
Why is Japan becoming more shithole nowadays?

tbqh I feel like Japanese industry is dying. Only Japanese company doing well imo is softbank.

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>Dont believe in anime - the thread
aight, here i contribute

Congratulation on becoming chinese, here, take this Baozi and continue the good(bad) work.

competition is too harsh because """"globalization"""" didn't set the rules straight
i won't say it's neoliberalism's fault because i ain't a dirty commie pinko, but

When you are rich and business runs well, you can pretend that you are an angel since you dont have to fight tooth and nails. Instead, you laugh at people who do and call them subuman apes.

When the business is shit, you have to resort to subhuman ape shit to survive.

Pic also related. TEPCO actually did this.

Plaza Accord.
Fuck U.S.A

Too be fair, Katana was never suppossed to do this. Only WWII era invented tradition of Bullshito claimed that it could.

Samurai of old times relied on their trusty war-club, spear and bow for the main fight.

We know already but weebs have been spewing bullshit about it so people had to make this video to stop them.
Katana is an excellent sword but it's not some kind of magic sword slicing anything. So this video opened the eyes of weebs.


>TEPCO is the company that ran the Fukushima plant
>Fukushima heppened
>TEPCO CEOs on collective damage control mode
>block information
>block independent surveys
>block everything
>still has to fix that shit, and decides to send in temporary workers (immigrants, low-social level people, poor people etc.) into the irradiated plant
>law mandates that they are only allowed to work inside the plant a limited time and at a limited exposure due to obvious health hazards
>TEPCO decides to line their dosimeters with a lead-case, so that it shows a lower reading of radiation than reality
> successfully cheats the corrupt government to allow their inhuman treatment of their employees.

Japan in a nutshell.

I thought Japan and Japanese were proud and honest people :(

That's eastern europe tier.

wow,salarymen still dies for kaisha in 2017 nothing has changed.

Yes. We are good at keeping and spreading that image. And for as long as the economic crisis wasnt really felt, we could remain our dignity and pride.

But no longer. China and South Korean economy has eclipsed us and our government is too stupid and living in the past glories to think of ways to deal with that.

Hence, OP news and this case appeared. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Humans in the end are all the same. Nobles when rich, but savages when poor.

Their society extensively employs lies in their interactions.

I hope japan will get back to the glory days with proper guidance.

the china and japan reversal is immanent

it's election season here.
But Abe will probably still win due to no alternatives (again).

please kill us.

No can you guys kill us?
My nation is gonna die out because government is trying to replace us ;_;

abes going to win, he's going to rewrite the constitution. you guys are going to get a military and be sent to fight North korea and possibly china again.

fucking hell.

I like anime that shows japan's reality.

Inuyashiki of this season is pretty good.
It's an anime to believe in.

dats de brice of freebom XDDDDD

Japanese spirit - never give up.

Just say capitalism you baby.

how about koike?

>Humans in the end are all the same. Nobles when rich, but savages when poor.

This is not necessarily true. A noble has been programmed to get back to nobility through dedication and virtue. A savage has been programmed to never get out and to destroy others who are aspiring to be something more.

>One Piece and Attack on Titan--
I'm glad to see a normie brutally die

Let me tell you the history of the second half of the 20th century and early part of the 21st century:

* Europe is kaputt
* Japan is kaputt
* Soviet Russia is a backward shithole
* Asia is a backward shithole
* Africa is a backward shithole
* Latin America is a backward shithole
* The USA just won a war with all its industry untouched and unbombed, and every other major power deeply indebted to it, as well as having plundered half of Germany from technology, inventions, and specialists (operation Paperclip)

Gee, I wonder who could be the dominant world power for the next 50 years?

But wait! Those nasty Soviets may be a shithole, but they've also captured a lot of resources and stuff. Shit, better figure out a way to contain them, and to make communism seem less attractive.

* USA invests/places military bases in Japan, allowing for their economy to reboot
* USA invests/places military bases in Western Germany, allowing for their economy to reboot
* USA invests/places military bases in Korea, allowing for their economy to (re)boot
* USA starts a cold war to try and squash those pesky Soviets, sabotaging and invading and generally fucking up every non-first-world-country.

