Would Hollywood have done a better job?

Would Hollywood have done a better job?

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they would just whitewash it... fuck whites

Wasn't Mikasa supposed to be the only Japanese character? This is one of the few anime that could have avoided that kind of controversy.

>muh RARE Super people
Yeah, sounds like a Japanese character to me.

>drumpfkins making shit up to fit their agenda
back to Sup Forums with you, kid

Why must everything relate back to Trump? When will this meme end?

Is this real? There's no way this is real.

triggered much whyt boi?

> Is this real? There's no way this is real.

Of course a few creative liberties had to be taken

That was surprisingly shitty. Why are japanese movies so shitty?

She was the last Japanese person on earth. In the show, human traffickers love Asians because they are an endangered species now.

So yes, the anime already IS white washed with only one Asian left on earth. Ironically, the show has absolutely no niggers on it. Not such a bad future if you think about it.

Does one movie represent the output of an entire country, user?

No. But a ton do.

How do you feel about their animated films? Stuff by directors like Hayao Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon?

And I'd recommend Hideaki Anno's recent Godzilla film. It might be a little jarring at first, though once you adjust I think it proves itself to be, if nothing else, a remarkably solid film.

Fuck no. Hollywood doesn't know what the fuck it's doing anymore. Chances are it would have been much much worse.

I liked Shin Godzilla and I love their animation. I'm just bantering :^)

This wasn't too bad. Sure, it doesn't excuse all of the other failures. But it shows that it's possible to convert anime and manga to live-action.

I'll admit that sometimes Hollywood gets lucky and actually makes something decent. But I have no faith in that system anymore.

You are also white.

Sup Forumstards are too easy