What are some movies where a bright and promising young protagonist falls in with the wrong crowd?

What are some movies where a bright and promising young protagonist falls in with the wrong crowd?

Reefer Madness

What exactly did JonTron do wrong

He said rich niggers kill more than poor whites.

He's recently been kind of politically vocal and he's sorta conservative

Tell the Truth.

He said Wop Hungarian half breeds were white.

>sorta conservative
He's a fucking white nationalist

Which is sort of like conservatism, relative to other positions. IE, sort of conservative.

he revealed that he's friends with sargon of akkad and agrees with everything he says therefore jon is a shitlord who doesnt want muslims invading our countries

He played devil's advocate so much he became the devil. Happens to a lot and isn't the biggest deal but when it dominates so much of your online presence (and you're "famous") then it can kill your image.

What made him such a big deal over the last few days was debating a twitch streamer named Destiny and just not being as used to debates like that as Destiny. Really made him look like a moron to a lot of fans.

Is that the movie where an Iranian shitskin thinks he is white?

>it's ok when Sup Forumse do it but not Sup Forums
Fucking christ you anti/pol/ scum need to get back to Sup Forums


Is that his tribe?

look at this shitty skinned imposter hwite man. beware my hwite brothers the false pretender

Whose? Jontron or Froggo? The answer is no to both, but poor Finn was just blinded by the alluringly sexy world of internet video game commentary, so I am more sympathetic to him. Also, he's adorable and I adore him.

Triggered far leftists.
Lots of autistic screeching going on.

He's not wrong though. Rich black people kill more than poor white people

That's just because poor white people are bad at everything.


So what's going on with that fat piece of shit jon tron or whatever you fucking children call him?

Something about immigrants?

used his video game channel following as a platform to talk about polotics

>stranger things


I'd appreciate it.