Cast him

Cast him.

Wesley Snipes

that's...actually pretty good

Idris Elba

D.J. Qualls


This. The GOAT Blade came and went.

talculm /x/

Fucking queers.


If they let him direct the third film like he wanted it would have been way better than edgy trip hop teens and Triple V and the fangcunt shitshow it was.

Wait what was the original plan for the third film?

Blade finds out his mom is alive and is now a vampire queen basically.
Needs to find a cure and by doing so saves the world.
Only Whistler and him couldn't come up with a cure but they did find a "vaccine"
Blade's mom is somehow "Agent 0" or whatever the heck it is called. Basically by killing her it kills all vampires including Blade himself
Blade battles and yadayadayada gets to his mom.
What I think is anticlimactic but maybe it would be kino, Blade doesn't fight his mom. Instead they both watch the sunrise and wither away together

Fuck, that is ridiculously better than the shit we got

Finn Wolfhard


he's far too cute to be blade

kill yourself pedofags

who else?

I don't think Disney cares.

I literally just made that up

Congrats my dude, better than what we got

>le black actor man
Jesus it's kind of scary how he can be the go to for any black main character without competition from any other actors.

donald glover is 33

I think you misread who I responded to

Disney doesn't own blade if I remember correctly

sorry user, kill yourself disgusting faggot

Marvel Studios does.

This overrated old fuck couldn't even do action when he was young

np cunt

>Instead they both watch the sunrise and wither away together

that would have been really good if it weren't already in the ending of 2

Yeah I didn't know how to end it offhand. Blade killing his mom would be shit tier. Same with them finding a vampire antidote

>the go to for any black main character
Like Heimdall and Roland Deschain

fucking cuck

this. Make it so lord kek

>they both watch the sunrise and wither away together
right in the feels man. I don't even remember much of blade 3 except prime biel and notdeadpool

>right in the feels man.
fucking mong

Michael Jai White


So why didn't he open his eyes?

kek. I'm surprised they haven't cast him as the thin white duke yet.

50 isn't too old. He would star in an adult oriented Netflix show not some Feige fag blockbuster made for kids.

Too stoned

A group of CGI nerds.

Too old for a remake, might as well bring the real Blade back if they're going to cast someone that old

Wesley Snipes is an asshole and probably is still very expensive. This is a different continuity than his flicks. If you have a legitimate alternative to Michael Jai White please provide one.

No, fuck off user. I don't want them to ever recast him. That blade tv show was a fucking disgrace.

white bitch boy you make me laugh


just have people mention him as a urban legend in marvel movies and tv. make him the boogeymans boogeyman.

Roiding or just negro genetics?

That is worst fan fiction ever, its impossible for his mom to be the OG vampire when it was clear as daylight there were old as fuck pure bred vampires in the first movie.

I remember reading about it being in the future or something.

That's racist..

keep dreaming cuck

on top of that Michael Jai White knows martial arts like Snipes

plus she died in the first blade

this is the perfect casting for Blade.


Wesley Snipes was perfect casting, they're never going to find someone better.


Him??!!! It's 2017!


she's a worthless cunt, even a progressive like JJ thought she was useless.

Since it is 2017, we have to subvert!

Why is her neck so much darker than her face?

You shitposting fucking faggot, if I find you I will slash your fucking throat.

Why do you think every thread should have to feature someones faggotry user?

*grabs throat*

My fanfixtion

it's garbage user


For you

Ha ha oh my fucking sides, are you for real?

for anyone with standards

Snipes was perfect desu. Of course, he had to go full diva.
