Mfw someone actually found Goofy sexually attractive enough to produce offspring with him

>Mfw someone actually found Goofy sexually attractive enough to produce offspring with him


>metaphors for Americans

Goofy managed to sort his life out besides his ugliness, and have a kid while you're still virgin and shitposting on this website.
Really makes you think.

>played pro sports
>olympic champ
goofy was a stud

goofy is pretty likable

Because he has a good soul

At least his son is full-black too so his mother isn't a coal-burning whore.

with how clumsy and retarded he is you just know he is sporting a fucking hog.

Max? Eh not so much.

Why can't Pluto talk but Goofy can despite both being dogs?

Pluto is an alien dog

BIG goofy dog dick

Pluto is the retarded sibling of the family

Different but similar species. Sort of like the difference between chimps and humans.

Whoever it was, she's also already dead.

Goofy is the only of the big Disney chars to have actual children of his own. Donald and Mickey have nephews.

Goofy is GOAT.

>son named Max
>hes a kool 90s kid who skateboards

Goofy used to be a normal person and had a healthy relationship but after his wife was murdered his life went into a downward spiral.

Seriously, his dick is enormous. That's why Peg's always after him.

So the goofs are like the niggers of the dog world?

How the fuck is he cool? He gets bullied hard.

"90s cool" is a character type regardless.

this is why I never watched this shit

it was worth watching for Pete and his family

How long did max have to wait before fucking Roxanne?

when in doubt, bbc did it

>his name is goofy
>he's a goof

>Pro-sports star with a murdered wife
Was Goofy OJ Simpson of the Disney universe?

The only reason Peg banged Pete was because of his dick.

Goofy was tall as fuck.

So girls probably interpreted him as sweet or 'quirky' rather than disgusting or unappealing.

Pete is actually "fat" because of all the dick stored inside him. he looks moderately atracctive when achieving an erection

Goofy was never disgusting
He was just a silly man who happened to have a good heart and above average looks

Well, didn't Sean Penn also have a daughter in I Am Sam!?

and who could forget the classic Forrest "Tard Pump" Gump

a prostitute yeah

Don't ask questions when you're not ready for the answer.


For girls, at least in murrica, silly means disgusting because it's not considered masculine. Whether or not he actually was is irrelevant.

goofy is a toplad

Why can't a monkey talk but humans can despite both being primates?

>No "It's Pete time" posting yet

they banged immediately after the end credits


Was it rape?