Am i white?

Am i white?

Other urls found in this thread:

Whiter than me. Check your rights whitey

I'm pretty sure you are brazilian.

Unfortunately yes, you are wh*Te.

No way to tell for sure. Please post your nipple for further analysis.

ew wh*Te

Wh*Te subhuman

General russian from Arkhangelsk.


head shape is typically brazilian

Пpaвильнee бyдeт "an average looking"

Yes you're white

Yes and you're looking very similar to me, but your gene pool might be infected with the brasilian blood

Пoхoдy дa.

What is a typical brazilian head shape, luigi?

I though all poles were blond with blue eyes

Most Poles have green eyes

lots of leb ancestry right
you give a middle eastern aura

You aren't white until an ork tells you you're white

My ancestry is italian and portugues.
I even have an italian passport

>My ancestry is italian and portugues.
yeah my hunch is still right

You look like me and I'm ethnically Turkish soooo

>man boob hair

Poles are proud BLACKS.

You are indeed a subhuman wh*të, please delete this thread and leave us be.

they're pinker than mine

You are not white

i have cheekbones like that my mongoloid friend


Am I white
Plz no bully

I knew you were brazilian even before i clicked the post. Why do BR have such a BR face


America has spoken

You have an extremely punchable face.

I don't know if anyone agrees with me.

I do. But i think thats because he remembers me of my ex's cousin. Who was a fucking cunt.

Look like a wh*Te subhuman

When i'm abroad no one thinks im brazilian.
It is usually spanish, italian or lebanese.

yes, but very eastern

What's so eastern about me?

You look pretty cute tbqh

Look Russian despite being Italian/Portuguese

>Brown eyes
>am I white?

No, sorry Mexican you're not white

Your height?


>Brown eyes
>am I white?

No, sorry Mexican you're not white

Am I wh*te enough for Sup Forums certified geneticists?