How much would you have to be paid in order for you to move to Tampere?

How much would you have to be paid in order for you to move to Tampere?

10€ nothing more

how's the climate there?

I'd rather kill myself than live among Finns.


hello Ikibey

payment in the form of 1 (one) gf


Iki's writing style isn't comparable to mine you newfag.

I supose I'd take just the average wage for the novelty of a working holiday, no more than six months tho

9250€ per month for the rest of my life, adjusted for inflation yearly.

You Turks sure are funny folk.

>t. Oulu :D
subuu ja viinaa :D

I would work for food I was allowed to live in Finlan :DDDD

mitä vittua

dankest mene :D

sika nai kettua

Why should I leave my country to work with introverse autistic?
Plus the weather is shitty 24/24 h

peat-gavel manchild can't live in the cold XDDDD

Would I get a nice Finnish gf?

They are like barn doors, you can just walk right in


Enough to be considered rich and never have to work again

Free mustamakkara for life.