Why isn’t he a tall, muscular, blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan?

Why isn’t he a tall, muscular, blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan?

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Because he isn't a white nationalist, he's a """""white""""" nationalist.

He is non-hispanic white american


There's a video of this dude and his cringy crew in college

He was attempting to fight for some white only group, claiming to be anything but a white nationalist or racist

She's whiter than him

100% white (60% Mexican 15% African 20% Anglo 5% Scandinavian)

Because he's a jewish fed.

That is considered a tall, muscular, blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan in America.

Radicals are the most different from what they think they are

In a few days after he realizes it, he'll move here and start larping again.

Because he is one of the sheep, easily manipulated by someone of better breeding. Manipulated into a focus on race and not class.

Actually he speaks out about that capitalism a lot maybe you should listen to some of his videos

He's fat of course but speaks pretty well actually.

What do his views have to do with being blonde or blue eyed?

Peoof that race is a social construct

she has visible sub Saharan African features

1% class, 99% muh white genocide

Does it make you non-wjite if you're not muscular or shorter than 198cm?

Yeah he's not a communist what's your point

It's funny how Sup Forums has stricter standards than the Nuremberg laws.

So he is literally like the socialists in the NSDAP.

Evolution at it's finest.

Stop confusing "aryan" with "nordic"