/trek/ where is the septic tank? edition

Shitpost here.

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Shitpost here you say?

it really bother me how star trek never dealt with everyday stuff like going to bathroom

How about the fact that all of the main cast always happens to be awake and on the bridge whenever anything happens in 90% of the episodes

Posting best couple

I was just thinking this the other day. I've been watching through TNG for the first time, I'm about halfway through season 6 and I think there hasn't been a single depiction of a toilet so far.
What do they look like? What technology do they operate on? Does the Enterprise have public bathrooms in case you really need to take a shit and can't make it back to your quarters in time? I need to know.

It is vaguely brought up later that there is a night crew and they just wake people up if it is important enough.

Data runs the night shift, Riker assumes the bridge in the morning around 5, and it seems that Picard picks up around 11:00.

I think I have seen their bathroom sometimes. No urinals. No alien shit

They probably shit into replicators so it can be recycled

What do they do with leftover dishes after replicating food/drink?

they never seem too sleepy though, except for that episode where Riker gets abducted.

I think they have a shower and a sink, but that's it.

This has been going on a long time.

Like how they mentioned in one episode of Trek having the male humanoid version of a seahorse. It made very little sense because you honestly can't do that with land animals.

>it's a different planet

Well it's one star ship. Male or female, some "fuck you no" is going down when you have litters instead of 1-3 kids.

No you haven't, there is only one place with toilets on the Enterprise

That's what I'd do rather than take a turbolift all the way to the toilet in the morning. Let it be reconstituted into the Counselor's next Chocolate Fudge Sundae.

Trek died with TNG

>literally TOS 2.0
>died with it


why is there two sinks but only one toilet?

Because the rest of the crew constantly wash their hands after touching something Worf has touched.

Because it's a British bathroom so one sink only has cold water and the other one hot water.

Computer, upload autism template and send a communication to /trek/ asking them to respond to my post


>A single toilet for at least 10 people
Considering this is the flagship of Starfleet you'd think they'd give them at least 2-3 toilets. Come on now.

there are two toilets.

One of them is private and only for the captain

it's a military ship not a luxury cruiser

It goes back into the replicator and gets dematerialized.



Then they walk down the hall to the lower floors and go to what are probably larger washrooms.I would have done that just so Troi wouldn't smell my farts. But then she would sense that I was hiding fart smells from her. It's awkward no matter what. :-/

Edible plates

Why live?

This is wrong, the room connected to Picard's ready room has a replicator on the left wall off-screen, you can see the right wall and there's no toilet there. It also wouldn't be very hygenic to have them in the same room.

In a DS9 episode where Sisko builds an old bajoran solar sail ship Jake asks him where he's supposed to go the toilet but all there is in an anti gravity toilet. AND THEY'RE IN FULL GRAVITY XD

DS9 really asked the hard questions.

>almost 730 episodes
>13 films
>No explanation as to how telepathy works

>recurring character not "/trek/'s guy" Barclay
>villain not Gul Dukat (he did nothing wrong)

Did Worf cuck the most people in Star Trek?

He cucked Riker in TNG by banging Troi

He cucked Bashir AND Quark in DS9 by banging Jadzia and Ezri

>mfw suddenly remembering reading a ST: Voyager fanfic about 10 years ago in which Janeway teaches 7 of 9 how to perform the biological functions of excretion by pissing and shitting in to Kess' welcoming mouth.

Maybe there's a reason they never showed Star Trek bathrooms onscreen.

Whoooa, I never knew the 1-3 and 9-11 stations even existed. There doesn't even look like there's access to them from the bridge. Was there a door back there out of camera view or something?

They showed up in “Generations”. I don't think they ever showed up in the series


I absolutely cannot be fucked copying and pasting pictures into that.

Captain: Picard
Executive Officer: Spock
Science Officer: Data
Chief Engineer: O'Brien (I'll stab you if you say he doesn't count)
Doctor: EMH
Security/Tactical: Worf
Conn Officer: Sulu
Counselor: Dax
Villain: Dukat
Alien Species: Douwd
Recurring Character: Q
One Time Guest Star: Stephen Hawking
Series: The Next Generation
Movie: The Voyage Home
Starship: Enterprise E
Uniform: The first one we see on DS9 and Voyager.


Only Rikerposting

explain that image to me

>Nobody replies with this:

Wow no DS9 at all?

Literally who?

