Why did my parents have to move me to this stupid meme country? I want to die

Why did my parents have to move me to this stupid meme country? I want to die.


Where were you originally from?


> not liking america
You have to go back to mexico beaner


You have to go back

I feel you. My parents are also from a Latin American country, Mexico. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I was born there. I have relatives there who do pretty well for themselves, and here I am in the greatest country on Earth living paycheck to paycheck.


I was about to give a speech about ambitions, then i remembered Carlos Slim.

America did literally nothing wrong. It's all a meme to get America to open up its borders to white Europeans.

>You have to go back to mexico beaner

God bless America. I really mean it but instead of god I mean Satan who is the real god.

How can you unironically dislike living in USA?

You'd be a worthless loser anywhere you dumbass

Kek dumb CHI stay there


What do you hate about this country? Do you really wish you stayed in fucking South America? wew

You guys should really be more appreciative. You guys know damn well you'll have a better life in America than Argentina or Mexico.

0n diciendo pendejadas como siempre

>can't make it in easy mode
>thinks it would be any better in hard mode



to chase the american dream

are you dreaming yet?


I hate it when I needlessly give out (you)s

He isn't wrong tho

russia is the new america

head east comrades, if you want true freedom


>le 0% white face