'The Matrix' Reboot in the Works at Warner Bros

just fuck my legacy up


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>"This needs to be modernized even though the only thing that's different now is cell phones."

>lets remake the #2 greatest Sci-Fi film of all time

this is disgusting its like remaking 2001

There's already a thread you pathetic attention seeking sack of shit.

we need to stop this

there's gotta be a way

right guys?

like, killing the actors or the producers or something

>Sources say there is potential interest in Michael B. Jordan to star

fuck off newfag

Everyone had cell phones in the matrix though. Morpheus first contacts Neo on a cell phone. They needed a hard line for some reason.

I say do a TV show and if it's decent spin it off into movies. Couldn't be worse than Reloaded/Revolutions.

remaking 2001 you say...

I say fuck off

I hope they make Neo a strong womyn who wears a hajib.


They want to copy Marvel and SW and do a Morpheous "Origins" Movie.




>Literally a huge universe to play around in
>Instead of coming up with a new story set in it they decide to tell the same old story over again

Can we the asteroid just hit us now?

I think he meant that now all cell phones are smart phones. Thats the only difference

>Laverne Cox as Neo

Cap it.

>"What are you trying to tell me? That I'mma dodge bullets?"
>"No DeMarcus, I'm trying to tell you when you're ready, the police won't even see you"

Matrix rebooted will be one big product placement festival...
smartphones, cars, fashion accessoire companies alike will all ravage this pos....
plus it will get commitee descioned the fuck out of it.....
upcoming retard actors will flock to it....
At this point I would prefer a full Wachoski mental insanity sjw tranny spectacle just for the deranged voyeurism over the normie lame reboot we're about to get

as much as im opposed to a remake of the matrix, it's not like the original didnt have a bunch of black people

Were you listening to me, Gay Black Neo? Or were you looking at the man in the red dress?


No, of all the franchises you could remake I honestly believe the Matrix would suffer the absolute worst from it.

That movie practically defined all of late 90s/early 2000s action and Sci fi, and it wasn't even two decades ago. It has some of the most memorable scenes in film in recent history and hugely affected pop culture. Remaking it so soon after would make its entire effect feel so damn cheapened, and at that point in time effects were good enough that remaking it today would add essentially nothing to the experience (unlike with older films that have been remade), meaning it would likely only be worse in every way. At least wait another decade or two for its influence to have been somewhat forgotten if it really must be resurrected.

Fucking louisiana nigger names

I considered that. But it wouldn't change anything about the movie.

I came to the conclusion that he meant people would be able to get back to the real world on a cell phone in the modern version. I was also basing that on a post in another thread that I believe was him too, which said that now they would be able to use cell phones instead of old fashioned telephones and phone booths.

I believe we are dealing with a person that never watched the movie and doesn't know there were cell phones in 1999

>"You have to let it all go, Neo. Buying every item with a coupon, your weaves, and 5-piece meals from KFC. Free your mind."

The og Matrix had huge product placements with everything from phones, cars to even guns.

true, but I can imagine this one will be on steroids in that regard, as consumer technology is so central in the 'matrix'


I'm sure Hollywood is considering it. Although we can definitely conclude that NEO will be changed to a black male but Trinity will remain a white female.

Gotta get the race mixing quota in somehow!

cant wait for the Hugo Weaving cameo that means nothing and the mid credit sequence with a brief glimpse of Zion. also, forced black protagonist in one of the most diverse movies of its time.

Why? the movie is as good as it can get, why a fucking reboot, fuck!

>one very good movie and two bad ones

who gives a fuck. if it's better than either of the sequels it's a net gain

Damn, too bad DC is doing so terrible otherwise they wouldn't have had to resort to this




Legacy? Meh. Could they honestly get any worse than the last two?

Whoa youtube.com/watch?v=90vMzIehsY4



top kek. you write for tv?