>where is it?!

>I'll never tell someone like you!

>*shoots em in the knee*

>okay, okay!

>Cut the red wire!

>I need X minutes
>You have X-1

>the game theory behind being captured/interrogated/tortured is so basic that many animals instinctually understand it.

>human characters can't seem to figure it out before they get kneecapped because filmmakers need that gritty shot of someone in pain.

>I need 100 trillion years
>You have 0.000000001 picoseconds

>the game theory behind being captured/interrogated/tortured is so basic that many animals instinctually understand it.
In english, doc

>I am NOT wearing that
>*cut to guy wearing it*

The power dynamic between people/animals when one has dominated another one.

If you're at the mercy of someone you know will torture you until you give/tell them what they want then you don't hold out unless there's some hope of escape. Getting permanently maimed or crippled trying to protect something you're just going to give up eventually is a stupid play. Even animals that have no concept of game theory instinctually understand when they are caught and what the stakes are, but so often characters that are otherwise rational hold out so they can be shot onscreen for effect.

Can I go back to posting greentext and frogs now?

>Got a plan B?
>That WAS plan B.

>You just don't get it, do you?

Good thread.

>get some rest
>you look tired



>And your OTHER plan B!

>we're not so different, you and I.

>cut the blue one!
>one wire looks teal and the other turquoise

>"At least it can't get any worse!"
>it gets worse
>"I should have kept my mouth closed!"

>I should've asked for a gf

I don't see how that's a game

Man I really don't want to get shot

>guy mashing intensely on a playstation/xbox controller
>atari sounds coming from TV

>"if you don't do as I say then this will get worse!"
>good guys don't do thing
>"hey we didn't do as said and is getting worse"
>*maniacal histerical laugh*

And that's why animals are fucking savages and will never build a studio to fake the moon landings. With humans the last thing that dies is hope, it is what keeps us going we are not quitters we are keep goingers.

>We can do it the easy way or the hard way
>What's the hard way?

>and your other gf

>atari graphics
>"bro you have to kill three more nazis to make it to level five"

>Whoa whoa mister, I don't swing that way

Uhmm... guys... what's going on here?