Fast Forward 50 years. Yay! Capitalism won! the Soviets are gone!

* USA goes on a glorious victory lap of unbridled capitalistic exploitation of the defunct Soviet/socialist states

But meanwhile, the rest of the world has been rebuilding/restoring their economies (in the case of Europe) or developing themselves (like China/south-east Asia).

Turns out, if everybody's catching up to you, you actually have to improve to stay ahead. There's nothing special about Japan or Korea compared to all the other ching-chong countries, they just got lucky that the USA had an interest in keeping them strong and non-commie.

That time is now over. Now you'll have to actually compete (harder) for (less) advantage.

like KMT in 1946-1949.

>There's nothing special about Japan or Korea compared to all the other ching-chong countries, they just got lucky that the USA had an interest in keeping them strong and non-commie.

Edo-era Japan was better and more cultured than capitalist Japan.

This is what they tell you to make you feel better and follow your fuhrer/race/nation without question.

A nobleman will turn into a savage just as fast as a savage turns into a nobleman. The difference is just, the nobleman's grandfather used to be a savage who robbed and killed others and accumulated so much wealth that his grandchild doesnt have to rob and kill to survive. But once the inheritance runs out and the business model crashes and burns, the grandchild must either resort to killing and robbing others to survive, or commit sudoku.

In the end, all humans need to survive. If circumstances force them to, they would eat their own children and sell their own mothers to survive.


This is what happens when you rather watch anime about cute girls instead having a family and making children, Takeshi.

Japanese also rebuilt Seoul and ran it properly as opposed to the corrupt incestuous government they had. When Japan was unleashed, it literally conquered the whole Asia. Currently they don't even have a military.

These subtitles were made by Chinese.

We would love to have children, if we could afford them.
But 30 years of stagnation created an army of "temporary workers" who work as much as every other salaryman, but earns peanuts.
None of them would be able to feed a family.

Humans are not free. We are slaves to our material circumstances.

This is not true. In Europe we have had civilizations who were reduced to complete nothingness and still they rose again and again. Japan is one of those civilizations that has an undying spark. If you deny it, you are just a hopeless loser (whose kind has been weeded out historically in Japan), or a defunct Korean/Chinese yourself.

Not even soviets during chernobyl disaster were this cruel. Firefighters were perfectly aware they're going to die.

Yeah... they don't "have one" but managed to have one of the most heavily funded armed forces in the world.

>USA goes on a glorious victory lap of unbridled capitalistic exploitation of the defunct Soviet/socialist states
that didn't really happen. USA has least investments in Post-Soviet states.

more like China.

How do you know?

Europe never fell down, neither Japan. Technology does not decay just because we were bombed to shit. Infrastructure and cities that were burned can be rebuilt as long as we still remember that we had them and how to do it. It is easier to rebuild something after destruction than to built it from scratch.

But if the destruction lasts a few decades, rebuilding something will become just as hard as recreating something.

We do not possess some super special genes that makes us uberhumans. We were just lucky.

what do you think of Abe?

Your arguments would have substance if Japan wasn't a historical power in Asia with a very unique culture and a strong enough army to keep literally everyone else out.

Tried his best. But tried the wrong things.

As long as corporate culture and nepotism doesnt change, none of his three arrows will be of any use.

>This is not true. In Europe we have had civilizations who were reduced to complete nothingness and still they rose again and again.
bullshit, name 3 european civilisations that were completely destroyed and came back from it


I wonder how long till the japanese lying nature is exposed thoroughly to the world

We literally werent.

We were only strong since Meiji, and before, we were pretty much like any other east asian country... A potential prey of western colonialism.

That Meiji succeeded was really a combination of awesome luck and competence - in parts of feudalism that broke with the conservative central authority and pushed modernization, as well as looking over to China about what happens to you when you do not reform.

