Has he officially replaced Brendan as the king od JUST?

Has he officially replaced Brendan as the king od JUST?

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Shia is happily married though

His career is dead though

Doesn't matter, he still has the money and wife to continue being happy.

Brendan didn't choose Alimony.
Shia chose He Will Not Divide Us.

Nice try Brenden.

not really since brendan was the king of just because he couldn't get work and everybody forgot about him, you retards are obbsessive over shia and HWNDU so with all that free publicity your giving him I'd say he's doing pretty well.

I hope you realize your the reason HWNDU has gone on for this long, back to your containment board

Don't forget guys, wherever Shia LaBeouf appears in this world, you are obligated to troll him.
He is now a real world meme.
A Santa Claus persona, except you troll him instead of blinging out a tree for him.
Unleash your inner pranksters when in his vicinity, and enjoy that moment of authorized childishness.

Rule number 1: No violence of physical nature.
Rule number 2: Give him some time to deploy his art, and think up hilarious ways to corrupt it or bring it down.
Rule number 3: Incite him into attacking you and getting mad, but don't retaliate, just escape laughing your ass off.
Rule number 4 (for underage): Throw piss balloons at him. No dangerous chemicals allowed, just piss or something stinky which isn't dangerous.

How one man went from JUST DO IT to JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP with one weird trick.

>Alt Right Snowflakes mad because not everyone like muh maymay prez: The Thread

How so? Shia basically EXPOSED Sup Forums as non-white nerds in the most hilarious way.

>he still has the money
which makes his efforts to try and look as bohemian as possible even funnier.

fuck this dude and his pedophile father.

This isn't trolling anymore. It's like Shia and Sup Forums are friends, playing all these games together.

honestly i would love nothing more than to see him buy Sup Forums from hiro and make all of you scramble

Does Sup Forums like JUST threads because if there was a thread dedicated to them it would be JUST?

>Shia LaBeouf Flees To Britain Because "America Is Not Safe Enough" For Anti-Trump Exhibit

>Protest "oppresive regime"
>Flee the country because some autistic weeaboos show up in your vicinity and spout memes at you

>and his pedophile father

well that explains the Sia MVs

that degeneracy is genetic

It really isn't though.

American Honey was fantastic.

it's true


Is getting your art show trolled considered JUST?

Why would his career be dead?

fucking over-hyped degenerate propaganda trash

You are insufferable.

No, he blew Sup Forums the fuck out in a face to face confrontation

>Sia MVs
what do you mean by this?

In terms of career/success no, he's super relevant.

In terms of mental health? He might be the king of JUST. Someone post that video of Shia mumbling into the HWNDU camera at 3 in the morning with tears in his eyes. He looked like a broken man, more JUST than I've ever seen Frasier.

>controversial anti-Trump exhibit

>this is your average Sup Forums user


The "small Trump" meme has no basis in reality. Trump is like 190cm


How was that low-concept nonsense art, and why did it take 3 people to come up w/ it?

jk....we all know it was a psyop

I like trolling shia, but I don't dislike him
he's just an eccentric artist who tries (oft unsuccessfully to push boundaries)

plus he's not just because he's a multimillionaire

This is so fucking retarded and hard to look at

How can you be taken seriously when you're a non white unironically supporting white nationalism? These people deserve a good ass kicking

manlet tier

that guy really was cringy as fuck. And you know Shia could have crushed that faggots face in if he wanted to.

its a meme you dip

>plus he's not just because he's a multimillionaire

with more than enough money to buy this place and turn the lights off for good

ya'll should be careful desu

he's a fucking Jew agent, and most likely a sick degenerate like his father.

there really is nothing more to it.

Nah he's still relatively young.

ah you must be one of those prized intellects from r/anarchism I keep hearing about

He's an ascetic Christian.

Do you have any proof that he's a "degenerate"?

Like Shia is allowed to act under his own volition.

