How did this happen?

How did this happen?

Not gay enough?

Even Disney couldn't afford to get this piece of shit a higher score

Sounds like what Sup Forumsshits really need is trigger warnings for movies.
>Warning: This movie contains homosexual relationships.

>movie critics are Sup Forumstards
Or maybe it was just a shitty movie, just like all those YA romantic fantasy dramas before it

I don't give a fuck about the critic thing. Just talking about all the Sup Forumsshits getting butthurt over this movie.

>create atrocious remake to an old childhood IP that's been on a pedestal since its creation, as with most older animations
>decide to completely mishandle it and remove any of the wonder, whimsy and romance and instead opt for a "darker realistic" view
>movie will predictably flop despite its pandering to social trends and attempted guilt-marketing in place of character, story or visuals

this is what happens when studios lose touch with their audiences

No black characters

>movie will predictably flop
I don't think it will. It will be shit, but all 20-something girls will rush to see it

I think it's because Beauty and the Beast is the most beloved property that's received a remake.

Maleficent makes itself deliberately different from Sleeping Beauty, it's a retelling, and people don't exactly hold Sleeping Beauty's plot in high esteem anyways, the aesthetics are the biggest appeal.
Haven't seen live-action Cinderella but it "only" has 83% RT.
Alice in Wonderland was shit on and rightfully so.
Animated Jungle Book isn't especially beloved outside the musical numbers.
Not sure if I forgot anything (that's recent anyways).

I wouldn't be surprised if other live-action remakes of Disney renaissance movies get the same lukewarm reception, they're fresher on everyone's minds.

>movie will predictably flop

You're stupid.

>that cretic consensus
Did the person who wrote that not read the reviews? Or even notice the score that will be right next to their biased consensus?

Were never leaving this place and we'll always be here to laugh at your crying triggered bitch posts. 8 long years.

It'll be the newest ghostbusters

>r/thedonald calling people Reddit
The irony
But it actually did okay despite having no actual audience whatsoever other than retards falling for the crafted controversy, this one actually has legions of Disney fangirls to back it up

>But it actually did okay
It was a hard flop according to the director and sales

My bad, I didn't consider the marketing. Still, if a piece of shit like Alice through the looking glass can make almost 300 millions, I don't see why this one won't at least break even. Every fat chick will be all over it, and they'll bring their chubby chasing boyfriends to see it too

the DUDE REALISM LMAO meme doesn't really work when applied to stories that were written with a comical exaggerated artstyle in mind

But they made the hot french maid that was a feather duster into a nigger.

I was expecting to be rotten. In fact, the fresh rank is another proof of the power of the mouse

Emma Watson is now tainted with the leaked nude videos, so they can't give good ratings with this movie which is main audience are families and kids.

It's over. It's time to start doing feminist porn, Emma.

>131 reviews
>"Fresh" score
looks like a hit to me, what's the problem