As said before, our 'unique culture' was an invented tradition. During Meiji period, the fashionable modern Japanese didnt even want to be recognized as Japanese and rejected Japanese traditions since it was seen as anti-modern.

t.weeb triggered.

Pretty much all the Germanics, especially Germany. The British also. The German obsession with rebuilding in supernatural.

I don't believe you are Japanese.

>germanic civilization

>all the Germanics
>The British
are you for real? At what point did any of these civilisations get destroyed or even slightly at risk of "being reduced to complete nothingness"
you talk big but have no idea what you're talking about

>We would love to have children

Bullshit, herbivore men and women symptom.

Japan built up its premium image with anime, games and cars, all of which normies love.

No car maker can compete with Toyota reliability, dont think anyone will replace toyota soon unless some kind of tech revolution happens and Japan fails to seize the opportunity and secure patents, its possible tho

Again no country can copy japanese anime/video game style yet, dont think anyone ever will, eclipse japan maybe, replace no. japan's culture is pretty unique, see pic related, Korea and China despite culturally most similar just dont have it this kind of autism

until both happens, japan will do just fine.
but yeah now days japanese electronics and software are mostly overpriced mediocre shit, a substantial part of the country is stuck in 90s, life is gonna be tough when korea/china catches up

If Germany were to be blown to bits today, they would have more success in rebuilding than any other European nation. This comes from their work ethic and culture, which also shares similarities with the Japanese. Germans also lied about their cars by the way, it happens.

Let's get back to the Japanese discussion. This "Japanese" is saying the TEPCO thing is a scandal. It's a scandal because in Japan such a thing is not common. In China and Korea, human life has no value whatsoever, things like that wouldn't make it to the news because they are so commonplace and hiding them is normal. In China, an escalator could eat you and no one will know. The Korean government, Samsung and everything in Korea is corrupt.

The Japanese have a reason to put themselves down for falling behind, but a real Japanese knows Japan is still the best country in the world. They are just painfully conservative and are suffering as a result. They have invented a ton of things and are still the best in the world in many industries. Korean quality = crap.

he is not japanese, english too good and not enough rage at other gooks



No, we arent herbivore. We are actually a very manly and macho culture. But a macho decides that having children and not being able to feed them is below his honor.
I think this is actually a very responsible thinking.

Western Roman Empire -> Carolingian Empire
Great Moravia -> Duchy of Bohemia
First Bulgarian Empire -> Second Bulgarian Empire

What do I win?

english teachers in japan need to die

Dont think that all Japanese posters are Netouyos.
Also, I'm studying languages at the university, so of course my english is better than the run off the mill shitposter.

>If Germany were to be blown to bits today, they would have more success in rebuilding than any other European nation
biased speculation, by this logic the russians are also master rebuilders after the immense damage of ww2
you win the "smarter than the average estonian" prize

yeah read about it years ago in turkish newspapers when fukushima first happened

>a substantial part of the country is stuck in 90s
That's a compliment on so many levels

i have literally never seen a jap with english this good on Sup Forums since the day japs started posting here, so yes i do believe that

Russia has infinite natural resources to sell, still they haven't made much of it, except funneling it all into Putin's pockets. Russian products have always been crap. German products have always been well made.

wait a minute though, from my research it seemed like your country contrary to most modern countries had a nice "modernization spread" i.e. a fuckton of cities that arent the central cities are modern and the country isn't just a few beacons of light surrounded by retarded poor people. is this wrong? im not sure.

also what does abe plan to do with the age problem? average age is like 43 now, you guys are fucked unless you bring in immigrants, but alas if you bring in immigrants you will be fucked anyway.

what do?

Our problem is the insane amount of protectionism that has made us literally an island in terms of technology. We have build ourselves a microcosmos of proprietary technological standards. For a time, it was good, since it allowed our companies to dominate our home markets since only they had the supply chain and investments to do it. But this also has created an off-balance in the economical sense. What sells well in Japan due to no competition due to proprietary standards might not sell well outside. And for a economy that has a strong dependent on exports it's actually kinda bad.

