Will you take care of me, user?

>will you take care of me, user?

I liked Interstellar because they didn't make the mistake of making robots look like humans.

absolutely. Just don't lock me up in an underground facility

Your scriptwriter didn't take care of you, why should I?

No way, I want the mini model


It's a robot bro, it's all good

shes older than 100% of Sup Forumss userbase and even the characters in the same movie

What's the moral of the story, Sup Forums?

bros before hoes



Miss me with that gay shit.


That women are lying manipulative whores, even if they're robot women

You're like that asshole from West World
>its just a machine! Seeeeeee

Not even robot waifus can be trusted.


Now someone shop this and put
in it :3

What's with all of the woman hating?

Women are boring and or unpleasant company, their only benefit is physical attractiveness for sex which is denied to many of the posters.

maybe if they actually knew how to make a move on a woman and not fear rejection they would get some.

It'd help them get laid but they'd still have to interact with female strangers, family, and coworkers. Women are annoying even when some do get you off.

Why is her stomach made of chicken wire?

>Never trusted advanced AI or the idea of them
>This movie reinforced my hatred for AI
>The Borg
>The Geth
>HAL 9000

I swear, if humans go down this path with decades of warnings, it'll just prove how retarded we really are.

The Borg are not AI.

You're just racist against machine learning.

don't trust bitches

that guy was hardly a bro, he was a total asshole and basically kidnapped him.

>that guy was hardly a bro, he was a total asshole and basically kidnapped him.

t. numale

him treating caleb that way was part of the test

Dubs of fucking truth. This man gets it.

Fuck you mate. When the robots come and hold you down, while triple teaming your wife with their giant synthetic phalluses, don't say we didn't warn you.

>Fuck you mate. When the robots come and hold you down, while triple teaming your wife with their giant synthetic phalluses, don't say we didn't warn you.

fuaarrk. now i've got to go find that necron smut pasta

the last 10-20 years have proven that humanity on the whole isn't ever going to be capable of much more than the pompeii graffiti.

>muh dated Terminator views
>implying the machines won't join us in Harmony and enlightenment

You and Elon Musk gtfo

>AI cucks
Faggots like you guys will be the reason why Earth and humans will suffer the same fate as those in the Matrix or Terminator. Even worse, we could end up like the Quarians.

You'll turn these fucking rogue AI scenarios in movies and vidya into self fulfilling prophecy.

Grow up user.
You can't fight the future, and you shouldn't try.

and the alternative is being cheap replaceable slave labor to other humans forever.

It's the way of the future, user. The way of the future.

>all these AI sympathizing cucks
Fucking disgusting. Traitors to humanity.

Person of Interest had a good AI.

Of course it also had a bad AI too, but the good AI was cute

don't create a robot with sophisticated AI and leave sharp objects lying around.

Only dumb AIs like Virgil, no smart AIs like Cortana


humanity blows

real question, why didnt she kill isaac oscar when he went in to tear up the picture she drew? She could kill him and escape with his card, right?