Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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the oven dodger, obviously


it's funny cause it could be for being a woman or for being jewish

Winona, for being a dirty Jew.

Winny, for not sitting on my cock.

>What's an oven dodger, user?

The oven for not catching up

how many of these people are actually practicing jews and how many just have a jewish uncle

>not practicing the religion of Abraham

you do realize that Jews are both an ethnicity and a religion.
a Jew doesn't have to actively practice it to belong to the tribe of his parents.


Jews are like, what, 2% of the American population?

All of them having relatives that close isn't excusable

Check their Wikipedia articles

They're all Jewish

whos the fucker in the 4 column far right

Shut up Jew

Horowitz is wrong. If she doesn't like it, she can get raped by a pack of niggers.

She's insane

what oven dodger means? english is not my first language, so she can doge ovens?

meaning she should have died in the holocaust

zach braff of Scrubs

you sound mad tho im not


If she came up against a 100ft robot mutant that fired ovens from it's wrists she'd LITERALLY be totally fine.

Why do left wingers never reference this clear case of privilege?

Ryder confirmed Juden
Mel was right all along, gas her

Because they don't hate inequality, they hate white people.

Oven dodger can't comprehend Mel's genius.

Not to justify Mel's actions, but all those things were most likely said in very heated situations, since they're relationship was on the rocks and I don't think it's 100% fair to judge him solely on that. We've all said things, and if you removed the context, we'd all just be a bunch of assholes and maniacs.

what the fuck is going on here?
lmao I'm dying

The "Official Left" is heavily financed by Jews, Just look the biggest donors for Clinton and the Dems Party.

>believes magical creatures are real

He's a retard. What's next, Sauron?

gentle reminder that this is the actual RT summary:

>Critics Consensus: The graphic details of Jesus' torture make the movie tough to sit through and obscure whatever message it is trying to convey.

could they be any more butthurt if they tried?



I see one Jewish-owned company there in the $1 million+ range, being Goldman Sachs.

>Not practicing the religion of Noah



But jews are white people too, right?


autism desu senpai

too cute

I mean practically yeah, but they like to pretend their religion makes them a different race

all white Christian girls got BLACKED

Jews have never lied about being vic-


if I was drunk while watching a speech I'd probably also react with huge facial expressions trying to make the right one

>the year of our lord satan 5777


it's not hard to find people with jewish ancestry in modern america considering the massive amount of jews immigrating to america during ww2. that statistic refers to people who practice the religion or identify with it. that doesn't include people who happen to be distantly related to a jew.

what the fuck do tribes have to do with anything? most americans are mutts with extremely messy ancestry and don't exactly consider themselves super close to their distant relatives.

Is ''oven-dodger'' a reference to the Holocaust or does it mean that she was a lousy housewife avoiding kitchen work and all that ''women's stuff''?


you do realize we are talking about parents

'the tribe' is a figure of speech when talking about the Jews

White women who get blacked aren't christian they are coal burners get the names right my dude

Speech about recognition of the palestinian state.

they probably been to church at least once with their christian parents, hence Christian

>ywn marry a Noni
Why even live

Now this is projecting.

So I guess the fact that I have been to a mosque once in my life that makes me Muslim, right?
Or the fact that I have been to a library makes me atheist.

have you celebrated Muslim holidays? nope? i see

but you have only celebrated Christian holidays like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and St. Patrick's? right

then you're christian

How'd Mel get away with this?

I see you took the blue pill.


I bet you he told her that she always jumps from the 'frying pan into the fire' and in her crazy mind interpreted that as being anti-semetic.

>Implying all this holidays still hold religious value and haven't become an excuse for the goyim to buy more


yet they don't celebrate those christian holidays in muslim countries, the buddhist ones, nor the jewish state


>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?


he didn't dodge so good


Why the fuck are jews trying to look like white people?

Seriously these people are fucking creepy at how far they will go to blend in with their host populace so they can jew around with no opposition.

see this:

I just realized that that's the French mustached cop from TDKR holding her shoulders

The oven dodger for dodge the oven.


Aren't they both severely mentally ill?

wtf i never knew jews were white

Don't enlarge it.

He's rich, he's had a ton of kids, and he's alpha as fuck, making the movies he wants to make, and not being cucked by anybody

He's the most based person in Hollywood, bar none

gibson the cuck already cast a Jew (garfield) to star in his film

why? to please the jewish overlords he is afraid of

is that guy at the end the fake scientist from the walking dead

He was giving the typical Hollycuck Ant-Trump "all white males should be gassed" speech and she was reacting accordingly.

>incorrect statement
>2nd incorrect statement
>cites wikipedia

Well, okay then.

But I though Jack Black was a spic?

what does his wikipedia say?