Why did boomers make much better movies and had much better taste than gen x and millenials...

Why did boomers make much better movies and had much better taste than gen x and millenials? Dadcore movies are always kino

Movies, (and society in general) had yet to be ruined by Niggerization.

>he's unironically racist

But there was always black sidekicks and they were actually bros. What happened in the last 10 years?

because they paid for their media so their tastemakers didn't just strive for overseas box office and youtube hits.

really it is all our fault for not going to the movies and not renting Blu-rays and on-demand enough.

How can you expect good product for free?

Your dad paid $4 for his ticket to see Taxi Driver, why is it so unreasonable for you to pay $15 to see Kong Skull Island?

Because why don't use the technology we have available. It's the only thing we have going for us right now.
Job market is shit, housing is a robbery and most movies suck

>devil trips
It's because the majority of movies made during their time are forgotten and buried. The classics survive and come to represent their times, while the shit is forgotten.

Why would I pay fifteen bucks to see a soulless CGI reboot blockbuster when I can see a layered and aesthetic character drama like Breaking Bad for free on TV? This is closer to Taxi Driver than most films released today

>he's not racist

name 3 movies that were negatively impacted by the race of a character that isn't just based on your edgy emotions and hating all niggers.

breaking bad isn't free, you paid money to your cable company for AMC so you get a pass.

Your father paid $4 to see a soulless remake of King Kong in 1976. Why do you think you deserve better? Do you have better tastes? It is a timeless tale that gets retold every generation and it is your time to buy the ticket and take the ride.

When white people play Othello in blackface. The entire remake of Great Gatsby.

Karate Kid series. It loses a whole lot when it is no longer about a white boy and an grumpy asian man bonding and becoming friends over Karate.

You're watching the movies that were good. The awful, shitty ones got filtered out and no one remembers or cares about them. So you're left with the good films.

But there is something to be said about the sheer volume of media we have at our disposal in this age.


>the eighties and nineties were the epitome of taste.

How about no.

Pretty much anytime they put a darkie in a medieval European setting. Completely kills the fucking mood. Nobody puts white people in loincloths living among African tribesmen, or a Mexican in an ancient Chinese village. Fuck off with that shit, they only do it in a sad attempt to get blacks to watch it because they see another black face and think "AY WE WUZ KNIGHTS N SHIET"

When I think 90s movies I think of lighthearted family comedies starring a "cool kid" who gets into trouble with light plinking on the piano in the background.

Everyone went to the movies. It was what you did almost every weekend with your family, or with friends, whatever. There was a lot of room for error because even if your film wasn't very good, you were guaranteed an audience because what the fuck else were people going to do?

Internet changed the name of the game. Changed everything. In the west, you have to make films a social event to get people to go to the theater. Like Suicide Squad's tattoo thing. People aren't going to go the theater to watch a mid-budget film because they can sit at home and stream whatever the fuck they want. So mid-budget films are now almost completely dead in America. Quality films aren't as numerous because of all the aforementioned reasons.

>When white people play Othello in blackface
wrong. they were all better than fishburne's
>The entire remake of Great Gatsby.
oscar nominated, universally acclaimed.
>Karate Kid series
>no longer about a white boy and an grumpy asian man
are you autistic? i ask you how it negatively impacts a film and you say the karate kid, just because it has different actors than the original.

> Nobody puts white people in loincloths living among African tribesmen
name 2 popular movies where the entire movie revolves around african tribesmen that's not "The Gods Must Be Crazy"
any popular movie that takes place in africa has always had white people in it.
>a Mexican in an ancient Chinese village
Name 3 movies that take place in ancient China that aren't produced by extremely homogenous Chinese using Chinese actors


As an experiment watch 20 John Wayne's westerns in rapid succession, chronologically by release date, pick the earliest one from 1948 as your starter. You'll feel exactly the same as you do after watching shitty superhero flick #2314 after like 5th or 7th. Now of course people remember him for Rio Bravo, Red River or The Searchers but those were just those "good" of like 200 movies he played in. There's about 25 of those good movies in total(at best), the rest is boring, derivative shit that's forgotten for a very good reason.

Same applies to virtually every period, actor or director. Your dad doesn't remember shit movies. He doesn't remember remember hundreds of shit-tier dance movies from 70's, but he remembers things like Taxi Driver or The Deer Hunter or Barry Lyndon or other good things.

Similarly, you won't remember Spiderman: Planet of Bane: Skull Squad: Return of the Matrix™, but you'll remember, dunno Gran Torino or something.

>why are X like this?!?! Why does Y do that?!?!?!

because jews every time

every single time

>he's contrarian

>pick the earliest one from 1948 as your starter.

>1980s boomer in their 40s: I need to think about me, I've got so much money I can afford to be artistic
>2010s boomers now retired: let's bank roll something that'll give us a safe return

Boomers still in charge, peeps

>it's a millennial chick whines about how boomers screwed her over while she travels to Florida to meet her boyfriend the day after a trip to the city with her friends to see Panic at the Disco with her minimum wage job money and 500 dollars in the bank episode

>lazy and just sit at home

Jesus christ fuck off you old crap bags. Don't talk shit about my kino theatre. If you had one you'd be at home a lot too. But,

>muh jobs! Being a cuck is the only way to be

Where do you think you are?

>It's a made up anecdotal evidence schlock to defend boomers in a time where wages and pricing have never been further apart episode

I found a cuck apologist

because most young people today are poor, senpai

they objectively make less than their parents did at the same age + are in crippling debt + benefited the least from the recovery from the recession + pensions are going away, they will likely have cuts to social security, and may never even own a house

He's right to an extent. Who fucking cares this isn't Sup Forums related.mods do your fucking jobs