Aliens (1986)

Man, I was really disappointed with this movie. I watched Alien a couple months ago and I really enjoyed it so naturally, I was very excited to watch the sequel because everyone always told me, "It's even better than the original." I know realize that I must have been speaking to a select group of people who just enjoy action over all. That would be fine but this movie has aged horribly. I always try to keep context in mind when watching a movie but if they put all their eggs in the basket of technicality, it was the wrong thing to do because it is not charming, it just falls short. I sometimes think that people praising a film for cinematography can come off like a superior thing to see if its not deserved but one thing I enjoyed about watching Aliens was that it taught me that what made Alien good was not its cinematography per se but its art direction. It has such a distinct and beautiful atmosphere that I really missed in Aliens' generic mining facility type environments.

Also, think that the Ripley's relationship with the girl was pretty stupid but that's not what let me down about this movie compared to original.

What do you think of Aliens, Sup Forums?

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Unironically the best movie in the Alien franchise.

Alien was obviously amazing for its own reasons, but I always liked Aliens much better.

I feel the same way about Terminator 2 versus 1.

And Robocop. You look a little out of breath, BITCH.

I just felt generic to me. Is that because I didn't watch it at release? The xenomorph in the first one felt special because there was only one, you didn't see it most of the movie which created suspense, and they established a reason why they can't just kill it.

In the sequel, they kill a ton of them, thus making them generic and reduces the threat.

I mean, they're just pretty different types of movies. The first is one of the best horror scifi films ever made, the second is one of the best action scifi films ever made. Personally I think it's down to which one you feel executed the premise better.
You're right that the aliens weren't as "special" in the second one, but that was also kinda part of the point. I like the "creeping carpet of terrifying violent and inevitable destruction" and the whole hive thing.

>guys let's take the alien and get rid of everything that made it unique. Let's have swarms of them just dying all over the place like flies because more is better right?

>Also get a child actor in there.

I just feel like Aliens is neither a good action movie or sci-fi movie. It tries to be both and succeeds at neither.

Maybe it's like if you watched The Matrix now and it didn't know it came before. You'd think it is derivative. Space marines and stuff fighting aliens might have been fresh then but it definitely doesn't feel that way now.

The only good thing about Aliens is the continuation of Ripply as a character. EVERYTHING else is shit house.

Aliens > Alien

>can't even enjoy Aliens on Sup Forums anymore

there are good 80s action flicks. This is not one of them.

This is a meme. Aliens is a 9/10 film at least.

Young members of Sup Forums are trying to be edgy by declaring it a bad film. Get some fucking taste or debate me on why you don't like it.

Great set, great performances, solid story, almost perfect action/horror mix.

why? Because of Sigourney's portrayal of her?

Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?

Not a meme. I specifically talked about its anemic art direction and bland sets and all you did was say it was "good."

I can't speak for other young people watching this but did it ever occur to you that people watching them objectively, free from nostalgia can see that Alien is worth its praise for not only its original concept but how well executed it is while Aliens is derivative and holds almost no value today?

>anemic art direction and bland sets

You have proved yourself to be a complete pleb. You probably liked Prometheus.

Ad hominem. Nice rebuttal.

>What do you think of Aliens, Sup Forums?
I think my major critique of Aliens is the motherhood angle. Ripley's strength in this one really comes via that supposed motherhood instinct which completely changes her nature from the first one. I think it's to the films detriment that her entire motivation is constructed around motherhood. To me it's very limiting as a character trait. For all its faults I'm glad Alien 3 does away with it fairly quickly.

You truly know nothing. I'm not even saying you have to like it as a movie, but you truly don't know what you're talking about.

Did you enjoy Prometheus?

>That would be fine but this movie has aged horribly.

I totally agree. It felt extremely engineered. When they can have a clean getaway with Hicks and she goes back to grab the girl, it made me so mad.

He's just another contrarian teen (probably 16/17) trying to be edgy and cool by using a few phrases that he picked up from his favourite youtube reviewers. Aliens is a great film and to deny that is just going against the grain for the sake of looking cool on an anonymous board.

Yeah, I did. Debate does not have to be combative. It can be civil. You still haven't defended the generic sets of Aliens, one of many flaws with the movie.

Alien > Aliens

Not much new to be seen in Aliens. Just more Xenomorphs. Plus a ton of sassy space marines. Same planet and visuals otherwise with that patented Jim Cameron movie feel.

Good, but not as immersive as the original.

Its more beloved than the first by many for that Jim Cameron blockbuster feel.

