*turns to camera*

*turns to camera*

OP thinks this is a good thread. I'll humor him. For now.

Thanks for the bump, friend :^)

now it's a great thread

What are some times you acted like Frank Underwood?

I caught my flatmates watching this today

It was cringey as fuck

*looks at camera

When the neighbour's dog took a shit on my lawn.

isn't it ironic that the first few episodes were the only good episodes?

based fincher

Season 1 was alright, it got worse when the wife started getting more screen time.

>"Trump amirite"

>naow ah'd neva say that to mah waayf clayya, or ah'd be dumped faster than a truckload of peaches on a hot summa's day

The first season was great for his accent but in later ones it's all over the place.

I love that accent though. Best of the Southern group. Dropping the r is the best thing. Having a hard r while also having a Southern accent just makes it sound like trailer trash.

Read it in his voice

>Frank will never h'whip your boihole

Why live?

*rubs finger on sweaty taint and smells it*

Those fabulous 4th wall breaks are the best thing about the entire show

Somebody post the pasta with the robot acting like frank

I cringe every single time, the fuck is wrong with you

>Now this guy thinks he's pretty big. But down south, bein big ain't the only thing that matters. He's only got one horse in this race and he's runnin straight to my own glue factory. No survivors, indeed.

Does he even get to do a 4th wall break in call of duty?

You don't cast Spacey and pay big bucks for him to not do his signature move

I fucking love this show, can't wait for season 5
Might rewatch it
Literally best netflix kino
What are some other pollitical kinos? Designated survivor is quite mediocre.
I've hear The Tudor is good.

>tfw waiting for someone to post the Frank pasta you wrote a couple years ago that usually shows up in these threads

>flirting with girl on craigslist
>we meet at my favourite restaurant
>she's positively rotund, a good 100 lb heavier than i anticipated. i cannot abide smoke and mirrors, especially in the realm of carnality
>i order mcribs
>she starts blathering about her tedious life
>look away and roll my eyes several times
>”w-whats the matter user? do i have something on my face?”
>look into the distance
>”as they used to say in gaffney, ‘you can't put lipstick on a pig’ - though there is an exception to every rule.”
>resume eye contact
>"what... the fuck? you're fatter than i am!”
>”do you think i’m a hypocrite? well, you should. i wouldn't disagree with you. the road to power is paved with hypocrisy. and casualties. never regret.”
>tap knuckles twice on table and jog away

Wolf Hall is awesome; it's basically a classier version of The Tudors, with arguably one of the greatest central performances in screen history from Mark Rylance.

>Wife wants to play a larger role, even when she's alrighty first lady, wants to work as UN Chief Signaller of Virtue or whatever too because obviously you'd have enough time to do both
>Frank lets her
>Immediately gets caught in NotPutins snafu
>Blames Frank and leaves him


Yeah, his accent went way off the rails. I don't know what happened, because it seemed like he had it down in most of season 1, with only the occasional slip up.

I stopped watching at the cuck thing in late season 2, which was a gradual downhill, the BLACKED moment being if anything comical. Did I miss anything or should I just pretend it ended after season 2 episode 1?

I like Kevin Spacey and I like 4th wall breaks?

Strong independent women Claire has ruined this show. RIP

Like clockwork

>*turns to camera*

That's me.
You're probably wondering how I got in this mess.
Well it all started...

i don't know why i've stuck with this shit show for so long. i really wanted s4 to be the end.

I feel like the buildup to him getting the presidency was the apex of the show. I'm in S3 now and it sucks. I should probably stop.

S1 was watchable at best. Kept getting worse.

what's his endgame?

To cuck the president

Cuck the biggest cucker. Become ultimate cuck, no, ultimate cucker.

In all seriousness, this show is embarrassing and edgy-wannabe.

>Is the president a cuck if he cucks his wife and generally not care about her sexually, but allows the new-ME:A-protagonist-looking writer to fuck his wife.

>muh ribs

who /threechum/ here

Would you vote for President Underwood?

I'lll humor you. For you.

No, he's a vile, lying sociopath with no real principles whatsoever
So that wouldn't stop America

that might actually be on purpose

IIRC, his accent gets stronger when he's on the campaign trail/was back in his district. Living in DC all those years he probably lost a lot of his drawl in practice, but plays it up in front of the right voters

Just like Bill Clinton

>be handed a comfy white house job
>fug yo charity racist cracka, I am not yo negro

Fuckthis show. I couldn't even get past the first five minutes where he explains to the audience how his mercy killing of a dog represents his ruthless and pragmatic ambition. Thanks Frank, I never would've gotten that subtext without you

pretending to be friends with a pos like frank just wasn't worth it

can't blame him

>tap knuckles twice on table and jog away
I laugh every time.