Was this any good? asking for a friend

was this any good? asking for a friend

it was cancalled

yes, aside from the pilot.
i got late into it too

no, she didn't get naked enough

It's dumb as hell, but still entertaining.

It was ok, but got canceled and ended in a cliffhanger that never got solved. Unless you really want to se some Summer Glau, it's not worth it.

but the plot /end twist is better than everything after T2

Is there any good robotfu series?
Getting real bored of muh evil AI.

I've watched LOST but this made me feel much emptier after it finished, mainly because of Summer

Sure it was stupid but it had its moments

Dark Matter


It was amazing. The worst cancellation for Fox in the 2000s decade.

The 1st half is boring as shit teen drama.

if she's a cylon, I wanna be a robot

How come Summer Glau is only capable of playing emotionless autists?

pandering to her fanbase


it was pretty entertaining, but got cancelled as it was getting better. unfortunately the effects at times were too much for its fox budget so some of it looks whack. it has glau in her absolute prime, so it's worth watching for that alone.

had it been cancelled today i'm sure netflix or amazon studios would've picked it up and glau wouldn't be the queen of cancelled shows.

It's really good. Went places the franchise has never gone before. It was leading to more but got cancelled and ended on a cliffhanger. But the timeline changes with every installment, so the show not ending properly isn't really a problem to the franchise as a whole. Still worth watching IMO.

user i share a secret wif you.

if the marketing (cover) for the show/movie has a naked woman on it, it means it sucks and they need anything to save it, but if its not r-rated there wont be nudity and thus the cover is a lie. that, or its porn.

its that simple. take this warning to heart. now this rule DOESNT WORK FOR EVERYTHING, but in most cases it works out.

ooh i got trips of truth.

also just objectively look at it
>tv show
>tv show on FOX
>sequel / prequel
>summer glau cant act
>terminator not made by cameron

its shit.

>Summer Glau
>"is it good?"
Come on now

The scenes when John Henry is playing with the bionicle were pretty funny. Also Summers scenes with the guy from generation kill in Self made man, I knew she would fuck up eventually when she mentions the cancer

bring glauposting back

Shes gone forever

Pretty awesome the chick is pretty hot

Not robotfu but Person of Interest has a great AIfu that will go from a plot device to a character who will make you weep when they're dying.

>Summer Glau

Humans(amc, UK channels) really brilliant show!