THE FINAL DEFENDER ARRIVES this weekend. The fucking Defenders are almost all here. Get hype, son! *drops mic*

THE FINAL DEFENDER ARRIVES this weekend. The fucking Defenders are almost all here. Get hype, son! *drops mic*

0/10 too many whites

Wait, its this weekend? Reviews arent too encouraging if true. How the fuck do you have poor fight choreography in Iron Fist of all things?
>No costume
>No magic kung fu
>He doesnt kill a dragon
Not in a rush to see it

Holy crap...he is a literal twig

still going with this one shill?

Maybe Jessica Jones' sister will make this guy a costume. She made JJ one. More importantly maybe she'll make herself a costume and look sexy beating up boys.

to bad I canceled my Netflix months ago because of all the faggot shit they are making.

meh don't need netflix to watch their shows, shill on tho

Sorry mister mouse, i stand corrected...this is totally the look of a super human chi infused martial artist superhero.

ok bud, shill on, it'll be great already went thorugh this with you in the last thread but shill on brah, your shifts got to end sooner or later

for what?

This is Gadot levels of not being the right body type. Not saying he should look like a bodybuilder, but he needs more meat on his bones. Also why the fuck is Danny's costume somehow the line? You got Matt running around in a devil suit and you're telling me we cant give Danny a tracksuit and a mask?

who knows? i'm thinking tumbilr at this point, this massive shill raid is obvious and sad w/e the fuck u fgts r from

again, haven't you seen the shows your shilling against? really how fucking dumb are you people? what was any of them wearing first season? faggot shill

Im not completely writing off the show, I'll see it to make final judgement, but reports say he doesnt get his look AT ALL nor do they delve into the magic bullshit besides the fist. I hope I wrong

>but reports say
no they don't, all that's been said is, 'he whitey, he bad' these per-release 'reviews' have been pathetic sjw shit, where are you getting any of this?

You are not looking at what I'm typing. Netflix has been putting up literally so much faggot shit I canceled. Nothing to do with the Marvel stuff.

yea cheers, what does your nf subscription have to do with the show?

Nobody really wants the defenders though. Daredevil slumming with a bunch of D listers. Who asked for that?

Could the guy not have hit the gym even for a month before filming?

>Sharpie tattoo


could you not have just read the comics even a 1/2hr before being paid to post?

What a bland name for a super hero team. Why not just call it, "The Protagonists".

what a bland post for a shill. why not just call it, "Faggots: The Post"?

You do know thats not going to work, right?

Stick to the anti-sjw defense, we have seen the fight sequences, they suck.

Keeping believing that morn, meanwhile a 100 thousand on reddit and tumblr are excited for the team up. But "nonody" means you and 4 other ppl on Sup Forums

Charlie Cox isn't even hype for it and he's on the show

ok shill, you know what your doing, eventually you'll go and cry in the unisex bathrooms until your teamleader comes to console you, or ya know your shift will end. be honest are you happy with this life?

lol what? source?

Fuck Trump for ruining this show.

He does look more obligated than hyped here, I must admit. Poor Charlie...

Well at least Jessica Jones had the decency to cover up her goblin feet for Charlie

Is that what happens in the Marlelshill office?

Damn...sounds sad and faggy, like defending capeshit on Sup Forums.

>I wish I was with the Avengers

why so butthurt shill?

>being in a Russo movie
That would be a downgrade

>My feet hurt.. .Probably not as bad as Krysten Ritter's, but still...
>The Defenders was a mistake

Stylistically but not money wise that's for sure