Brady Injured

Say it with me:

>believing bellichick dirty jew mind tricks



>believing the injury reports of Bill

Didn't he make a fake report on Gronk getting a kidney transplant or some meme like that?




I think you spelled Jacksonville Jaguars wrong




>using Drudge Report as a source

It’s from the Boston herald drudge just retweeted it dumbass

A news aggregate isn't the source you manlet nerd

Holy shit this is actually real. inb4 Jaguars take the ring.

>the brain power of leftists in action

>Stupid Florida team learns Brady's hand is hurt
>"All right boys, easy win! Take the rest of the week off!"
>show up on Sunday still hung over
>Brady takes the field
>"but the hand!"
>Brady smokes
>"Oh, I forgot to mention."
>pull in
>"It was only A LITTLE HURT"
>Patriots win 76-3
>4D chest

I jammed my hand last week and it took like a day for it to recover just fine. This is a Belichick meme.

>using the Boston Gerald as a news source
>using Bill Belichick as a news source

Somehow I can't see this as anything else other than BB memeing me before a 40 year old Brady wins a 6th ring

Not so fast

>people still falling for belichicks tricks

jesus fucking christ this board is young

I hope the Jaguars tear Brady's ACL.

If only the Patriots had a sure handed backup QB. Pats about to get Bortled

apology for poor english

when were you when bradey's hand dies?

I was sat at home eating chowdah when sully ring

"brady hand is kill"


And you?

>he thinks the injury reports for the patriots are real
>he doesn't realize they do this all the time with star players

>not knowing how drudge works

fucking retard

but he's pliable and anti-inflamitory
foolproof tb12 method works tho
he will have a baby jesus miracle using his tb12 medical technology and throw for 9999 yards and thank his tb12 partner alex rodriguez postgame and medical science will fold like a towel as Johns Hopkins Medical School abandons "science" for the tb12 protocol

Where's your New Age TB12 Cure for Cancer Bullshit now, Tom Bitchy?

Who gives a fuck? Jimmy G is good enough to beat the Jags just throw him in

>You are now aware that BB has always wanted to wear suits on the sidelines as a headcoach but the NFL requires him to wear branded clothing

low hit

NFL head coaches are so shabbily dressed. It's terrible. The league needs to fucking fix that apparel rule they have with Nike.

Wait is that really a rule? I always wondered why no one wanted to make a nod to the old coaches and wear suits. Weird since in Basketball still they all wear suits, and i would think that sport if any would have the must wear product rule.

you guys realize that this is all just a lie right
he'll win the super bowl and the media will praise him more for having a very good game while injured

This comment is why brainlet wojacks were made.

Sounds like some good old fashioned Belichickian gamesmanship

Because of that rule, he purposely dresses as much like a street hobo as possible as a silent protest.

Babies first Patriots mind fuck

It's not like he needs it when his noodle armed ass is a checkdown charlie

>Drudge Report

>hehe I look like a complete bum! Good think I'm only pretending. That'll teach them.

>ywn see a coach on the sidelines as sharply dressed as this

punished Wentz

Jack Del Rio tried to bring back the suits only 3 years ago, got a stern talking to from the league, and went back to wearing advertisements for Nike.

fake as hell, has to be an ankle injury from drills or it's fake

>American football is a team sport

Exactly. Even if it is true, I've thought he's dressed like a bum for 17 years unironically