Could we see Watchmen in DCU?

>Snyder established this foundation so building on it makes sense
>Snyder's vision keeps the tone consistent
>Watchmen occured in the 80's
>Silk Specter and Night Owl pass mantles to younger proteges for their third incarnations
>Dr. Manhattan can be the Phase 2 villain after Darkseid
>Manhattan was villain in comics so there is a basis to it
>inb4 Comedian and Batman's dad are the same actor because those characters are dead anyhoo

shut up nerd

I actually want this to happen. Would be insane. Holy fucking shit


manlets get riled up pretty easily don't they

I think it could. I'd be interested to see if Superman could take on Manhattan.

Maybe Manhattan could be the cause of other metahumans popping up ie: radiation

did they ever do more with the Watchmen in the DC comics?

Yes, all reports say it was awful but I never read it

What become of that story? I didn't follow it

Would be worth making just to see Manhattan in cinema again, and taking on other superpowered characters.

Still to be continued

>In September 2016, DC announced the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad miniseries for release in December 2016 through January 2017,[12] which would "reintroduce a supervillain that hasn't been seen for some time." Johns called the story in the miniseries "another building block to 'Rebirth’" and would "set the stage for ‘Rebirth’ Phase 2" with the reemergence of "a surprising team... and another piece of the puzzle of the future of the DC Universe, and the past, [coming] into focus."[13] The second phase of Rebirth will begin in February 2017, with the launch of Justice League of America, Super Sons and Batwoman.[14] In January 2017, DC announced the four issues storyline "The Button" for release in April and May 2017. Taking place in issues 21 and 22 of Batman and The Flash, the storyline continues plot elements from the DC Universe: Rebirth Special with Batman and Barry Allen investigating the mystery of the Comedian's smiley face button found in the Batcave.[15] Shortly after, DC revealed that in April 2017, all of the monthly titles releasing at the time (Batgirl, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, Batman Beyond, Batwoman, Blue Beetle, Cyborg, The Hellblazer, New Super-Man, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Super Sons, Supergirl, Superwoman, Teen Titans, Titans, and Trinity), would increase their price to US$3.99,[16] with All-Star Batman continuing to maintain its US$4.99 price.[17] To account for the price increase, each physical copy will come with a code to redeem a free digital copy of the title. DC also indicated that the bi-monthly titles would stay at the US$2.99 price point.[16]

dr manhattan vs justice league + avengers + x men

would it be the ultimate peak of capekino?

it'd be a mess, in terms of narrative and bodycount

Leave Manhattan to me.

Avengers vs X-Men I could see happening. Dark Phoenix will the cause of it. She will threaten the multiverse ie: specifically MCU

somehow after years of jew wrangling they got the rights to Spiderman so it's possible

>slavsilver gets brought back to life and races NEETsilver

>actual capeshit comics takes years to move a story beyond one scene

Too powerful

>after years of jew wrangling
Sony is hemorrhaging money so bad it leased the property back to marvel for shekels.

Wasn't there posters for Batman or the Flash in the intro montage to Watchmen?

Snyder dressed as Nite Owl saves Batman's parents

As in, people started wearing costumes like comic book characters?

Watchmen is a standalone universe. Its a real take on this silly comic book world of theirs (Batman and the rest).

err.. they can digitally remove these

They did a prequel series about a decade ago that was very poorly received and the OP image is from the recent DC reboot in which is being heavily implied that after Dr. Manhattan fucks off at the end of Watchmen he started playing god in the DC universe.

Isn't Watchmen supposed to be set in a universe where batman never happened as implied by this intro sequence

>implying the Crisis isn't real
>implying this isn't Zack Snyder's endgame

I believe it. It will blow everyone's mind, especially if Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell show up

Snyder wouldn't deign to spit on the DC TV cast if they were on fire.