Is this any good?

Is this any good?

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The only kino anime


No. Retard.

The best anime, fight me.


DBZ is actually a solid series, nostalgia aside. Each arc ranges from great to good.

Just watch DBZ Kai until the Cell saga.
Its all downhill from Buu onward...

Dragon Ball is best. Z is good, but very long.

This guy gets it. Dragon ball is nice and tight, with some great animation snuck in there (when tien and goku fight at the tournament)
DBZ drags on way to fucking much.

That is why Kai is a thing.
Besides, the only arc that drags is the Buu one...

kai blows. They changed kid Gohan's voice actor and made him sound like shit.

Dragon Ball's main attraction is it's nostalgia, the story or characters aren't actually good because the creators repeat the same arcs throughout the plot, but with just a different colored antagonist

Voice acting and no Faulconer ruin it for me.

No. If you want a shonen for straight people, watch yu yu hakusho.

Super is good currently, the Future Trunks/Goku Black saga was great. And the current world tournament just got back into how the animation used to be like plus Gohan is about to be a straight up badass again.

Original Dragonball is a god tier adventure anime with action catalysts to keep the plot moving

DBZ is a top tier action anime but has a lot of points where it drags on way too long

DB Super is pretty shit for the movie-recap arcs, watch the movies instead (Resurrection F is pretty mediocre there too), then it starts to improve with the tournament arc, and currently is pretty decent, but not quite DBZ tier yet.

The only instance when Falconer soudtrack is better than the original japanese one is during Goku's first SSJ3 transformation. That scene was on another level compared to the original due to the dub and falconer music.

>has a lot of points where it drags on way too long

Are you implying Goku and Piccolo getting drivers licenses isn't extremely crucial to the overall plot?

SSJ3, Vegeta's theme, and Gohan's theme on the Kai homeworld are all incredible.

Nah that's god tier filler. More so pic related

I'll have to power up first

It's a single episode, who the fuck cares. Let's not pretend that all other anime don't have shit like that.

For a shounen anime?
Dragon Ball is great. Dragon Ball Z drops off a lot after the Frieza Saga so that's a good stopping point but if you don't mind the transition from martial arts and techniques to power levels then the rest of Z is still perfectly watchable.

For anime as a whole.
Eh, kinda.
It's nowhere near the true anime kino in terms of writing and art direction like Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Tenshi no Tamago, etc. but it's a series that has had a lot of impact on the medium and needs to be respected for that. It's not like it isn't entertaining.


>Dragon Ball Z drops off a lot after the Frieza Saga so that's a good stopping point

>stopping before Cell and the androids

Buu is best stopping point.


>watching shirtless men fighting
Literally gay

Would recommend dragon ball super as well if only for Beerus and Whis scenes.

Not as good as this god-tier villain except the Mary sue ending. FUCK

Meh. The Japanese music that played when Goku was done with his transformation makes the scene for me. Although he got Vegeta's final flash better than the japs

You might as well finish it then. Buu has super hero Gohan.

Daily reminder Zamasu did nothing wrong

A recolored Supreme Kai?

But the Cell saga is the best saga.
It surpasses Freeza saga in any way.

That Gohan drama at the end is pure kino.

>Gohan is not like you, Goku
>right now he is probably asking himself why his father has abandoned him!

only thing that really annoyed me was the inconsistent animation. sometimes you'd get really movie like quality:

other times it looks like it was drawn by a 12 year old.

There is a natural progression up until Frieza (I'm aware Toriyama was making it up as he went along but he did a good job). Goku beats up all the baddies on earth, then goes to space and beats the evil space emperor who is the strongest in the universe. Toriyama intended to end here, originally.

Android Saga and Cell Saga marks the point where the powerlevels get out of hand, the plot becomes increasingly reliant on asspulls for tension and introduces villains with regeneration meaning they have to be beaten by energy attacks and so the martial arts that made Dragon Ball so enjoyable become increasingly redundant in favour of getting your power as high as possible and firing off as big a laser as you can manage.
Cell is fun, but he's also just not a very good character compared to Frieza.

I'm not saying Android Saga and Cell Saga are trash, they're decent, but I maintain their a significant drop-off in quality from DBZ up until that point.

Buu saga left all the Gohan fags with blue balls.

>all those episodes hyping up Gohan
>he finally fights Buu
>its amazing
>he gets absorbed in the next episode for some dumb plot device so Goku can save the day again

Fuck this gay earth.

It's to make them relate to Piccolo.

Who is the worst character, and why is it Son Goku?

He's potentially GOAT again in the upcoming arc. Only had to wait 15 years


Goku is only bad when oversused in an arc.
He was perfect for Freeza and Cell saga, when he wasn't the focus all the time...

>yfw that entrance

I have no choice then.

No. Read the Dragon Ball manga, and stop when it changes to Dragon Ball Z.

Watch it up until the conclusion of the Freiza saga. Then turn it off and pretend that was the end.

Only plebs watch the anime. Stick to the manga. The anime is such a poor adaptation that I'm stunned anyone could recommend it.

It can't be that different.

The first Broly movie has some of the best music of the series in the original, and the dub replaced it with shitty Pantera and other similar shit, it's like watching those Linkin Park or Drowning Pool mash-ups with DBZ that BRs keep putting on Youtube to be edgy.

This is how you hype up a fight properly.
Tension, stakes, character, awesome music, great reactions from the watching audience, superb one-liners.

>fight you? no, I wanna kill you

Gohan >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goku.

Why are normies suddenly pretending to like DBZ?

But Drowning Pool literally did the music for Cooler's Revenge.

In the dub, replacing once again music that was way better suited. I mean there are fucking edgy throaty lyrics singing over dialogue in the Broly movie, that shit is adsolute horseshit and detracts from the actual scene which is supposed to convey a feeling of desperation.

