Can someone explain Mel Gibson to me?

I am Jewish
>Inb4 can you please make me Jewish too.

I just had a massive argument with my other Jewish friend who said that he refuses to watch any Mel Gibson movie.

I told him that I dont think Mel Gibson is really an antisemite just someone that got fucking wasted and said the wrong thing.

can Sup Forums help me out here?

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I am but a helpless goyim. Please make me jewish too

Naah gibson is probably actually antisemetic. You cant be so drunk that you make an entire movie about the jewish devil. I dont think he hates black people tho. Personally it doesnt bother me cuz apocalypto and Passion are both gud movies.

pls give me a qt jewish gf

We're all anti-ashkenazi here. Nothing against semites, though. Assyria will rise again!

Indeed, he was unfortunate to say truths about jews when wasted. In reality he should've hide them still.


Mel Gibson is kind of antisemetic so you're wrong on that front but your friend is also an idiot

Why do you think anti Semitic is the worst thing on earth?
You realize you're fed the image that you're the chosen people? Any other person who would claim such a thing would be branded

He's an Irish American hardliner catholic

he is anti-semitic.

I feel like Gibson is probably antisemetic, though not as antisemetic as his ranting would lead you to believe.

Anyway, I have jewish family, and they all love Gibson. Tell your friend to chill out.

I cant believe the blatant anti-semitism on this board. I thought this was a place to discuss film and televisions

I like the black Israelites, even if I am the white devil.
Hatred is funny

Well, nobody is more jewish than Jackie Mason. Let's see what he has to say:

Seriously, as a recovering alcoholic, I definitely said shit that was way worse than anything Gibson said (or at least that he's been caught saying). I think I would really just say whatever I thought would hurt people the most. If I knew the person, I would say personal things. If I didn't, I'd call them a nigger, kike, faggot, whatever. I also got beaten up a lot, and friends told me it seemed like I was trying to get people to attack me --I don't really remember. But I know some of Gibson's friends have expressed the same idea about him-- that he was subconsciously tryinig to ruin himself or get himself killed or something

Anyway, alcohol and drugs are a hell of a drug.

Gibson is an oldschool catholic, before the "new catholic" shit.

I hope you fucking jews get swallowed by a rightious inferno you nation destroying rats.

Jesus wanted to die and it all went according to plan (I mean this regardless of whether Jesus was real or fictional). Mel simply made a story accurate to the book.

What's the "new catholic"?

>I dont think Mel Gibson is really an antisemite
Dude, he called Winona Ryder an "oven dodger" back in the 90s

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?


everything after Vatican II

Oh... yeah I don't like Pope Francis either.

There's another website for you that starts with reddi and ends with kill yourself. Go there

he probably has some *interesting* views on a lot of things. getting drunk and going nuts certainly didn't make him any more likeable. But at least we know his bad side. separate the artist from the art. tell your friends to chill out and stop holding grudges

He's more Australian more than he is Irish.


> oven dodger

>Dude, he called Winona Ryder an "oven dodger" back in the 90s

But is he wrong though?

Apocalypto is a good movie, yes.

There's nothing wrong with being a moderate anti-Semite

Don't forget he's a manlet.

The only things winona ever dodged were security guards.

Was caught drunk driving which tends to cause death and injury to others - no problem

Said mean things - OMG total monster

>regardless of whether Jesus was real or fictional

There's no doubt that historically a man named Jesus was real. He is not fictional.

Outrageous. Next thing you know he'll be associating with Samaritans.

>I am Jewish

No he really isn't...He's Irish and American. Stay mad Aussie fucks.

>Irish Mother
>His first, and Middle name are literally named after Irish saints and mythology
>Irish American dad.
>Irish Citizenship
>Has house here and spends months on end each year in Ireland.

It's safe to say he's a proper Irish American.

Get lost Kangaroo.

Kikes on my board? Disgusting. Leave immediately, you blood-sucking heeb scum

You condescending little kike, you know Passion is a good movie, but you don't even address it in your post. You simply ignore it, thereby implying that it is not good. I've read the Jewish book of tricks, so I know exactly how you think. You Jew rat!

he's a father archetype for the fatherless altright naziwannabe manchilds raised by 4chin while mama worked 18 hour days in the wafflehouse amerikuks

its SAD


He always had an itching for it, but it's funny because the anti-Semitic accusations happened before the outbursts. I really think all the talk about him being one made him truly become anti Semitic.

Saying the passion is anti Semitic is dumb

I know you're a filthy jew rat because the four threads you've used this image in were kike related, and of course you were defending the mikes

I don't like their legalistic word play. Sometimes the Jews just don't have any self awareness so it's not really their fault I guess.

>We're all anti-ashkenazi here. Nothing against semites

said who ? same shit to me me
fuck them and fuck you too

It's because Arabs are Semites too, you're right, fuck them all.

>Arabs are Semites
They're not you idiot.

That was according to Winona Ryder, a known checkout dodger. I wouldn't give her word much stock.

Why does it bother you if someone is an "antisemite"?

Do you think only jewish people should have the freedom to like or dislike other people?

not him but they kinda are tho breh