Why did Disney choose to completely invalidate Episode 6?

Why did Disney choose to completely invalidate Episode 6?
>The Jedi do not return
>The Empire remains so powerful, influential, and resource/labor rich they can build a Death Star+1
>Anakin isn't the chosen one because the Sith survived despite the Rule of Two

Other urls found in this thread:


>Most badass bounty hunter defeated by a blind guy bumping into him
> Most powerful Sith lord defeated by being picked up and dropped down a shaft
>An entire legion of the Emperor's best troops defeated by teddy bears with rocks
>Imperial fleet gives up for no reason
>Flagship of the Imperial fleet destroyed by A Wings

Because Return of the Jedi is ass.

Don't forget Death Star 2.0 which was even easier to destroy than the first one.

RotJ had its moments but I really wish they kept the original plan of having the Rebels attack the Imperial Capital.

>Because Return of the Jedi is ass.
Two wrongs don't make a right though.

Name one character flaw Rey has.

Not the actress, the character.

Marey Sues don't have flaws. But I think you knew that

I've only seen SW 1 - 5, but isn't the Rule of Two non-canon to the original series and just made up by the prequels?

I wouldn't put a lot of weight on that variable.

>>Anakin isn't the chosen one because the Sith survived despite the Rule of Two
Inb4 hurr durr they're practically the same thing


I can't believe you're even asking this.

>the Sith survived

We haven't seen any Sith yet.

>>Anakin isn't the chosen one because the Sith survived despite the Rule of Two
There is so much wrong with this statement.

>Luke was the Chosen One, not Anakin
>the Sith didn't survive, Kylo and Snoke are a different group altogether
>the Rule of Two is nonsense from novels that are no longer canon based on Yoda's line that "always two there must be, the master and the apprentice", which only meant that Maul must've learnt from somebody and they had to find that person
>"bringing balance to the force" does not necessarily mean exterminating the Sith, it's a prophecy open to interpretation

>the jedi do not return
they're shooting flashbacks to make up for that now.


The flaw is that she doesn't have any flaws.

>>Luke was the Chosen One, not Anakin

Should have went with Thrawn or an original character was the big bad for the new trilogy and clearly distinguished the new films from their predecessors. The classic tunes, lived-in future aesthetics, and familiar faces would have been enough to pull people back in to the universe. There is no excuse for almost completely rehashing the plot of A New Hope and stuffing the film full of fanservice too.

No, that's not wrong.

They thought Anakin was the Chosen One due to his high midichlorian count. He was supposed to bring balance to the Force, and instead he wiped out the Jedi and joined the Sith.

You could make the argument that Anakin fulfilled the prophecy by being the one who literally physically threw the Emperor to his death, but it was Luke's journey and Luke's decisions that brought the prophecy to a close by embracing his true destiny. Luke returned Anakin to the light side of the Force and convinced him to kill the Emperor. It was Luke's refusal to submit to the Dark Side that did this; he succeeded where Anakin had failed.

Luke was the actual Chosen One. He was guarded from a very young age until he was ready to combat the Sith and restore balance - which he did. Again, the only reason the Jedi believed Anakin to be the Chosen One was his midichlorian count, and they were shown to be wrong when he turned on them.

This was always just a theory until it was demonstrated to be correct in the new canon when Obi-Wan literally tells Darth Maul that Luke is the true Chosen One and he's watching over him until he's ready to restore balance to the Force.

Anakin brought balance to the Force by destroying all but two Jedi and all but two Sith.
Lucas has confirmed that he is the Chosen One.

obi wan was wrong, I know you're a disneyfag but even you should be able to understand this.

kill yourself queer, this theory was shut down 10 years ago.

she gets a hold of the force PERFECTLY within 5 minutes based on intuition, i'd say she fuckes up the franchise almost as much as jar jar

were talking about SW not mice and rats in moives

You call that almost? There's no way that will ever not be completely retarded


I discredit jar jar more because they made him the comic relief in a movie that made the eventual badass into a one-liner douche

Honestly obi wan deserves a side story just o make up for how stupid he was left in the 3 prequels

But getting back to the main issue here, yeah, rey is a pretty stupid character and that mindcontrol over james-bond-trooper made me cringe as much as that stupid "the light saber speaks to people and shows them flash backs"

fancy a young guy being arrogant? who would have thought that could ever happen? jar jar being a stupid character isn't anywhere as bad as some one picking up the force in 5 minutes, totally ignoring everything we've seen before.

It's not that complicated; in the old canon, Lucas was king. He stated that Anakin was the Chosen One because he brought balance to the Force, the Jedi Order just misinterpreted it.
I suppose you could interpret this to mean either him making it so that there were 2 Jedi 2 Sith, or him destroying both the Sith and the Old Jedi Order.

In the new canon, Lucas' word means shit all, and Luke has been confirmed to be Chosen One by Yoda and Obi-Wan. Of course, it's very possible that they're wrong again.

one comment by one character in a childrens cartoon no one give a fuck about. luke is my favourite user but he's not the chosen one. unless disney releases a statement saying he is, he's isn't.

How do you live with the knowledge that Felicity will never be your gf?

this makes it pretty easy

I've always seen Luke as the chosen one. even way before the prequels. it was always luke.

prequels retconed a lot of stuff in order to fit it in.

OT is the only real star wars anyway.

Is this bait?

She was naive in believing her family would come back to her on Jakku.