ITT: Must see documentaries

ITT: Must see documentaries

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It's on YouTube

fucking slanty eyed chinks are so racist its disgusting

>Produced by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady
>She is the stepdaughter of James Grady.[2] Grady was raised Jewish and still considers herself Jewish.[3]

Whoa whoa whoa hold the presses, a Jew makes a documentary putting white Christians into a negative light

No one respond to the bait ^

You first OP

Brainwashed "Christians" ITT triggered lol

Must see documentaries: the ones that approach subject matter through observation and thought

Must not see documentaries: opinion on the subject matter has been decided before filming

I knew a lot about this OJ case beforehand, and it was still amazing.

Blackfish, Super Size Me, and Making a Murderer are all shit because of this

Oy vey

What are some atheist kino?

They put them into a negative light on there own desu

>Jesus camp
>about Christians

Ideologically-fueled documentaries do not exist. They're mere mental masturbation for the people who've already made their minds.

Wtf I'm woke now! We should brainwash children

Rick and morty

Only white ""people"" can be racist

The Louis Theroux autism one.

(((Public schools)))

How do adults find these camps acceptable? It's messed up to force a child to adhere to your adult beliefs.

The parents themselves went through indoctrination as kids so it must be right.


Supernatural beliefs aren't adultly.

Jiro changed my output on life

>It's messed up to force a child to adhere to your adult beliefs.
it's messed up to try and prevent your kid from burning in hell for eternity?

Exhibit A

Every parent does this.
What is wrong with chidrentbeing fervently religious?

Dear Zackary is important for understanding the terrors of female privilege.

cult senpai

It's only bad when Christians do it.

The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On

Catched this one in school. I think it's part of the curriculum now.

I would say Louis Theroux's entire oeuvre

Anyway, I'd count Grey Gardens and Dont Look Back as must-sees.

Marwencol is a really good one.

>From Larry Charles
>Charles was born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York to a Jewish family.

We're 2 for 2 here

I take it 'The Greatest Story Never Told' isn't worth watching?

>not preventing your kid from being reincarnated as a slug

Such a bad parent.

A Certain Kind Of Death - Documentary
great doc




Excellent retort, my friend.

Charles is pretty well known for being the 3rd guy responsible for Seinfeld after Jerry and Larry David

I was friends with a guy who I stopped being friends with because he was convinced I was going to burn in hell, and was basically ok with it.

I'm not sure what pissed me off more: that he thought I was so much worse than him I was headed for eternal damnation, or that he didn't give a shit.

fucking jews , why are they so funny

Being funny requires intelligence. Look at female comedians and there you have the whole equation.

They aren't really, they are intelligent but not funny. They analyze people then realize what would be cathartic for them.
If you break down say, Curb Your Enthusiasm, it breaks down to Larry breaching a social taboo awkwardly, then having to stumble through it socially.

this, A proper documentary. No commentary just old stock footage compiled to tell a moving story.



It's messed up to send your kids to camp

That would explain why i am so unfunny, boring and ugly

If you want to learn about the arab spring in syria you get a pretty good perspective of the entire conflict there. My only complaint was it was the movie is obviously biased towards the Free Syrian Army and don't take the time to interview people who support Assad. There's also little explanation of the rise of ISIS, but a lot of good footage of the fucked up shit there.

I wonder if they would ever make a movie about the abuse, pederesy and misery of rabbinical cults?
one of these girls was later killed by gary ridgway.
child psychiatry, 1967.

I must have watched this over 15 times.


Personally I like:

The Qatsi trilogy
Grizzly Man
Exit Through The Gift Shop
Waste Land
Chasing Ice
The Act of Killing
Jiro Dreams Of Sushi
Super High Me
Project Nim
Unlocking The Cage

Haven't seen but I probably will like:

Manufactured Landscapes
Zero Days
How To Die In Oregon
The Cove
Magic Trip
Encounters At The End Of The World
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Side by Side
We Live In Public
Deep Web
Nintendo Quest
Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead
Be Here Now: The Andy Whitfield Story

> mfw they bring a cardboard Bush to praise while ranting about harry potter
Why are americans so silly

I also like
Touching the Void
Transcendant Man
DMT: The Spirit Molecule


There is no such thing as "objectivity" when it comes to documentaries.

Any time you juxtapose information against each other, you create a narrative. Frames in a film are like panels in a comic strip.

But film takes on the level of more propaganda, because narration and music can be used to juxtapose, cementing the intended viewpoint in the viewer even more than mere text or still images.


>It's messed up to force a child to adhere to your adult beliefs.

Then it's messed up to create a child.

In 1986 in the book Waking Up, Charles Tart coined the phrase "consensus trance." Saying that from birth, each of us is inducted into the consensus trance of our environment/culture/society, mentioning parents, teachers, religious leaders, political figures, and I would assume, the media.

great choice

Salesman (1969)

Also EVERYTHING by Frederick Wiseman

Well biblically speaking God gives up on people so your ex friend realized that hey that if God can't win you ever what chance does he have.

Can someone post the gif with Lil Wayne and the kids from this movie? It always makes me laugh.

Cosmos with NDT, NOVA, Frontline.