We /Fargo/ now

What does it mean?


ahhh jeez


Noah Hawley still a part of this?

How does he have two shows, Legion and Fargo on. Is that why Legion is suffering, not enough focus on the project.
Shit, will Fargo suffer too...

aw jeez, here we go again

I hope season 3 is as good as the first two.

you betcha

Jesus, what happened to the fargo hype?

How is legion suffering?

Ok then

Darn tootin

Is the series worth watching? I put off this and Hannibal when they were airing and just finished Hannibal. Enjoyed that, but it fell off during season 2

dude aliens lmao

They shoot Fargo mostly in winter so he's using his summertime to do legion.

Season 1 is great the whole way through. Season 2 is good but falls off a cliff.

S1 is great, S2 is even better

Both seasons had contrieved endings and supernatural undertones throughout, you were just too stupid to realise it in season 1 because they didn't explicitly show it by putting devil horns on Malvo.

Season 2 is clearly better than the first. Only low IQ crybabies liked s1 more than s2.

season one was alright, 7 out of 10

season two was fucking great though, 9 out of 10

Got it backwards there bub

Plebs have forgotten about it since it's two years ago now fuck off and enjoy your kino.