He's back

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back

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>I did one signing where I ate somethin’ with a bunch of tomatoes in it right before. We did the signing and I was sipping on Coronas. I guess I drank too much and I threw up this mix of Corona and tomatoes. Right afterwards this fucking hot chick jumped out of the line and sucked it all up. It wasn’t a Jackass stunt, it was like, I want Bam’s throw up in my body! It was fucking weird. That was the gnarliest thing, and she was cute too and that was more mind boggling. She sucked up my throw up not as a dare, she just did it because she wanted it inside of her.

tony hawks underground 3 when?

i wouldnt even care if they used the same graphics as thug 2, just as long as its as fun

Literally never, have you seen the development team behind the latest tony hawk game? Bunch of no-fun betas that literally know nothing about skateboarding.


>tfw a cute girl will never eat your vomit

That was a quickly made game to make use of the license one more time before it ran out. THUG3 would require a new license, so it's probably never happening. But if it were to happen, the devs would have more time to do create something good.

If you're going to make another skating game make it cyberpunk with combat or thievery or something.

>some gross annoying asshole like Bam will get his shit and piss slurped up off the pavement
>ywn even get a girl to taste your mouth

that's a shame, those behind the scenes videos of the neversoft team in 4 (or maybe it was 3) were great

is Jackass 4 coming?


>he's back
>shaved his beard off and went back to his classic goatee
>seems to be getting his shit together

I think he finally got over Dunn's death

He's still a fat fuck, they could get creative with two fatasses on set though

Phil can skateboard?

How long before he goes back to boozing?

Can I get a quick rundown on Dunn ?

two weeks

I wonder if that sk8 park ever got built

hopefully never.
>thps5 had some shitty numale rap soundtrack

whenever the fuck he wants


I think Bam is an awful human being and I hope to God that he gets wasted and wounded harder than ever

>ywn play a thps game with fat bam

he's not a very good skater

>that deleted scene of viva la bam where he slaps his moms ass

>what is character creator

You mean the crash course...


Paybacks a bitch motherfuc---

Is this because Suicide Squad somehow made Hot Topic wear from over a decade ago popular again? Fucking Hell, next thing you know we're going to start hearing Korn being played in movie trailers.

not him but
>cheated on jenn
>harrasses his parents and don vito
>went too far with pranks
>alcoholic piece of shit who makes his nice mom cry all the time
>beat up novak

I still can't get past his bloated face



He looks fucking terrible.

I had an ex-girlfriend who used to love him for some bizarre reason.

I wonder what she thinks of his appearance now? He looks nigh unrecognizable.

Loved him how? What did she say?


People went crazy for steve-o and he didn't do half the stuff that bam did. Bam was a pro skater, filming his own tv show and starring in movies, he also edited all the cky footage, all of the other behind the scenes stuff he did that people don't see and came up with most of the ideas for jackass along with tremaine and Knoxville. He buckled under the pressure then his best friend died.

If he really turns it around it will make for a great redemption story and will lay the ground work for the release of Jackass 4.

So he ran out of money, I guess?

How did his family make money initially? I remember they had a big house

He looked like shit in this pic, but this one's photoshopped

WTF Does he have a tumor?

>People went crazy for steve-o and he didn't do half the stuff that bam did.
No one gives a fuck about CKY but Bam. Steve-O is a key Jackass member Bam is just a tack-on. Steve-O's Wildboyz show was real Bam's Viva La Bam was scripted reality tv dogshit.

phil was working at a bakery and april worked at some hair place

She just used to talk about him being hot and she owned his shitty movies and would get irritated when I commented on how terrible he is at everything.



Except that Steve-o was way way worse on drugs all the fucking god awful rap music he made was all him, everything else he did was just show up and do as he was told, even wildboyz was his just doing what Tremaine told him to do. Bam was the kinda guy getting there early and writing all the stuff.

If you think Bam is a tack on when he was selling more skateboards then fucking tony hawk in his prime you are an idiot.


You can stop pretending to be gay for Bam now. No one fucking likes Him or CKY nobody cares that he sold a few Element skateboard decks.

>Bam is a tack-on
Wasn't Bam doing the CKY videos with Ryan Dunn way before Jackass?

CKY is good though. HIM is gay as fuck.

Him, Dunn, raab himself, rake and dico

>Getting btfo so hard that is your response
>Sold a few element decks

Now you sound like what the black kids call a hater but follow the hive mind on here though that seems to be working well for you

>Fat drug addict says shut up and skate

Except Bam can't skate. His board sales are based on Bam being Bam.

Watching a fat middle aged drug addict trying to appeal to the Yoof by acting like a teenager while trying to appeal to a demographic that hates entitled, straight white men acting like teenagers is going to be cringe worthy.


and they wonder why they make $0.75 on the dollar


THPS2 has nostalgia value. The rest of the games are actual trash. The world needs a Next Gen Skate.

I wish I could cum on that face

god she's so cute

I'm getting really sick of this posting Phil and pretending it's Bam meme



When was skateboarding cool? mid to late 90s?

90s to like 2007

It's cool right now gramps
*flashes my high fashion thrasher tee*

Mid to late 80's was vert

Mid 90's to early 2000's was the street skating explosion

Now it's been absorbed by corporate America and alternates between expensive hipster fashion and being like...golf for teenage boys...


>tfw dont wanna wear my thrasher T in public anymore because now all the fashion fuccbois wear it


this guy died in prison after molesting a child

>thinking he actually did it

he needed to be "taken care of"

He was Bam's best friend and died due to drunk driving.

He was a fantastic human bean and the ballsiest of Jackass.

need a swift take on these two ASAP

why do women like stupid, gross assholes so much?

thats just the way it is

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

I don't know. They just do, user.

sounds like the kind of dumb bitch that would think mariyln manson was hot

>why do women like stupid, gross assholes so much?

because, unlike you, they're fun

Steve-O wasn't a massive crybaby when people pulled pranks on him.

great explanation guys


Thanks, user.

>the ballsiest of Jackass.
Dunn is great, but he's got nothing on Knoxville.

I'll kiss my wife for you. Inb4 what does her bf's cum taste like.

Hey now, HIM has some good songs.

>makes his nice mom cry all the time
He is the way he is for a reason.
>beat up novak
That's a good thing.

Bam is a piece of shit though, and easily the worst jackass.


>Its a faggot hasnt mentally moved on from highschool 20 years later episode

I fucking hate novak but bam just kicks his ass because nobodys around to tell him no. he still thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Imagine making this up

Every Jackass member says that he was the go to guy for the stupidest shit that was bound to get you hurt.

Hell even with stuff that didn't involve serious pain. Steve-O wouldn't shove a car up his ass but Dunn did. Dunn was great at trolling random ass people.

>Its a faggot still has to pander to the same audience 20 years later episode

>Steve-O wouldn't shove a car up his ass but Dunn did
He would've if his dad didn't get so upset by it.

Don Vito was into it, though. He took it a little far with his mom, though.

Novak deserved to get his shit slapped and he admits this. He was a horrible fucking druggy.

Knoxville was a pussy, so was Bam

Is Novak "his other best friend" he metions in the Earth Rocker video? The one going to rehab for the 16th time?

>Knoxville a pussy
The man seems intent on seriously harming himself.

My point. Dunn didn't give a fuck. His parents tell people about their son who was famous for sticking a toy up his ass.

Awesome family. Dunn just wanted to make people laugh. He didn't give a fuck about the costs.

Yes. Apparently he is clean now though.