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the ultimate sign that christianity is ending

what's the christian equivalent of mashallah?

A country abolishes it's own native religions, just to have them replaced by foreign ones.Well played China, It's not like humans instinctly need to reasure themselves that their lives are not meaningless.


God be praised?

huh, the Asian century took a whole new twist

>The whole "child rape" thing is overblown anyway.

We don't do that
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"

>in vain
but we're praising him?
huh you folks sure are weird


More and more chinese women are submitting to the BWC and converting to christianity every day

Yeah, "praising him" every single time you say hello and every couple of minutes into any trivial conversation, it loses all sense of gravitas.
"Allah willing I will take a shit"

you niggas say mahallah for anything, is it really worth to use gods name because you football team won?


Are they becoming catholic or some weird version of american evangelicalism?

Because the latter could turn out absolutely hilarious once they start claiming Jerusalem was actually in China and Jesus was the first emperor of China or stuff like that.


Only protestant tier scum say that outside of mass

your example is actually the only time we don't say Allah's name
usually we say Bismillah but never ever when entering the loo

we have variations
by god, happy
thank god, happy
thank god, beautiful
by god, shocked/upset

christianity has been in china since 7th century

Looks and sounds like a total bs

that doesn't make it native to china

christianity is the ultimate jewish trick to enslave the world's population

The future nuclear war Los Estados Unidos Neomexicanos vs China for the control of Vatican

Not happening. Xi Jiping just anounced that he's going to promote traditionally chinese religions. And the Communist Party doesn't fuck around when crackling down on enemies.

You can't expect Christianity and islam to be outlawed before China has problems with any of them.

Can't wait for chinks to go on a crusade

t. poltard

communism is not native to china either

>christianity is dying in the west and the west is declining
>christianity is growing in china and china is rising

both communism and christianity are self-destructive religions

I'm just illustrating, if you program yourself to say it that much you're very likely to inadvertently use it for all kinds of inapropiate stuff. For Catholics it's a serious thing on the other hand, you generally only invoke God in fear or despair outside of prayer.

>poo in the Alahoo

communism is not a religion

The Chinese will be Protestant, just like the Koreans
American Evangelical missionaries are the ones spreading Christianity in Asia and Africa

makes sense, thanks catholic-bro
oh ja, happens a lot now when people use Allah's name to in conjunction with slandering other people

Ummm not enough desert and Jerusalem
I chocked myself on a grape.Thank you

>have that book, follow it or you're a revisionist!
>DO NOT QUESTION ANYTHING or make your own "version" of communism

sounds pretty religion-like to me

american christanity is fucking cancer

>rules are religion
Sup Forums is a religion? spain is a religion?

You clearly don't know what a religion is.

>African colonization is no longer in the West and the West is declining
>African colonization is growing in China and China is rising


Asians can't be a christians because of they born sinners.

That actually is a beautiful church. It looks almost Western as well, if you take out the pagoda, funny it has no bell tower tho what should be the central nave may in fact be one instead like they do in some Protestants churches.

yeah like me i was born muslim hehe

what do you mean by that? i've always been confused by people who have no existence of christianity. will they go to hell?

Muslims are a pedopliles murdrers. God punished them now.

yes it was built by the french in the 19th century and then later reconstructed

true true
homeland of Arabia destroyed
move to Europe now

Well if you're a dipshit and don't want to ask for forgiveness and don't repent, your life would be shit maybe I don't know seems like that.

To each their own, I'm just showing how it's used here. We obviously do mention God, as I'm doing here, and we have "primero Dios" which would be roughly equivalent to "God willing" but it's not suposed to be used outside of very serious context. Ofc Lutherans difer, they use "braise Jesus" in a manner we would consider distatsteful. They're suposed to follow the ten comandments so I don't know what's their mental gymnastics for doing that.

So Mormons, Jehova's witness and prosperity gospel? Buddhists are unironically better Christians.

well there are still tribes living in jungles who has no knowledge of the outside world including christianity

They technically would go to limbo, original sin is technically washed away with baptism tho. If we go by Dante's description it might actually be a better fate than heaven.

porco dio


What else have you gleaned from Wikipedia

>christianity is jewish
>despite the fact that christianity is literally a breakaway from judaism
>christianity is literally a REPUDIATION of christianity
>this led the jews to hate the christians (as "gentiles", "goys") for hundreds of years
>and christians also persecuted jews, who they saw as sneaky, deceptive, etc.
Like you I also go on Sup Forums, but unlike you I'm not stupid enough to fall for Stormweenie bullshit.

*Christianity is a repudiation of JUDAISM

Abrahamic religions destroy culture instead of coexisting.
