Was he real?

Was he real?

Other urls found in this thread:


no one cared who he was until he put on the mask

He is realer than you.

Yes, but Sup Forums doesn't care about him because he is a white criminal.
Sup Forums autists will chimp out if you even suggest that whites commit the same crimes as blacks.

He never got his delegates

Yet this topic was started... on Sup Forums

The murders might also have had something to do with it

Notice how the reddit wing of Sup Forums just recently started to lash out against anyone to "counter Sup Forums boogeymen" no matter the thread content.

It's like they don't feel in charge anymore.

yeah he goes by the name ted cruz

does he sell propane and propane accesories?

>tumblr reddit memes

Honestly you need to go back

Ted Cruz's dad

muh sekrit club

Don't pollute this place with your stolen garbage memes and we'll be square

oh sweetie, have a soft spot in your wittle heart? ;)

>going the "act like a condescending mom" route

Pretty played out, was hoping for something original but oh well. Shouldn't expect much from tourists.

Absolute Mad Man!


>wanting original memes on Sup Forums
>the same board that spams Bane? For 5 years

Holy Mother of all Reddit!

Definitely. One of his victims survived.

>On September 27, 1969, Pacific Union College students Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard were picnicking at Lake Berryessa on a small island connected by a sand spit to Twin Oak Ridge. A man approached them wearing a black executioner's-type hood with clip-on sunglasses over the eye-holes and a bib-like device on his chest that had a white 3"x3" cross-circle symbol on it. He approached them with a gun, which Hartnell believed to be a .45. The hooded man claimed to be an escaped convict from Deer Lodge, Montana, where he had killed a guard and stolen a car, explaining that he needed their car and money to go to Mexico. He had brought precut lengths of plastic clothesline and told Shepard to tie up Hartnell, before he tied her up. The killer checked, and tightened Hartnell's bonds after discovering Shepard had bound Hartnell's hands loosely. Hartnell initially believed it to be a weird robbery, but the man drew a knife and stabbed them both repeatedly. The killer then hiked 500 yards back up to Knoxville Road, drew the cross-circle symbol on Hartnell's car door with a black felt-tip pen, and wrote beneath it: "Vallejo/12-20-68/7-4-69/Sept 27–69–6:30/by knife."[18][19]

>After hearing their screams for help, a man and his son who were fishing in a nearby cove discovered the victims and summoned help by contacting park rangers. Napa County Sheriff's deputies Dave Collins and Ray Land were the first law enforcement officers to arrive at the crime scene.[21] Cecelia Shepard was conscious when Collins arrived, providing him with a detailed description of the attacker. Hartnell and Shepard were taken to Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa by ambulance. Shepard lapsed into a coma during transport to the hospital and never regained consciousness. She died two days later, but Hartnell survived to recount his tale to the press.[22][23]

He started committing the murders around the time he put on the mask.


It wasn't too bad before Larry Wilmore completely ruined the joke at the White House dinner.

regret checking in his name on the ballot? ;)


Not really. Based Ted has redeemed himself in general election arc. Too bad he became a secondary character in the next installments.

Would you like to go upstairs and check?

why didn't Zodiac raped her?
was he a fag?

What is the point of the ellipses after "two little girls"? It makes that sentence sound unnecessarily creepy.

1) this thread is on Sup Forums and it talking about a supposed white criminal you fucking retard
2) whites don't commit the same crimes as blacks, but they do commit crimes (just not nearly as much in regards to population size and their crimes aren't as petty)
3) this isn't reddit

He wasn't into such mundane deeds.

Police at the time theorized that.

They theorized a lot of things about him.

Citation needed for your outrageous claims faggot.
Inb4 some faggot colour of crimes pamphlet.

>/pol is one person

Actually there may be a serial killer right now in the DC last few moths 10 women went missing all young black females but you no mainstream media report it.
True story

Probably drug or prostitute related gang killings.

there were two survivors, Mike Mageau survived as well

looks like crashing this post with no survivors wasn't part of his plan

No, he's a cartoon character created by Mike Judge

this pic makes me feel bad about him
he always seems uncomfortable because he's afraid he might do or say something wrong and be misunderstood, reminds me of myself

>based ted
You mean he sensed which way the wind was blowing and adjusted accordingly. Generic politician #35746830