Which villians, in your opinion, are good written?

Which villians, in your opinion, are good written?

Koba from whatever of the planet of the apes

>good written

Jesus christ.

Well written, son. Well written.

goodly written*

>good written

I'm going to catch hell for this. And it might be his delivery of it too, but they've done a great job of making Negan exactly how they wanted. A menacing, yet super cocky badguy that everyone hates

Welley written*

Jesus fuck user

>good written
More like good riddance.

Oh god, good written, what have I done

Scar just wanted some pussy,
Mufassa hogged all the pride bitches so
could you really blame Scar for taking him out



>good written


West Wheaton*

Stop fucking up anons

Best wroting*

Maybe it could've been written gooder

Which villian is the most goodliest wrote?

I prefer antagonists who are wroten the goodest

>That fucking Shia in the background

I like well antagonists wrotten good.

is it better if the antagonist is good write or if they are bewrotten goodly

Aku sounds like dogshit without Mako

>good written


grud thread

fight me

juan ovyu

HxH is kino but meruem deserved to die

best one coming through

can I get a quick rundown on Bogdanoff?

Sato from Ajin was superb

Sometimes the truth is unpopular, user.


Good, op your ininion, are which villainly written?

Yeah yeah we get it, you're homesick

Is this thread the beginning of an h*lla epic new meme!?!?!?!

He did nothing wrong.


*bestestly wroting

>good written


he did everything wrong thats why he died

i readly exceliterate goods

Patrician, goodst wroten villain

getting rid of vermin.
thats the goodestes reason

What did he good written by this?


>double 66
Very nice, I'd say the goodest
