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Would you date a single mother? What would people think of you if you did?


Why would you date?

Our women are crazy and you don't stick penis in crazy.

Depends on why she is single. If her husband died, sure. If not then depends on why they broke up. If she didnt even marry the father of her child, hell no.
If the child is not the same race as she is, hell no.
If her husband was abusing her, or was a degenerate, id ok with her.
Mostly depends why the past relationship of which the child is the product of broke.

op just wanted to start a sminem thread


my thoughts exactly




Nothing really, it's fairly normal for people to have kids with multiple partners.



How old is the sminem guy?



Depends, is the kid hot?

he's 20, born on December 4 1996

He was born in 1996, the poor fuck constantly writes posts about how amazing his mother is and how he misses his mother. I feel sad for the guy

It depends. My family is really Catholic, so they'd be happy that I'm taking on a paternal role for a kid. They'd absolutely love it if she were Catholic, or, better yet, converted to Catholicism.
I'm married, and neither of us have kids.



That i am a stupid cuck, or very desperate for pussy and family.

where at? how do I follow this guy on all social media

What happened to his mother?

Too close to home, Sweden. ;-;

he probably looks the ugliest in this one

>go back
To Ohio? I don't see how that's anymore appropriate for me than Colorado.

On this Russian dating page or some shit, a Russian user sent his link before, not sure where his mother is or what happened to her but majority of his posts revolve around how kind his mother is.

I need to know more about sminem


That I am loser