, so Im doing my part

Michael B. Jordan IS


Switch was already a transgender subplot. They just never ended up expounding on it.
No. People have always been vocal about it, you just haven't noticed. The process is literally still born. It will go nowhere.

And Oracle played by bald Kristen Stewart

5 bucks says they'll go overboard with the hacking shit and NuNeo will start doing Dr Strange/Inception shit with the city to avoid Agents. Or better yet, everyone who is free from the Matrix is a minority and all agents are white


>it's another pol queens get triggered thread

you faggots are lucky you're occasionally funny or I'd delete this crap site from my bookmarks

You're still voicing your outrage and spreading news about the movie, which means giving them free pr.
If you genuinely don't want to help them, respond to all of this shit both online and in real life with a simple "I have no interest in it." if you absolutely have to say something.

Profiting off of manufactured outrage is just one of their latest and most successful marketing strategies.

>King Kong
>Not black

I know what you mean. I remember when I was 12 or so and watched the third Matrix movie in the theatre. I went to some hidden theatre in a place where a lot of goths would hang out. I had never been there before and seeing so many older girls (and guys) with that style blew my mind. As I got older the style (that wasn't popular enough anyway) very soon faded away of course.
I have no real reason to say this but somehow I feel like the 2020s will have something cool like the late 90s/2000s. It's just a hunch.

>Or better yet, everyone who is free from the Matrix is a minority and all agents are white
All of this shit was already in the original trilogy.

This is going to reboot the shitty sunglasses/trenchcoat/leather fad for teenagers isnt it?

Why are the trans Wachowskis getting marginalized by Warner's? They were good enough to direct The Matrix when they were men, but now they transitioned, they are completely looked over for a reboot of the unique world they created.

We should get this message out. Having the Wachowski's direct this will ensure a complete catastrophe.

Yeah but Neo, Trinitity, and a few others were white, Im talking banging on your head obvious diversity pandering


But I ain't even too mad because any and all sequels to The Matrix were shit

Just sick of cinematic universes, I'd rather read a good book about lore then pay for this

>I'm old...
How old

What? You don't really believe they're going to go with the Neo-"nazi"/religious cleric outfit do you?
Say hello to your nu-neo.



*sosse-toddy skål*