Webm Thread

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What's with the hate for Turks, their women seem fine enough at least.





The woman are great, the men are horrid.





Why can't you post actually interesting webms instead of shitty "hurr durr look at this hawt girl" webms?

Why can't you?



Don't worry, people who post things that might be interesting people complain.



>literal bump
*grabs throat*




Why would I sage a thread that I want to flourish?
I just want to see webms other than the same half-naked girls posted 300x already.

>I just want to see webms other than the same half-naked girls posted 300x already.
PA posted a whole bunch of OC in the last thread and anons were whining about it
You faggots will just complain regardless of what's being posted
So get fucked


Is Pootie Tang /ourguy/?

Yep, I am just posting from my saved folder today since so many where bitching about OC.

That and I am busy.


>post OC and anons whine you're flooding the thread
>post non-OC and anons whine they've seen it before
Can't win mate, it's retarded

how did they get up there if the little one can't fly


Wonder how many anons realize that 80% of the webms posted on tv come from 4-5 anons.

They were born there user
In a nest in the cliff face

The baby bird was born up there.



Nice one.

>Need to watch blood simple again sometime

Good old M. Emmet Walsh
>We need a Southern sheriff for our m-
>Mr Walsh is already in the office sir

Thank goodness for hollow bones

Yep. Also plays a good hitman.

>cool lighting
One nice thing about digital is that low light filming is a thing now.






Yes! Seagal webms pls!

It's the Ides of March today




Nice digits

there's no turks in the OP webm

omg they are such free spirits


>there's no turks in the OP webm

but it's in the filename so naturally I was confused. Plus it's a general question I guess

well the middle one is definitely not a turk any way


they are and she is, the film's name is mustang.

she might play a turk but she 100% does not have turkish DNA IRL judging from her looks

you are not very bright are you?

are YOU?

What movie? It's Kurosawa, right?

Look online you dope

the entire cast is turkish

i know you've been fed some propaganda that only pure west European girls are capable of being attractive but that just isn't the case

i never said that the girls aren't turkish

but cherrypicking won't change the fact that most turkish women are ugly as fuck

>i never said that the girls aren't turkish

>she 100% does not have turkish DNA IRL

that's not me

i just posted the "are YOU?"

>I'm right!
>No, you're retarded.
>I'm right!
>No you're retarded.
>That wasn't me!!!

No, you're retarded.

OP here


Not turkish?

>just can't accept being wrong

>taking someone else's argument
>going "lol it wasn't me" when the previous person gets proven wrong

You're either lying or retarded, but most likely both

just wanted to know if you are smart, since you keep calling other people stupid

wasn't me




What the fuck is his problem?

Emma watson looks good naked.

>Webm unrelated

muh Adriana

is that bathtub webm confirmed? nice nipples if so

I saved your work

*unzips katana*

I appreciate your patrician taste, user

Bathtub photos have, the other one(s) nope.

The Amanda Seyfried stuff is the real score in my opinion. That pic of her on the bed is going to be a fap favorite for a while.

>on all fours looking back at the dog

when you're right, you're right.

God that's terrible

Do they think putting in so many cuts covers up the fact that the men could've just easily shot her at any moment?

Mean Girls is a classic

Thank you


Indeed, some of those are just amazing. She gets the melissa benoist award

I wanna swallow Amanda's eyeballs metaphorically

It probably has some more really webmable moments, I need to rewatch it


Lima posters - 2003 Victoria's Secret show is PEAK Lima imo.

That last album could've been better tho

leave my AY waifu alone

Is this movie worth the watch? Looked interesting from the trailers but a few bad reviews turned me off to it

I will add it to my to-do list

I said metaphorically! Seriously, they're gorgeous doe-like eyes that every woman should come kitted with.

It's a really fun spy caper, the finale gets a bit wonky but overall there's great buddy chemistry between Armie Hammer and Cavill (this movie really is a good push for him to be Bond), hot babes like Elizabeth Debicki and a great soundtrack.

I really recommend it, and you can bust my balls later if you don't like it.


its a fun movie
