Wtf do you want?

wtf do you want?

>I want you to travel to this destination, kill some things, retrieve something, and return it to me.
Is Plissken the quintessential video game protagonist?

Call me Snake


They're always pulling him outta retirement for one last job

president of what?

16 hours, Plissken.

president of where?

>Dammit Plissken I've got the DA breathing down my neck!

I just realized I don't even remember how this movie ended. I don't remember the soundtrack. Goddamn

damn it plissken that submarine had 3 days left until retirement

the presidents breathin down my ass on this one

Fun fact: Big Boss was based on Pilssken.

Snake switched the tapes. He walks off tearing up the president's tape, while the cabbie's tape plays over the president's broadcast.

the whole MGS franchise was based after Escape, it was after JC met Kojima and found out how nice he is that he decided not to sue.
He did however sue that Lockdown(?) movie, and won.


Those goddamn Swedes got our President, we have to get him back.

The Liberals abduct the President and then Snake has to get him back.

Geralt of Rivia is pretty much just medieval Snake as well

They're Norwegian, Snake.

Consider suicide.


>JC met Kojima and found out how nice he is that he decided not to sue.
lucky bastard

I wnat to Escape from New York