Dragon Ball is better than DBZ.

No, but it is a "classic". Just watch the Kai version or better yet watch an entertaining series with TFS abridged version.

OR better yet- watch Hunter x Hunter, the best shonen that surpases DBZ in every way.

This is the original Broly theme btw, shit so cash.

You must have watched shounen anime exclusively to have an opinion like that.

>nostalgia aside
DB was a great series DBZ on the other hand was just ok.

Even then it isn't the best shonen. It's not the best in it's genre, let alone the best anime

Compared to this at 3:18

What a shit dub.

Hokuto no Ken>Hunter x Hunter> Dragonball>Jojo>DBZ

Digimon Tamers is the best shounen, fight me.

It's such a wonderful thing. At some point it must have been decided that the best man to pen the next series of Digimon, a series ostensibly for children, was Chiaki J. Konaka best known for writing Serial Experiments Lain and this was a thing that happened.

Am I the only one who preferred Cell over Freiza
I watched Kai recently, which I understand cuts out a lot of fluff, and the fight with Frieza from beginning to end feel like it took an eternity longer than it needed to. I respect the fact that Cell was beaten at a brisk pace, and that he was a much more entertaining character than Frieza

almost everyone agrees with that, the androids, future trunks, cell, gohans rise to super saiyan, vegeta in general. its all perfect

The buildup to frieza is what makes him a great character, from Nappa and Vegeta on earth to Vegeta even being afraid of him, until he uses his wits to undermine him on Namek and the unlikely alliance between him, Gohan and Krillin to confront Ginue and his gang. The characters and their evolution was unmatched throughout the whole series.

I really wish their final fight wasn't rushed. Merged Zamasu was really great man

At least Future Trunks got the last real blow.

You're in a minority.
Most people say it drops off after the Frieza saga.

Cell just isn't as good as a villain. He's basically just Frieza again, a smug guy- except Frieza had more backstory and character.

At least Boo was his own thing (before he became another smug guy).

Im gonna get shit on but Dragon Ball > Z

>he says as he posts on an anime website

You're not, that's factually correct and the only people who disagree are people who have never seen Dragon Ball or nostalgia-fags who grew up watching DBZ on TV and still watch it dubbed to this day.

There's lots of filler, and even when they're doing plots from the manga they insanely draw it out.

What an original opinion.

I just rewatched it over a few weeks. it really went full retard during that last saga, not surprising they never made another season of DBZ.

I'm gonna get downvotes for this but DB >>>> DBZ

dragon ball is so much better than dragon ball z (and all of the other iterations of the series)

DB >>>>>>>>>>>> DBZ >> DB Super >> DB GT
Dragon Ball is actually a good anime, the others are built on pure nostalgia

It's more like:

DB>Saiyan Saga to Frieza Saga DBZ>>>The rest of DBZ

Dragon Ball is the only anime that Chads have watched

My fucking niggas

it has birthed a lot of autism so not sure.

Do you like the origin story of Superman, stolen references of Journey To The West with retarded power scaling unheard of before? Then enjoy DBZ. Its good for people that don't know better

Most enjoyable both on nostalgia and pure entertainment.
Best overall? Nah. Try Legend of Galatic Heroes, Bebop or FMA Bro.

This. And Bulma's original VA was better.
Also the Jap music is the superior choice over that shitty electronic garbage.

> Frieza had more backstory and character
> Generic evil space emperor

If there's one thing Dragon Ball Z lacked of was depth to their villains. They were all more or less "I blow shit up because I can. I'm so strong". And Cell looked way cooler than Frieza

Sup Forums isn't for discussion of anime, like Sup Forums isn't for politics, you don't ask tech questions in Sup Forums and /lit/ is for philosophy and religion.

Buu Saga is not shit, it was a shift back to the humor that Dragon Ball once had.

Only a pleb wouldn't notice this.

Nah, I'm with you, Cell is GOAT. Best villain in the franchise up until Zamasu showed up

>DBZ is a top tier action anime but has a lot of points where it drags on way too long

that's why i like Team Fourstar's Abridged series. alos, i think their voices are better - rather than Standard Asian Guy, their Android 16 sounded like an android.

also, their version of Mr Popo could be argued to be less racist than "*grunt* KAMI SAMA".

kind of a shame it's been three months since the last episode.


All three major villains had no back story.
>evil King/Queen
>evil bug
>evil dough boy

Fuck. Buu actually has the most since he gets an arc to being chaotic good.

where can i watch kai for free?? with out downloading a torrent that'll take a month to finish

did anyone else watching Dragon Ball get wierded out when Goku went to Penguin Village? i hadn't even heard of Dr Slump, and i thought i was having an acid flashback. talking poo? super flying babies? wtf?

The writer/creator wanted to end the series but the editors and higher ups urged him to continue for the cash flow which is why everything after Cell is kind of a mess. His heart wasn't in it anymore. The Buu saga still gave us some great things like the completion of Vegeta's character arch.

Good lord kill yourself.

Kissanime. Streamable in 1080. Dubs or subs, your pick.
You're a scrub if you pick the Subs over Dubs on DBZ

While you can say Cell saga is similar due to him being like Frieza and we got another anti hero like Vegeta (Android 18) I still prefer Cell saga.
It had the whole Terminator rip off, with Future Trunks being a rad character, the Androids as compelling early bosses and Cell as a interesting Fly-Goldblum version kind of character.
But it's the fact that that saga was about a son becoming a man and following in his father's footsteps.

it was alright until around super buu then it turns into garbage quickly.

yu yu hakusho did it better

Agreed. Intro to Cell arc was legit creepy too. That news broadcast at Kame house and nobody knows what's going on.