Every single decent job requires a degree

>Every single decent job requires a degree

When did you realize that Sup Forums was indeed wrong about University being a Jewish scam?


>>>/Hebrew school/

why is every single thread made by a leaf is depressing?


It's more important to make connections with people while getting that degree. Not the degree itself.

It's the degree + the networking and recruitment opportunities that come with it.

I wish I never listened to Sup Forums.

I don't know about canada but there are a lot of great construction jobs in the us. Pretty good starting wages, build a solid tan and develop some muscle growth. You'd probably advance fairly quickly with some effort as well as the fact that you'd be among mostly mexicans. Understanding Spanish is a plus, but it's very easy to learn if you dont.

I don't want to do slave labour though, that fucking sucks man. It also doesn't psy shit.

They don't get sunlight up there.


We are a depressed people.

How do you make connections with people?

Good thread.


You get to know them

>make connections with people
well, I'm fucked

t. literal autist

>be Eesto flag
>post how it's a good thread

>listening to Sup Forums

You deserve this.

>what is qualification

so get a degree you lazy cunt

It is one neet poster who has nothing better to do then making threads all day every day.

I have a job though.

MOST jobs don't really need a degree, but when everyone has a degree, you start getting looked at weird if you don't have one. Ugly but true. Also don't Canadians have free college anyway? Its not like an American where you need to balance going tens of thousands into debt vs. your future earnings.

get a technical degree then loser
you still have time
guarantee you will be depressed regardless of the outcome as always

It's not free college, but at least in Ontario it's very easy to get cheap loans and lots of grants. Anyone should be able to afford going to university here, unless you are a literal retard with your finances.

This. Don't ruin my leafian utopia.

Fuck you normie

>decent job
Ah yes, the Western "man".


If you're not qualified for a "decent" job then you simply have to take what you can get.

What the hell is your point? I am taking what I can get, but I want to get something better too.


I have an IT degree but can't find any work as I lack certificates.

When are you getting them?


I burned every almost bridge I had over the course of three years and still landed a six fig job. It's possible if you are good at talking to people and can demonstrate competence. And if you have three people to vouch for you

t. someone with severe mental health issues

I was a NEET for two years, buddy.