Any other posters fuck up the name placement this bad?

Any other posters fuck up the name placement this bad?

>rated R

what? why?

Why do they keep remaking old dramas into comedies?

>starsky & hutch
>21 jump street

Are we getting parodies for 'Emergency!' and dragnet?

The Brady Bunch remakes were hilarious

>people are going to walk into this movie expecting a good family comedy and get exposed to discussion of normalizing eating ass

I don't know the name of either of those actors so uhh yeah this doesn't bother me.

This one always really frustrated me. Michael Douglas is the only one that lines up

Dax Shepard and Michael Pena were pretty good in mid-2000s comedies.

See Employee of the Month and Observe and Report

You do know they made the comedic dragnet remake in the late 80s/early 90s starring T. Hanks and Dan Ackroyd, right?

Almost every fact brought up in this thread so far makes me angry.

why would anyone know that?


Wow I've never been upset about this before. Poor Gina, couldn't even be the star of her own movie.

pretty much every poster with 2-3 faces below titles does this


For stupid shit.

so the put it on the wrong side and mispelled fowler, how does this get through all the "professionals" working on this

Did anyone else not know of this movie's existence until a few days ago? I didn't see any advertising for it.


Bad reviews, who could have seen that coming?

It's not like the show was any good in the first place. At this point anything people remember will be remade in hopes they were too young dumb and full of cum to realize how shitty it was.

>It's not like the show was any good in the first place




It's in order though, just Gina being in the same row fucks it up

It is just too weird to see Frodo holding a gun.

>those faces photoshopped onto those bodies

Because people born after 1990(?) are fucked in the head and can't think of anything original. Just take something old and campy and lets make fun of it. And what's worse none of those parodies are funny.







tss what are they made from potatoes or sumpthin?

A classic.

because Hollywood in incapable of anything original anymore so they green screen some shit from the 80s that was barely good then for it to make quick bank then be forgotten about 3 months later.

People born in the 90s aren't making these movies

nigga what

Graphic rape scene.

I enjoyed that.