Long gone are the days when Japanese proprietary standards could spread outside the borders and establish themselves in other countries.

they can do nothing. they will shrink until they hit replacement level again. in the meantime their economy will lose to China and Korea. They can't get anymore clay so they are stuck on their island.

Japan is going the way of the mongols.

AFAIK katana is a saber
you try to do the same shit with a rapier and you'll get the same results
sabers were made to cut people at a time that guns made armours useless so nobody would bother to wear them
i did see videos of katanas slashing through (thin) steel sheets though. but yeah just don't do that


Problem is that we lack the economic dynamics of the 60s and 70s. This is something we can see in China and South Korea at the moment (also, not to forget - a large part of our most capable retired engineers actually were hired by South Korean and then Chinese companies).

If Japan wants to thrive, we need carefully open up our economy again, let competition come in, forcing our companies to adapt and establish themselves in new fields again.

As of now, we can still survive on selling products that are peerless, like optical instruments and some microelectronics, as well as high tensile steel and specialized alloys. But that advantage is getting chipped away, as Kobe-Steel shows.

I actually learn German, so english is not a problem for me since nothing beats the difficulty of the German language.

But should I communicate in german with you even though you are jew?

post you jap passeport

upload a dickpic with timestamp, if under 3 inch i will believe you are a nip

Japanese are retarded


I am Japanese-American. My parents tell me about why they left Japan quite often.


>the CEO (((Masayoshi Son))) is Korean

hmmmm.... really made me think.

Fake news

>As said before, our 'unique culture' was an invented tradition. During Meiji period, the fashionable modern Japanese didnt even want to be recognized as Japanese and rejected Japanese traditions since it was seen as anti-modern.
Yep. Being Japanese was old-fashioned in the 1870's-1900's. 1905 changed that

I think Japan should just execute old businessmen. Reminds me of this.


elaborate please

>wasn't a historical power in Asia with a very unique culture
whats so very unique about them? are you an expert on far east cultures to make such a statement? when the portuguese first found them they were just as backwards as everybody else in the region, for fucks sake they were still using matchlock muskets in the early 19th century

neither of those cultures was completely destroyed, not at any point of their history, you want an example of fully destroyed culture? check up on kwarezmians and what the mongols did to them, all of the wars in europe were never that genocidal

If you want to put it like that, the Japanese are far far away from being destroyed. They are literally one of the most powerful economies in the world, especially in a global situation where the superpowers are tearing at the seams because of fears of assimilation.

An anecdote about using antiquated technology doesn't tell the whole story. Japanese to this day use out of date tech when it gets the job done just as well. It's their strength and weakness. When the world starts chimping out collectively at progressiveness it will be their strength, because they will still be on their natural path.

Every time when I see these K-pop prostitutes shaking their asses I think, damn, this is going to destroy the Korean society one day. Chinese society is being niggerized as well.

I fucking hate KPOP shit too, but I don't see how it will somehow destroy korean society.

Slippery slope.

There is a reason Westerners like visiting Japan but not living there.

You could use the same logic to argue that anime helps degenerate Japanese society.

Creates unrealistic expectations of women in general. I don't think any Korean guy would want to breed with the common Korean female after being exposed to all that ass.

Anime hasn't dented Japan's family unit. Being a homosexual and an otaku is still bad.


Let's just not use this argument. Without constructive reasoning and evidence as to how the issues relate, slippery slope arguments are garbage.

because they're foreigners ?

Eastern societies are historically terrible with freedom. China and Korea are opening up and liberalizing at an incredible pace to speed up the economy. It will end in a huge crash when the ants realize they can defeat the authority.

Japan hasn't advanced past Unit 731.

imho the greatest thing to have happened to china was the corporations' slave labor factories. they actually succeeded and building a middle class in some areas and now we are seeing middle class economies forming too. soon enough china will be forced to liberalize because of this.

I can tell you why I wouldn't live there.

Less pay, longer work hours, and people don't say what they mean or mean what they say.

Wonderful place still, I've really enjoyed my visits.

Human testing is best testing

>Wonderful place still, I've really enjoyed my visits.
Come again foreign currency overlord