Kidnapping and torturing a disabled person because muh feels

>Kidnapping and torturing a disabled person because muh feels

People will defend this guy

He's played by Hugh Jackman so he has the entire female demographic on his pocket

He was a prisoner to his own rage and fear

The retarded kid had amnesia. He should have told him that he was the one who kidnapped the girl

Classic Paul Dano

Who defends that character? It's obvious he was sorta right because "muh grandma did it" but at the same time the movie never puts him in a good light

>classic dano literally tells him he's been with them then decides not to talk again
>Logan being wrong in torturing him

Fuck this place is full of idiots

anyone who wouldnt go this far fortheir children have no business being parents, desu

>Christian family man is a paranoid sadist
>anti-social atheist cop is the real hero of the story

What did they movie mean by this?

What are some other Retard Kino movies?

>make sure you cremate me, I sure as hell dont want to be buried in a box

If you think the movie endorses Jackman's actions, you didn't get it.

Amen brutha

All of Villenueve's movies are essentially pro-fascism.

Casper knew this.

I would of taken on some CIA torture techniques if someone had been involved in my daughters kidnapping.

>not kidnapping and torturing a disabled person, after he told you "they didnt cry when I left them" and doing everything in your power to make sure that your daughter survives

You will be weeded out like the inferior genetic scum you are OP.

What are some of the best torture kinos?

>Allowing your daughter to travel unaccompanied by a male relative until she leaves the protection of your household on the day of her marriage

This is why infidels will be extinct in 100 years.

What does any of that even mean?

He kidnapped his daughter...

lol read a book kaffir

Jake Lenhaal?

Which book?

Tell me about this poster, why do they look like wax figures?

They look for the mazed man.

The holy book.

Loki is a hack, he only found the girl by accident.

I guess OP thought "he did nothing wrong" threads were serious

I dont read fantasy, but which one specifically?