Why do females pretend to like Star Trek?

why do females pretend to like Star Trek?

they like the attention they get from beta males, but not enough to procreate with them

they use the attention to direct it towards an alpha

It's only logical.

Right is a 10/10 good lord

Correct, them milky white titties need to be exposed immediately

she looks like a little arab boy in drag

My gf has that janice rand uniform from Halloween one year. She actually like star trek.
Though to be fair she isn't a huge TOS fan. More so tng and ds9

Making a misogynistic thread about a series that has the core ethos of egalitarianism. Wow OP, you really activated my almonds. A great piece of ironic performance art. Bravo.

I know several girls that are huge trekkies. They genuinely enjoy the shows, I'm more than fine with that. Makes for a more enjoyable conversation than the latest chick flick or club night.

oh no an alien lifeform has taken overe the shipe and maeks me want 2 suck all her necks hahah ;DD

[pls help doctor

Some of them are completely into it.

It's cool, but if you can't tell me a few things (you don't even have to name the names of episodes) about it then fuck you. My girlfriend was seriously into the love and hate of certain episodes. She didn't know what they were called, but she could describe them. That's when you know that she cared about the subject matter and didn't just fuck around with names.

>I fucking hated the hippy episode
>you mean the one with the blonde hippies?
>yeah they started painting the ship and fucking it up because of that guy with the huge ears

>she actually watched it...

They do.
They also like Star Wars, GOT, LOTR, Hunger Games and more.
>why normies like normies shit?

why do males pretend to like star trek

>no action
>character centric soap opera

do they all wear this shirt too?

too bad your shitskin microdick will never meet anything other than your hand lmao

For me? It has to be Farscape.

all the nerd fandoms are retarded and gay imo

but people do it to socialize with other "nerdy" people

>Though to be fair she isn't a huge TOS fan. More so tng and ds9
Sounds accurate.

Fucking hell

Why do men pretend star wars is good?

my gf likes trek because i made her watch tng and ds9 and they are great shows

Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars?

Same reason the pretend to like everything else. Women are a meme.

because it panders to their delusion that they're born as perfect little snowflakes that need neither men nor any sort of training

the original diehard trekkies were girls

They're women's shows, honestly.

Or just couple's, 90's sci-fi. You could watch a LOT of episodes and go "who exactly is this for?" unless you are actually watching it in a relationship.

It's dead-on couple drama sometimes.

In my experience Lord of the Rings is weirdly the most obscure compared to the rest of that garbage. You dont see teenagers, giga-normies and eternal plebians post retarded memes in anywhere near the capacity they do for GOT and HG. It's like that thing people say they like because they pretty much have to.

This is incredibly accurate

DS9 Unis are the most aesthetic by far

Some broads love virgin dick

Not untrue. The first Star Trek convention was equal male to female. Which is fucking insane compared to conventions now.

In fact, the original Trekkie was Lucille Ball.

women pretend to like nerd things because they get way more attention by beta turbo virgins

DS9 uniforms look comfy as fuck

I've got a friend who is a diehard Trekkie, heavily into Data. She's quite hot and she's proved her Trekkie cred many times over. There are more of hot Trekkie women than you know OP. REAL ones. The nerdy hot ones...they exist.

>go to a retro game store two weeks ago
>buy mission impossible on N64
>"I just want to play that face changing mission again, hah!"
>cashier says (no kidding, cute black girl)- "hah really, that's my game, $4 surcharge!"
>some guy goes "FUCKING NORMIE!" in the back of the store

Why, and a lot more, why?


The Voyager skirts seem nice too. Nice, cool, and comfortable.

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

nice trips

Also ofcourse there are, I'm a nery attractive guy so by default there are nerdy attractive women.

Huh? It was catladies flicking the bean to Spock and writing slashfic that kept the show alive after it got cancelled.

I'm 28, so I've been enjoying Star Trek about for about 20 years. Also I've written fanfiction (not ST stuff), so I'm living up to the stereotype.

>a friend
>proved her Trekkie cred
>The nerdy hot ones...they exist.
>a friend
I'm curious, does she ever dye her hair unnatural colors?

Dunno... she's naturally dark brown hair, never seen it any other feminazi colors. Probably keeps it dark brown because of her obsession with Data.

Why haven't you shown her how fully functional you are?



this kind of shit is why I hide my powerlevel

Because I'm taken already by another Trekkie woman.

Why do women pretend to be people?

>women's suffrage turns into man's suffering

why do females pretend to like Star Wars?

TOS has objectively the best outfits

Cosplayer detected. Did anybody like your amateur photoshoots today, you dumb cospie? Any new likes on your instagram, you stupid cospo?

for women, cause they're the sluttiest

jesus fucking christ

Because 60s Mod fashion is sexy



This isn't/pol/. Unlike those virgins we actually talk to women and know they can have a genuine interest in something

The only bad thing is that it has Harry Potter on it which shouldn't be associated with those other classic giants of nerdom

Because of the strong socialist message. All women are closet commies that need to be contained and relegated to breeding stock.

HP is for ultra casuals just like star wars

lol fuck off reddit

Why do men pretend to be feminists?

One should indeed refrain from associating with classics like Star Trek the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

ferengi posters get out

only federation and federation allied races allowed

You're the only one itt mentioning reddit you fucking redditor

Why is it whenever you crticize any fandom and point out how legit flawed they are the rabid fans look at you like you're worse than Hitler and begin frothing at the mouth?

The Ferengi are a Federation ally now that the Grand Nagus is a Federation puppet.

this makes me want to murder every single redditor on earth

You forgot the image

>Right is a 10/10 good lord
yepp wanna beam my dick right into her pussy if you know what i mean

>other people are doing things i dont like!
fucking autist


hes right though that shirt is heinous

Shut up Wesley.

I'm calling dibs on the brunette

>Though to be fair she isn't a huge TOS fan. More so tng and ds9
then she has some taste

So don't wear it.

spot on

>hurr literally everything is immune to criticism because nobody is forcing you to like it

i requrie you to go back

>Those runs in her stockings

>the hippie episode

The best kind of arab boy, desu.

Its a shitty tshirt, its not worth your time getting upset over

>they like the attention they get from beta males

This. Women are perpetual attention whores and unconsciously practice solipsism. It's why they're increasingly addicted to social media. It's also far easier to get the attention they crave from betas.

Women will invade any space which men create for themselves. Not because they're interested and not in the name of equality, but instead to scream "LOOK AT ME!"

If enough men became interested in tape worms, began discussing tape worms, and began attending tape worm conventions, women would "suddenly" find tape worms interesting too.

>Though to be fair she isn't a huge TOS fan. More so tng and ds9

My commiserations.


What's life like in the 17th century m8?

>know they can have a genuine interest in something

Score a laugh point, faggot. The only thing women are interested in is your attention.

t. Virgin


I'm in my mid-50s. I was having sex before your mother was even born.

Believe me, once you learn and accept the true nature of women, you're life will be a hell of a lot easier.

No Enterprise uniforms. Sad!

This they are human cancer that had held back male humanity since the dawn of time. Its ironic but a world of only gay men would be utopia.

Is the girl on the far left the ASMR chick who makes videos for reddit? I think she used to have a gap in her front teeth, it was attractive in a dick sucking kind of way.


Why are you here?

DS9 unis are high tier, but ENT has the best uniforms.

Nobody cosplays Enterprise. Nobody.

Look, your picture isn't even at a convention.

I stopped being bitter years ago. Also i don't think any sane person should be taking advice from a 50 year old that browses a site for autistic 20 somethings

This isn't your blog, user.