'Celebs' are agents and prisoners.

t. non-white white nationalist
Kill yourself

Shia could literally kicked every Sup Forums fag's ass but he can't because he'd go to jail, but seriously he could, he has some history of being violence and he knocked the fuck out of Tom Hardy

These autists are out of shape skeletons or fatties with no training or strength

Yeah imagine not being a cuck and not ruining the country for good boy points.

what happened to the guy that went to his house and got him to sign papers and stuff

>she's out getting fucked by chad whilst Shia does his 'art'
Real happy, mang.

>most likely

his father is definitely a degenerate though.

And celebrities aren't real. Hollywood isn't real.

Sia music videos

I bet it takes 3-4 days until he gets stabbed with a butter knife

what a badass

Why would you be a non-white white nationalist? How is that not the highest form of cuck?

I'm reluctant to disagree with trips but don't you know HWNDU has officially ended? It's never coming back. Not that Shia was making any money at all off it.

I am white and not a white nationalist
not even american

you people are utter one dimensional brainless retards and thats all there is to it
good luck on your "raid" you fucking wetwipe

He could be practicing his acting, getting his appearance in order, and making big money.
He could be using that money to build housing for homeless people, fund safehouses for females facing real problems in the Middle East and Africa and thus helping women with real suffering and issues, or a myriad of other things. Maybe even open an art-house for those victims to express themselves and thus fulfill his artistic needs alongside them.

Instead, he wastes his time and energy whining about Trump, accomplishing nothing, changing nothing.

I hope he is being paid well to act like an idiot, because if he isn't, then he really is one.

That is literally not an argument. You shouldn't call others retarded when you are too fucking stupid to even stay on topic.

What do you mean ''not being a cuck''? These guys are literal cucks, the cuck meme started because ''muh white race is getting raped by minorities and they are letting them do it!!!!!'''

These guys are cucks, these are the type of people who would suck their bully's dick and laugh about it, they are filled with self loathing because they are latinos or asians or blacks or jewish and not white

theres a 1 in 3 chance this post is shia

Yup. Someone like Shia is a lot more like a CIA agent than an artist.

Is really anyone here who can't see though this bullshit by now? (other than the shills?)

Oh right, so the White Rose movement should have been about building homes for the homeless because they accomplished nothing.

Can't believe people this retarded exist.

the point is that the vast majority are not actually white nationalists

if you think trolling shia leboof for fun and visiting Sup Forums (which I don't even go on personally) automatically makes you are white nationalist by default, then you're just a dumb dumb idiot

oh no?

what if he was the one feeding Sup Forums JUST enough info so they could do their thing

>can't argue in the present and has to grasp for the past for arguments

>be completely wrong
>get called out

fuck off stefan haha

>literallly you

This. Brendan is the real victim here.

Shia recieves orders.

He does not act under his own volition like you are I do.

Please try and understand that.

Hollywood is a ruse. An illusion.

I don't know about that. There is a video of Shia getting knocked the fuck out by some dude in a bar.

I think he is a violent guy though

>Implying that's an accomplishment
This is the average Sup Forums user. Literally anyone who actually goes outside could beat them up.

he sucker punched Tom Hardy when his back was turned

t. Chips Hardy

>he knocked the fuck out of Tom Hardy
Oh sweet summer child.

You're back pedalling. We're not talking about the majority, we're talking about this guy. The guy who isn't white and says that the future of the white race must be secured.

>you're white and you support black nationalism


The guy looks like a stereotypical Jew tho.

Shia's lile 5'8 150. He's not some tough guy. He wouldn't even make a decent HS football team.

Hollywood isn't real.

literally this

Not really Sup Forums but americans in general, they believe they are white when the so called ''whites'' are already a minority and the new ''whites'' are not actually white but they support white nationalism and Trump

False Equivalence.
USA isn't waging total war with the world, and minorities have judicial protection and someone who will listen to them and their plights in USA and support them.

You are dumb user.

What are you talking about? If an event happened in the past it's not relevant?

>tom hardy is a tough guy
oh sweet summer child

>taking them seriously
yeah we're the idiots

What's the status on HWNDU?

it says Liverpool adopted the project but the stream doesn't work? what did Sup Forums do now?

