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Manlets, when will they learn?

jesus christ

ahahhaahahahah holy fuck


Oh please, show me dressing shoes without that little lift

Nah man,the lift is inside the shoe,every dress shoe has a heel but notice how bulky the shoes are

The funniest thing about him is his cocky persona when he is really insecure as fuck. I would pay money to see him next to a six foot tall guy without his heels and hair piece.

Those shoes look absolutely fucking ridiculous. You can tell they even arch up on the inside. I mean I know he is short and all, but christ man just own it. One of the highest paid actors in the world right now, and dude STILL has a height complex.


He kind of is owning it in a way. Nobody wears white shoes with that obvious a lift with a dark suit thinking that people aren't going to notice them. I guess completely owning it would be walking around short in regular shoes, but wearing obvious lifts isn't as bad as trying to get away with wearing sneaky inner heels.

Holy shit

Males under 6 ft aren't human