Regarding sets and looking cheap, etc, I think for its time (I'll stress that point) Aliens was generally considered a low-budget film compared to the first one. Which could be a reason why things feel a little more derivative than they could have been.

Well,the fact that you enjoyed an overblown mess of a film leads me to believe that you find the sets 'generic' because you prefer elaborate, campy space operas over gritty action/horror sci-fi. Stick to Star Wars, kid.

I love Aliens, but Alien is better.

I also love T2, but T1 is better.

What is more, Alien Cubed Assembly Cut isn't as bad as everyone says. I only place it a little bellow Aliens.

they're still set up as threatening when they wipe out most of the team in the beginning though

>Look Mom! I'm a contrarian faggot!

Eat shit you dumb faggot. Yeah I'm mad.

How the fuck were the xenos not threating in aliens?
>send a squad of heavily armed marines with top of the line weapons
>they almost get wiped out in like 2 battles with xenomorphs

Alien > Aliens > Predator >> Alien 3 (underrated) > Prometheus > Predator 2 >Alien:Resurrection

literally everything else in these two franchises included crossovers is trash

Also, Alien is subjectively one of the top 5 horror movies ever made.
Also, Aliens and Predator are both objectively two of the top 5 action movies ever made ((the three others being The Matrix(objectively), Terminator 2(subjectively), and Die Hard(objectively, where Die Hard is also objectively #1 overall))

Also, just found out there's going to be another Predator movie next year. Mite b cool.


You're absolutely right. They're formidable and I'm not saying that they should not be able to be killed but it just doesn't feel as satisfying as I feel like to should to kill a xenomorph since it's all you wanted in the first movie. Also, because you have no idea how many there are and it never feels like you're weakening their numbers.


>Not much new to be seen in Aliens.

I agree that Alien is overall the better film, but that is ridiculous. Aliens expanded the universe by a huge margin, for better or worse.


>People thinking everyone should give this much of a shit about their opinion of a 40 year old movie
fuck no

Not him, but I think you're right.

Now that you've made me think about it there aren't a whole lot of iconic or striking visuals in Aliens. People love it for its characters and set pieces.

like what?

It's strange to think of how the series would seem if Alien 3's wooden Luddite monastery setting was made.

The technocratic megacorp themes that pervade the movies may be easier for the audience to grasp.

I love to think of what creative ripples would result from a well executed version of Fincher's original vision

set of my pleb alarm

I think that's why I am being critical of the film. I just expected something very different from it so I kind of had to unlearn what I expected before I could start enjoying it and by the time I got there, we were reaching the end of the film.

I liked Hudson and the sarge. I like how they played off your suspicion of the android.

What was with them finding his milk blood stuff right before the xenomorph attacks the helicopter pilot?

I would beat you with a sock full of soap for having such shit taste OP

The Road Warrior
Escape from New York

>send in armed marines
>disarm them prior to entering an area teeming with xenomorphs



It's a fair point. In Aliens' defense, however...

>Initial rescue scene w blowtorch into the frozen space capsule of Alien
>Drop ship sequence
>Apone inspecting his badasses
>Tension before first contact
>Escaping through the red vents
>"You always were an asshole"

But you're right, there's a shortage of arresting visuals that stands on their own

Fair points. I did like that opening with the blowtorch. It made me think about the human's ability to recognize the silhouette of another human knowing there were gonna be aliens n shet.

>Get away from her, you bitch?

What will the teal-haired genderqueer blasian say in the 2018 remake?

Except Alien had better landing scene. Hell, it's one of the few movies (I actually can't think of any other) where the ship thrusters give one burst to get it moving instead of burning all the time..

>Also, think that the Ripley's relationship with the girl was pretty stupid

Newt was the standin for Ripley's daughter who she never saw grow up

You could have made your retribution true to the Alien franchise

>But ya blew it, lar

It's not the same watching it anymore.


The movie is more overbearing and obvious about this than you literally explaining it.

