Simplified Chinese is HARD

Traditional: 見(to see)= 目(eye)+儿(legs). Pretty easy to remember

Simplified:见... Some obscure character you have to memorize

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Oh yes, cause 目 definitely looks like an eye and having to add legs under it definitely makes sense.

Because you already learnt traditional(actually bit modified) Chinese, you retarded dumb cunt

Do Koreans learn Chinese characters in their schools?

yeah, we learn about 1,000 letters at middle school
Since they're totally useless most of us forget them except really important basic letters

目 Is literally the Chinese character for eye in both traditional and simplified

Simplified Chinese is uncultured nonsense.
t. cunt that learns simplified in school.


>見(to see)= 目(eye)+儿(legs). Pretty easy to remember

Yeah, sure. Maybe for someone who was exposed to it his all life.
For others it doesn't look really logical.
Yeah you can use your fantasy and imagine that 1 symbol is an eye and the other is legs but there are so many kanji that don't really make sense and you can't apply logic to them.

Yes. My point is that it makes no sense either way.

>China 1950: 40% literacy rate, China today: 99.4% literacy rate
>Singapore 1950: 87% literacy rate, Singapore today: 99.9% literacy rate

Not exactly seeing the issue here. One anecdotal example of a problem is not representative of the 10000000 chink letters you gooks use.

Shut up Turk

I'm totally enough with this topic.Can we just stop it?No one is forcing you to use 简体 or 繁体.

>a rational post of light breaks through the shiposts of darkness

Don't you understand what "Simplified" really means? It is all a way of encoding Chinese people's homosexuality into their language. 贝 for instance looks like a penis going into someone's ass, the simplified 见 too. It is a symptom of how mentally deranged Chinese people are however their apparent explanation is that it improves "literacy", when it really does the opposite.

The people of China did not become literate as a result of simplification. The Chinese government has historically kept the lower classes ignorant by preventing them from having an education for fear that knowledge would allow them to rise up. The Chinese government only allowed the people to become literate after completely perverting their language. See

Agreed. Some Japanese provoke Chinese people by bring up this topic persistently. Damn twisted sick cunts.

That's some solid projection. Simplified Chinese characters look like shit but it has nothing to do with homolust.

These are acceptable simplifications the rest are hideous.

In the case of 齿 (齒),

They would have the same same litteracy rate simplified or not.

Might as well have characters that make actual sense

Projection? Chinese people indeed have a homosexual way of thinking. The difference between them and ancient Greece is that the sodomy comes in political, social, and economic forms. Nowadays the Chinese practice actual homosexuality underground hoping to keep it a secret from the west.

It's acceptable because you're used to 新字体. People who use Simplified are fine with it because they are used to it.


>alphabet is the simplest thing around
>everything is phonetic

>retarded English speakers can't even manage write their own language phonetically

Yes, faggot.

Japanese 新字体 has been objectively the best form of official simplification. It doesn't fundamentally butcher radicals or remove meaning or reading components. It is a shame that Japanese isn't the predominant language in Asia, as it is the only one to combine both a beautiful written and spoken language. Every other Asian language sounds fucking disgusting, aside from Korean. However the Koreans butchered their written language.

Yes, since they maintain the radicals without completely scrapping everything, which the Chinese government opted for. If they didn't have such a terrible education system they wouldn't have had to butcher their language.
Similar to how Korea when and fucked up their written language by replacing it full a fully phonetic clusterfuck, throwing what little remaining culture the nation had out with it.

There were no such top radical (3 dots which is not 小)until the japanese simplified them as such. 简化字 just copied japan for the ‘anything stuffed between 臼 words' like 誉,兴,举 etc. Japan used this simplification style for more radicals like those from 労, 厳,
桜 and 巣.
Also, some simplifications that were controversial would be 体,since it originally was a variant of 笨。Also not sure why 将 in Japanese were simplified with a 寽 on the right where there is no phonetic similarity and the fact that 寽 means to stroke.


There's a reason both China and Japan has the same simplification for those characters

I am not a faggot unlike you, so I could not be "projecting".

Ok I admit that 図 is retarded.

But I don't get the Chinese simplification
of 圖 with 图. 冬 isn't even a phonetic component

and user has big trouble learning grade 1 kanji... such are the sad circumstances

polite sage

Those are all Japanese simplifications.

The only stupid thing is that Taiwanese, highly educated Chinese, and foreigners interested in both Taiwan and China end up learning both, which defeats the purpose of simplification.

草书楷化 just like 図。Initially under ROC's simplification (which was completely scrapped) they simplified to 𡇫 except with the 4 dots being 3 and pointing the other way just like "学“'s upper radical.
Perhaps they tried to match the inner radical to an existing word.
Yeah we are talking about that, not the Chinese one

>Stop talking about INT stuff on INT!

only issue i have with '''simplified chinese''' is it looks ugly as fuck and doesnt make sense at all.

You can't write love with a friend instead of a heart

That's really sad somehow

>mfw it's another thread about which Chinese is better

its communism

Love doesn't exist. Only comradery

It's strange. Even though our 愛 has heart. I've never received both 愛 or heart from anyone.

That's funny because the word for comrade (同志) is now slang for homosexual

>which China
Now you're implying there's more than one China, oh no.


>which Chinese

one China policy rules

国 make sense in the sense of kingdom and 学 make also sense because it looks like 子 and 字.

It's nicer with the 宝 instead of the 玉 though...

国 only makes sense with 王 instead of 玉.
It's not a box with jade.

囯 makes more sense than 国

王King. 玉ball

How do europeans even manage to learn those squiggles. That's insane.

