Do you think he killed?

Do you think he killed?

He killed these dubs that's for sure

Of coursh!

>Trying to have an American Psycho discussion here
That's about as realistic as me getting trips, check em.

check m8

he is a method actor

What dubs?

Haven't watched it in a while but I'll check again next time I watch it. Meanwhile, you guys can check these

Check em

The author and the director both intended him to have killed, so yeah.

Fuck wrong picture let me try this again


You don't get to bring dubs

check these

If i get dubs will you die ?

third times a charm perhaps?

>repeating digits

It would be extremely painful

Ur a big goy


For You

Let's see Paul Allen's dubs

Not very impressive, not very nice...

Was getting singles part of your plan ?

See that colouring? That's DUBS




witness here


can we actually talk about the movie for a change instead of just posting about these dubs?

Did Paul Allen really die? Did Bateman actually use Paul's apartment or was that all just in his head?

pottery, bravo nolan

No discussion my friends, only digits

Dubs is and always has been a shit meme

Fuck off

I-It's not like I w-want dubs, b-baka

Probably not

Check my 3

>all these bozos who can't get dubs

your just jelly of my digits, check em


you guys are amateurs

check em