This is looking to be the greatest Alien movie since Prometheus. May 19 is gonna be LIT

This is looking to be the greatest Alien movie since Prometheus. May 19 is gonna be LIT.

>Greatest alien movie since Prometheus
Gee that's saying a lot

>Greatest alien movie since Prometheus
They're were others between then and now?

>Greatest alien movie since Prometheus
Gee that's saying a lot

Remember when Ridley said Prometheus want even going to be in the franchise. He claimed it had melded into its own thing. But we saw what turned out

Pretty dope poster though

>Since Prometheus

If it tops Prometheus I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Is that legit? It looks cool but also kinda fan made

Jesus you fucking dolts

shill detected

i'm not getting my hopes up after that last installment.

Kill yourselves, fucking Christ....


falling for the bait


that looks pretty damn good

Prometheus was terrible, with bad characters and shit writing

So who created the engineers?

>Greatest alien movie since Prometheus
Gee wiz matey! that's saying quite a lot!


>falling for reverse bait


Who says LIT in 2017? Oh, yeah. Shills.

Gee that's saying a lot!


That's exactly the sort of response I expect from the sort of people who are actually looking forward to this.

user its the ONLY Alien movie since Prometheus