Having really seen few movies with Bill Paxton other than A Simple Plan and Nightcrawler, I was really impressed with his performance in this.

you forgot the part where they set up auto turrets and instead of showing aliens getting mowed down and blowing up you mostly just see the bullet counts on the computer displays going down, with a few shots of just the turrets firing

absolute kino tb h

and to only way to get away with the fact that combined 2000 rounds in 4 turrets didn't kill all 158 the most optimistic scenario for the aliens aliens

Every Vasquez scene made me cringe.

sorry i dont understand this post at all

The scene where Ripley is in the elevator and making her rifle/flamethrower is kino.
I love the look on her face when everything is ready. Compared to Ripley at the start of the movie, you know shit is about to get down.

yes. started doing pushups as soon as she wakes up. The Little Sister from Shawshank dude in it was making me mad too.

there were 2000 bullets in those auto turrets
the top amount of aliens possible was 158
turrets fired 1990 rounds
most of the aliens remained alive

they would either have to show lots of aliens dying in which case the numbers wouldn't match up or show the turrets fire into nothingness

>Alien Cubed Assembly Cut
Is that the Fincher Director's Cut? Never heard it being called that.


the entire movie is kino. it's probably Cameron's very best. this movie is so obviously a masterpiece yet thanks to all these contrarian autists it is somehow becoming a pleb filter

I was wondering if these sentries paired with the setting inspired the ending of Half-Life 2 when you're in that prison thing.

Alien feels like a generic B movie slasher film the way the Alien is used.
Everyone is impressed by behind the scenes how they were able to make the alien look real by hiding it, but the final product is just jump scares and cut aways from the scares/action. Cheesy. The scene in the vents is standard horror movie cop out cheese.

Alien has great sets, great acting, and the android sequence was great. But it's pretty overrated.

Aliens feels more original and that alone made it more entertaining to watch.

Vasquez is the only Colonial Marine I would trust to save my life.

The only jumpscare in Aliens is the facehugger

It's only ever called that. It's not a director's cut because Fincher had nothing to do with it.

ok. i dont know where you got the number 158 from. and either way who fucking cares. you know the aliens are getting mowed down but you don't need to see it to tell what's happening. it's thrilling in the way an action movie is but the choice to not show the aliens keeps the horror movie tension intact, and as you watch the bullet counts going down the feeling of dread grows. it's a great scene

Goddamn, the cuckmeron fanboys are out in full force today.

god I fucking hate reddi/tv/ so much

Alien or Aliens? Because my post is calling out Alien for jumpscares.
Aliens is much better.

Welcome to r/kino. We have mt. dew and tendies

yeah probably. it's also pretty apparent that Starcraft would not exist if it werent for Aliens

Those are fair criticisms of Alien but your own post betrays itself.

Using the xenomorph as the "slasher" is a much more original take on the respective film's genre.

In Aliens, they just blow up stuff. Hardly innovative for the action genre.

Fuck off Sup Forums

It feels generic because literally every action movie since has been imitating or aping some aspect of it. It was innovative when it came out.

>if it werent for Aliens

They'd just steal more from WH40k.

I think everyone can admit that there are movies that they like but they can admit they are not good.

I am honestly surprised by the condescension coming from people defending Aliens. I can understand if you like the movie but you certainly cannot call people who say the movie plebs. First of all, that's not a defense of this film and second of all, just admit that the movie is cheesy and bad. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to like it.

>Alien really was good!
>Aliens is a popcorn flick unworthy of its praise
>Alien3 is the hip underrated choice (if you watch the right version)
>doesn't mention Resurrection


garbage threads like this one should be reportable

I mentioned this in previous posts. That really only gives Alien more ammo in this debate. It has not been made generic by other films release and time.

you're so fucking retarded it fucking hurts.


I just haven't gotten there yet, user. I'm actually appreciative of this post because after watching Aliens, I was not very excited to watch Alien 3.

Kind of excited now that I know Fincher directed it.

>where you got the number 158 from

i think that's the number of colonists stationed there. Ergo, there can be at most 158 aliens.

Aliens really separates the plebs from the patricians.

No I mean every alien thread is these same opinions recycled


Way to defend your movie, my man.

Dirty Harry invented the hard boiled cop who doesn't follow the rules. If you watch it again, it doesn't feel played out from other movies trying the same formula because it has verisimilitude.


It looks nice to say the least. I have a soft spot for it because it was included as a trailer on a VHS I had. It's a pretty good movie until the hybrid comes along. The comedy didn't bother me since there really was no other direction they could've gone. Cameron fucked up by making the fabled monster into an easily killable drone. So when Alien Cubed came along, the tension just wasn't there since you knew it can be killed easily as long as you have a gun.

sorry I ain't replying to you, I don't speak with the mentally ill

Alien remake when?

I wish I could hold myself to the same standards.

The parallel of two mothers fighting ultimately over the survival of their children doesn't ring any bell to you knobheads?

Aliens was alright for a popcorn flick. It was what people "thought" at the times back then, when there was hope.
Alien 3 was to avant garde, but fits the trilogy with its bitterness of a post economical collapse and greed.

>aliens is bad because it 'copies' all that cheesy action movie stuff
The millenial faggotry in this thread i swear