
what does it mean and why is it an albanian meme?


It just mean 'Thank god'/'Praise god'.





means thank god/praise to god like the bruneian (correct ?) user said.
also said after finishing a meal

Alhamdulillah is short for Mashallah el inshallah allah alhamdulillah muhamed al inshallah which means Praise Allah the great god and his prophet Muhamed

i thought albania was christian


Chr***ian dogs will be the first to be killed in the day we join the Islamic caliphate inshallah. By Allah we are 70% muslim.

it is not
its some unfunny retard trying to be funny

nevermind this im a faggot


All true slavs are christians
You are trators

inchallah and hamdulilah have different meaning
when you wish for something to happen in the future you say inchallah
when something good happens to you in the present you say hadmulah

They're not slavs tho.


>implying we are same people as r**sians s***ians

at least im not a cringy retard like you

It means Praise God and was first used by Coptic Christians, despite being associated with Muslims these days.

They don't speak a slavic language.

no fucking one knows or uses that word here

Actually now that I remember a lot of soccer players say it when they score

maybe in your gypsy country of origin

Hurr durrrf im a serbshit gREektars

Albania is Muslim and has a Muslim culture guys don't believe the other one
We say ishalla and marshalla all the time

Inshallah he speaks the truth. By allah we unite islam by 2030

samefag here
I also like to larp as a pagan and suck dick in my free time

Samefag here
Was kidding
I only fuck goats

>pidor education

it's what Muslims say after eating

Samefag here
Actually im ch****ian and i suck jesus dick all day every day
