Has everything on its side to make it work

>Has everything on its side to make it work
>Still fails

Is BvS really the Trump of movies?

Is Obamacare actually any good?

I'm not dead because of it so it's good for me.

So, it's bad then

>7 years of bitching
>republican house
>republican senate
>republican president

And yet Sup Forumsshits are still defending the orange clown.

It has saved people's lives, but on the whole it is inferior to every other universal health care system.

>Has everything on its side to make it work
But that's not true. More right wing elements of the GOP didn't like the plan, and Dems are so hyper partisan now they won't sign off on anything Trump proposes because he insulted their dear leader too many times. I don't know why the left is trying to celebrate this. They'll just make another bill. It's not like a referendum was held on whether to replace Obamacare or not for the next 8 years. All it means is you're going to end up with a MORE right wing plan. The moderate Republicans aren't going to protest vote after the first one failed, and Ryan will corral them into caving anyway if they have any thoughts.

It needs to be fixed

But Trump will let it die

Why are Republicans such assholes?

In the sense that they blocked the plan or in the sense that they want a more right wing plan?

Sure, but Americlaps already get triggered as fuck with affordable health care. They will never have universal health care.

Yeah, I bet the Republicans will all vote for a plan that leaves millions of their votes without health insurance. A winning move there.

In the sense that you're not considered human if you're not white and rich.

>They'll just make another bill

Another crap bill, or none at all

they get triggered because they dont want to pay for all the obese nigs and spics

america is like 60% obese

In the sense that they're okay with killing 24 million of their fellow Americans.

Trumpshits, be honest here, did you know the healthcare system was "complicated"?

>plans must be 100% one way or 100% the other way
I said more right wing, not far right. They'll be compromise with the Freedom caucus types. There's no other way to get it done unless Trump just goes full natsoc. Leaving Obamacare as it is isn't an option.

>Leaving Obamacare as it is isn't an option.
It is. And it will remain untouched for the next 4 years.

I don't know what ground Bernie has to stand on after watching that joke of a debate performance where he couldn't even beat Ted fucking Cruz 1 on 1 on healthcare.

Yeah, no. You want to talk about losing voters than doing nothing about Obamacare would be far more poisonous to the GOP than altering it.

So you also didn't know it's complicated?

It's a step in the right direction, but desperately needs to be replaced by a single payer public option.

Bernie Sanders should be forced to work in a gulag just to show him how communism works.

Only if you are a useless parasite on the underbelly of society.

Like this guy:

t. neet


Today you learned that it takes 60 votes to defeat a filibuster in the Senate and pass a bill. Republicans do not have 60 votes, so whatever bill came out of the House would have been blocked by Senate Democrats anyway.

Oh, wait, I mean.... BLORMF BTFO! Has there ever been a more miserable failure of a president? We can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.

It's shit, but it's better than what was there before and what Trump tried to replace it with.



Has there been a filibusterer about Granny's sweet tea yet?

The republicans control the three branches of the government yet you found a way to blame the democrats

Why did I vote for this dumbass?

It's inferior to single payer, but vastly superior to all private healthcare

It was a budget reconciliation bill so they would only need a simple majority. It failed because they didn't have enough republicans.

They won't even get 20 votes on this shit hahahaha

you can remove white from that sentence

Poor white people voting republicans are the dumbest people out there.

Why did they even try then? Retard

Unless you have a supermajority you don't have control

>Has everything on its side to make it work
Not a single democrat would vote for it
watch the video, shithead, that's taken out of context

nice try, Donnie

>Senate rules provide for a special budget rule called reconciliation, which allows certain budget-related bills to bypass the filibuster and be enacted with a simple majority vote.[9] Republican leaders are seeking to pass the AHCA through the Senate by using the reconciliation rule.[9][10]

>americans are trying to export their political system to the middle east

the context:

>"I never said I would repeal and replace Obamacare quickly"
>He actually said it over and over again

I don't have to watch the video to know Trump is a compulsive liar.

It isn't that bad but that's not the point.

The point is every republican has been shitting on it for the past 8 years and complaining about it and when presented the opportunity to do something about it in a situation where they have house majority, senate majority, the Supreme Court, and the presidency they could not get together and create a viable alternative and then vote it in.

So one of the biggest draws of the 2016 election just got dumped as a big nothing, which has pissed a lot of people on both sides off.

>Dems are so hyper partisan now they won't sign off on anything Trump proposes because he insulted their dear leader too many times
You do realize that we literally just went through 8 years of Republicans literally block every single thing they could and not cooperating at ALL with the Dems or Obama?

Let the ACA implode on itself when no one will be able to afford shit.

52 seats doesn't mean much against a filibuster, which is the whole point of a filibuster.

Also, you realise the judiciary is non-partisan, right?

Still far better than Hilary 'Everyone's a Russian Spy' Clinton.

Trump was the best thing to happen for the Democratic party.

It's great for the rich. It's great for the middle-class, but the middle class around going to disappear, so they don't matter, they'll either be the rich/upper class or the lower class.

The two groups in question are the lower class and those that have absolutely nothing.

Obamacare is great for those that have nothing. However, if you want to have a little something, enough people have been hit with huge initial rates that they can't pay. There are reports of costs that eat up over half your paycheck if you're going from nothing to poor.

The lower class have varying rates, some hit them very hard, others are better. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. The problem is the people who have nothing, who try to have something, get knocked back down to having nothing by simply not being able to afford to live under obamacare, because of the fuck ups in its rates for low class people. Low class people suffer under it too.

So the core problem is it encourages people that have nothing, to continue having nothing. While being very good for the rich. The low class are the people hard fucked by it, and, like I said, the middle class that aren't being negatively effected by it won't exist before too long. It's going to be straight up rich and poor again. No middleground.

>Dems are so hyper partisan now they won't sign off on anything Trump proposes
Gee, I wonder where I've seen that before.

>repubs block everything under obama
>not 2 months under trump and they're already crying about it happening to them
the whiniest party in town senpai