I didn't enjoy DS9 in the slightest.

I unironically loved like 70% of enterprise.

Captain. I recommend a full spread of shitposts. Maximum yield!

>not watching TOS

>not liking DS9

I finally decided to try Enterprise. It's okay so far. I'm about 6 episodes into the first season.

I liked nearly all of it, maybe not loved. Don't get why it's shat on so much though. It does a lot of stuff pretty well.

I unironically enjoy the opening and never skip it, also. Rod Stewart version is the best: youtube.com/watch?v=s3-nI1fA_fI

Is Babylon 5 worth watching?

The beginning is phenomenal.
Gets preachy later with the Latin titles but the papes love it.


Yeah that's a good number
>I would give my left nut if the last few (3?) movies were ENT movies
For me the Nazi aliens stuff was the biggest bummer ever; So you have a long way togo before it REALLY sucks.
>Be 16 when this comes out
>buy own TV
>Vulcan Boobies

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

First season is slow, second season speeds up and the last two seasons are pretty damn good (or at best, you'll like one or the other).

Enterprise gets shitted on because people never gave it a chance. They never have any specific reasons except for strawmen and the scant cherry picked episodes.

Honestly the "temporal cold war" was the biggest problem with the show. I just wanted humans going out an exploring shit, and the vast majority of those episodes were pretty good.

You're still doing it wrong.

>new Star Trek series is announced
>suddenly all the redditors love ENT

Couldn't agree more
>TFW the thing you hate the most can somehow save the timeline and erase the movies

>new Star Trek series yet again DELAYED

germans should keep their disgusting fetishes to themselves

>Best Couple
>Not Damar and Weyoun


Never been to reddit but I'd assume they would all be TNG fanboys or Voyager apologists.

nice try, reddit

Not hardly. In fact, they're all "Space Mall is best trek" splergs

They think ENT is the worst.

They think TNG is the best.

Color me surprised. Also you are both fags for ever visiting that place.

>200 votes is representative of Sup Forums opinion

Welcome to confirmation bias.

It's representative of the people who post in /trek/ threads.

I couldn't stop shitposting on the Daystrom Institute

it's a decent sample size
reddit is normies: the website so they've got massively more users

>posts easily exploitable strawpoll

Looks like we've all lost
checkmate normies

I guess that is acceptable. I dunno, after being here for 12 years everywhere else is too fucking gay.

>assuming they dislike TOS because more people voted other series
>that pitiful Sup Forums poll where they didn't even the courage to make a simple straightforward question but had to pair all series

woah, embarrassing

I enjoy the imagery of the intro but the music is such an odd choice. Don't like it at all.

>it's representative of shitposters, sub-humans that post the same tired memes, people that like Sub Rosa, DS9 fans

Quality opinions then

>Move Along Home is compelling and has important character development

DS9 eats its own farts.

TNG is the reddit series, but they hate VOY.

>saying "Reddit likes _______" and "Reddit dislikes _______" based on a poll

>saying "Reddit likes _______" and "Reddit dislikes _______" based on nothing other than a gut feeling
>not embarrassing

How does this work?

sup, reddit

thanks for bumping the thread

Reddit hate is so contradictory. Post anything based on any observational data, and you're accused of being a fag spending too much time there.

You're forced to make uninformed discussions or you'll be accused of being too reddit.

You know nothing.


People who obsess over what Reddit likes are sad desu

Like you need to see what they like before deciding to like the opposite thing


>walks into your quarters
what do?

That's the mess hall, not my quarters, you fucking casual.

Just watch Riker in this video, lol


He did have some back issues IRL

No... Good god no. TNG couldn't compare to the original series. TNG was simply a glorified, preachy, everyday, family friendly drama. TOS was proper 20th century science fiction.

>reddit: straightforward, simple, easy to use and read poll

>Sup Forums: wtf? what data is even gathered from this?

>Which was the better show?
>Voyager (79 votes)
>Enterprise (99 votes)
Gee, how does anybody understand this?


>Captain, have you heard the legend about this amazing magical thing that once happened?
>Number One, that sounds fucking ridiculous.
>Captain, our sensors show that amazing magical thing Riker just mentioned heading our way!

Does Voyager ever get good?

it mever does. When Kim has the chance to lice in perfect function, he doesn't take it. There's literally a Kim episode for how bad Voyager is.

Fuck, you


Our dimension hates it.