>implying Sup Forums cant weaponize their autism and find a flag pole using clouds and topogrophy

Sup Forums-2


>Be non white white nationalist
>Get called out
>I-Im not a w-white nationalist I s-swear
Fuck off Juan.

>Literally you

How is this an argument? you're saying it's okay to be retarded supporting something that goes against yourself as a person?

This was an example of political protest where it made a difference. The guy saying that you shouldn't protest because it won't accomplish anything is incredibly dumb.

I'm sorry that you take everything at face value.

>Shia basically EXPOSED that non-whites are the biggest racists and very right-leaning

You could have figured that out by traveling the world a little user.
That's equivalent to saying "Shia basically exposed that water is wet".

>he knocked the fuck out of Tom Hardy
>"I got knocked out by Shia LaBeouf, actually," Hardy said. "In Wettest County, apparently."
>At this point, that the atmosphere in the room seemed rather unusual, as though no one involved quite knew whether Hardy was being serious or not. His use of the word ‘apparently' would also suggest that he was winding us up. Nevertheless, Hardy persisted with his version of what happened.
>"[It was] behind the scenes," he said, before being almost drowned out by incredulous laughter, both from me and my fellow hacks, and the row of publicists sitting a short distance behind us. "No, he did," Hardy continued. "He knocked me out sparko. Out cold. He's a bad, bad boy. He is. He's quite intimidating as well. He's a scary dude."
>When someone understandably asked Hardy how the fight started, Hardy was less clear.
"He just attacked me," Hardy said, provoking more laughter. "He was drinking moonshine. I was wearing a cardigan, and er, went down. I woke up in Pnut's arms."
>To clarify, Pnut (pronounced Peanut) is Hardy's personal trainer. The actor continued, "He was concerned for me. I was like, ‘What was that? It was lightning fast.'" And he said, ‘That was Shia.' I said, ‘Fuckin' hell. Can we go home now?' ‘No, we've still got three weeks to finish.'"

you're embarrassing yourself

>the point is that the vast majority are not actually white nationalists
>It's all ironic guys xD. We're not really racist
People like you are ruining Sup Forums.

What are you talking about?

Are you the one posting little girls dancing on younow when the mods don't delete Sup Forums threads? Answer truthfully because it is going to end badly for you if you lie and I still know

Again, Hollywood isn't real.

You Sup Forums kids need to start to comprehend this.

At least this guy is honest about it. Even though I disagree with your political views I appreciate your honesty and straightforwardness.

I don't even go on Sup Forums I already said that
its a shithole and always has been


That was a protest that didn't make any difference and wouldn't make a difference because that protest didn't in any way trigger USA and Soviets into entering the war with the Nazis, thus eliminating them.

You are one of those idiots who think protests have any influence on anything unless a superpower is supporting them.
And a superpower only supports protests when it is in its interests.
So ultimately protests are tools of idiots who can't go the full way and just whine on the streets.

Only when protests grow into rebellion does something happen.

Learn some history m8.

No, that isn't me. I'm pretty sure that's a bot.


Alright lads. I'm based in the UK. here are our disguises.

>rich white guy drives a non-white out of his livestream
Wow, really made your neurons move

>political protest that made a difference
>it was a political protest that made a difference and not Stallin being betrayed by Hitler and USA deciding to enter a war to revitalize its economy and after being incited

Get the fuck out.

There's thousands of protests in the world currently being waged that achieve fuck-all,
because protests don't provide solutions nor do they constitute action (establishment of an organization with goals, plans, strategies, and application).
They are just 0.01% of the population whining about something, an inherent societal trait because there is no such thing as utopia or everyone being happy abut everything.

I think files are named tmp when you save them on a certain browser, because I've seen a lot of people posting images with tmp in the filename

>protesting an American politician in England
Huh? What's the point? What would that accomplish? Why would he bitch and have a hissy fit in another country about this country? What do they care?

>neet comes up and start shit
>not sending him the fuck away at any given time

I swear, you guys would be such pussies in actual confrontations.