Why does Sup Forums never discuss Stranger Things anymore? Where did everyone go?

Why does Sup Forums never discuss Stranger Things anymore? Where did everyone go?

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What is there left to discuss? We're waiting for S2. You're late to the party, faghat.

Stranger Things was boring. I would rather talk about IT.

kill yourself pedofag

Because like every other netflix show it's forgettable mediocrity that gets put into the literal garbage a month after the season has dropped

Kill yourself pedofag

Sup Forums is literally never not flooded with pictures of that little fag. Did you mean actual discussion about the actual show? There are only eight episodes and why would you post that picture?

Where is the goddamn trailer? I'm getting real impatient.

Don't you have scripts you could be rehearsing? Does Anime dubbing not work like that?

kill yourself pedofag

Maybe in a few months, but certainly not before October.

too busy punching people in the face

October is over half a year away... that's quite a bit more than a few months

Relative to all the months there ever were or will be, it's only a few months.

kill yourself pedofag


kill yourself pedofag

Which of those faggots is playing Eddie? Because the Leper is in the movie...

when is the new rick and morty coming out?

They went back, as you should

Jack Dylan Grazer. He's not from Stranger Things. youtube.com/watch?v=lQJJ-BdhUPY

because every time anyone tries to talk about it you fucking fag pedo degenerates post that kid