Oh I unironically thought the Chinese used 宝. Sorry 王 makes way more sense you're right


>they use thousands of squiggly little line drawings instead of letters

Do you know what you are talking about? 国 has fascist implications and 学 looks like the head is empty in a retarded way


I just checked the Chinese character dictionary.

口(village)+戈(spear) =國(Armed village)
And simplified 國 is 国。

Cool thanks alot. This is really interesting

I see, thank you!

敎(to teach)+𦥑(to clasp hands)—>斆

Which then became 學...

It doesn't make sense either way


口(semantic "encircle")+ 或(phonetic)—>國

Ironically, China and japan writing Simplified characters, while Koreans who don't uses Chinese characters uses traditional Chinese characters

is cited from my 大修館漢語新辞典 初版.

Does Korean phone keyboard have Hanzi support?



My apology. It's really dumb of me... I'm sorry.

口(village) + 戈(spear) = 或(armed village)
Then the outer wall(口)was added to the armed village (或), then it became 國.

The pic related is how 或 was created.

And here's how 國 was created.

How did 或 then change from a content word (armed village) to a function word (maybe, or)?

They just used it as a random character because it shared the same sound in Chinese maybe?

go back to stone age
evrything's written logically and you'd love it

but some like 龜 are truly ridiculous.

That's why we use 亀 istead of 龜

i think all of east-asia should settle on a standard, at least for the 5000 most common characters. so there's not like, 3 versions for 龟

秦篆 looks very good though

Do you really expect China, Taiwan, and Japan to reach an agreement on this?

I agree.

We need Han unification 2.0

Fucking subhuman writing system

why not? it makes sense


t. chink

None of the parties will want to change their writing system

actually, most people are frustrated by the lack of standardization and 5-6 versions of every character floating around

i thought hanja was basically traditional characters?

I don't think they're frustrated enough for one of the parties to set aside their pride and accept the other's way of writing

> How did 或 then change from a content word (armed village) to a function word (maybe, or)?
> They just used it as a random character because it shared the same sound in Chinese maybe?
That's what the section of 或 is telling by "借りて、或いはの意味に用いる", I suppose. I hope other smarter Japanese posters confirm it to be right.

The section of 或 explains the origin of this character more specifically than the section of 國 does.
或 is 口(village) + 戈(spear) + 一(border) and the meaning is "armed area", it says.

we're not white subhumans

Is it a coincidence that 域 means region/domain?

It isn't coincidence.
The dictionary says
> 或を音符に含む形声文字には、「くぎる」の意味を共有する域・國などと、「さかんに現れる」の意味を共有するイク・惑などがある。
Please check the pic of

>time taken to learn: 30 minutes
>time taken to master: days
>ease of input: high (keyboard)
>logical sortability: high (alphabetical order)
>ethnonational autism: very low

>time taken to learn: 18+ years
>time taken to master: lifetimes
>ease of input: low (custom IMEs)
>sortability: very low (stroke count + manual search)
>ethnonational autism: extreme

Yeah but there are also advantages:
-Reading speed is higher

-You can display more information in the same space compared to an alphabet

-It looks cool

>aesthetic: low
>difficulty for stinky foreigners to learn your language: low

>aesthetic: great
>difficulty for stinky foreigners to learn your language: high

>>time taken to learn: 18+ years
You must have a really low IQ to take all this time to learn Kanji

and why does "eye" or any representation of the concept "make sense" exactly?

Yes, it's easy! Watch this
>䨻龘䲜靐齉䨺齾䖇䴒䶫䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗灪籲龖䨊䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣驫鸞鬱爨靏驪鸚钁鸛鑿欟鸙纜驩鑽顳驤黷鑼鑾鱸圞彠欜欝氎灎灤灦癳矖矚籯籰虂虃虄虅蠼讚讛趲躦躧釃釄鑴鑵鑶鑷鑸鑹鑺靊韉饞饟驠驡驢驣髗鱱鱲鱳鱴鱵鱶鸓鸔黶鼊龤龥㒪㔶㘜㜻㜼㝲㲲㶠㸑㼖䃻䉷䕾䚕䡽䪌䪍䭦䭧䮾䰕轟贔矗鑫雥馫驫麤龘 䨺 龘厵䨻龘䲜靐䨺齉䖇䴒䶫齾䯂䰱䴑爩鱻麤龗䨊灪籲龖䚖䡿䴐灩虋虌饢麣䂅䆐䉹䖆䶑厵癵籱韊驫鱺鸝鸞䀍䄥䖂䖃䖄䥹䯁䰖䶩䶪爨纞虊讟钃靏驪鬱鱹鸛鸜麷驪㠨㿜䖁䘎䠱䤙䦆

>Muh traditional characters
I bet that almost none of them are used nowadays.You must have never studied a Kanji based language to think that you must master them all.

>You must have never studied a Kanji based language to think that you must master them all
My Japanese is N1 and my Mandarin is HSK3, stupid monkey

So tell me how many times have you used any of those characters?

Never, and I never said you need to learn them all.
It's just a demonstration of how ridiculous the characters can be.

And you managed to prove nothing.

My point is that you never really "learn" kanji, just as you never "learn" all of the English language.
You can do exactly the same with English:
My point is basically that learning kanji is impossible, because it requires learning all of the language.

Knowing the kanji radicals is more comparable to knowing the Latin alphabet, with the kanji basically being akin to spelling in European languages.

>still using ideogram

fuck this shit, even abugida are less autistic

non-Latin alphabets are all dogshit anyways so it's not like the difference matters
