Fox tries to create a cinematic universe like MCU and DCEU

>Fox tries to create a cinematic universe like MCU and DCEU
>still ends up creating something far greater than either cinematic universe could come up with

Is there a lesson here?

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>>Fox tries to create a cinematic universe like MCU and DCEU

It was literally just x-Men stuff

They got lucky at the end of a long series of shit (minus maybe the first xmen and that first one with Fassbender)

The lesson is OP is a faggot who makes shit threads

In what way was this trying to be like either of those two things? The closest thing it came to was Deadpool and that's solely on the fact that it had gore
That aside it was it's own thing


It is just a franchise that has two generations (which were bridged by DOFP)

The MCU and more like a collection of smaller franchises

Fuck Mex-men.


they brought tools to bear

They brought propaganda and shills. Fuck Marvel.

Caliban aging about 10-20 years in a 50 year span....Turns out the director of Logan didn't even know they used Caliban in Apocalypse

Fuck. No one likes this anti-American garbage movie.

X2, First Class, and DOFP are great

I like Caliban in logan tbqh.

Logan is what happens when the studio steps aside and let's the creators tell their own story.

All the people on here who whined about there being no Sabretooth...
All the people on here who whined that Charles should have had a more meaningful death...

...those are the kinds of people the studios have been listening to for years. That's how Origins Wolverine got made--shoeing in all these superfluous characters so the audiences can go, "I know who that is!"

Logan didn't have unnecessary cameos or sequel hooks, but it did have a story to tell--one with an ending.

Nigga plz.

Logan is what happens when you corrupt a beloved comic book and use it for globalist propaganda.

Is this a new hip meme/pasta? Logan was alright but the kid sucked, the ending felt forced, the pacing was weird, the direction weak and Patrick Steward outshined everyone. It's an okay movie. Just calm your tits.

Franchising breeds mediocrity

Nah, your opinion is the meme. Shitty ass opinion about a genuinely good movie. Kid was fine, ending was fine.

I thught they were different timelines. Logan being the sequel to japan wolverine

Movie sucked ass. Like a Soros comic book.

? I love the X-Men movies

Your opinion sucks ass, like a Soros comic book

>All the people on here who whined about there being no Sabretooth...
That was fine
>All the people on here who whined that Charles should have had a more meaningful death...
That wasn't

Also, to my list of negative points about the movie.
>Not using the mercenary cyborg as the main antagonist and instead relying on a clone of Wolverine
>Eden being an actual place just destroys that entire subplot and character evolution
>The other mutant children, and all the scenes there are in, especially that scene where they kill cyborg mercenary

I bet you shed a tear when that mexican kid gave an english speech to her mexican mutant friends at the grave of logan whos death felt like a script rewrite "i guess it's time for wolverine to die now because who cares x-men reboot soon". She really hit it out of the park.

I have a question.
Didn't Xavier died in Xmen 3?

>Cinematic universe

There is a DC cinematic universe?

>he doesn't watch post credit scenes

>Dc tries to make dark and gritty epic movie
Fails horribly
>20th century fox just makes a road trip movie with a western edge
Massive success

For it being her first film debut at eleven years old, Dafne Keen did good. It would have been better if they either had her talk the whole movie or not at all, but you can't have everything.

How does Eden being real destroy character evolution? And whose evolution does it destroy? Logan was already at rock bottom, so it can't be his. Should the entire journey have been for nothing?

Nah I didn't. But I'm stable enough to realize a good movie's good and not follow the stereotypical meme complaining that goes on here

X-Men is kino. MCU is good. DC is trash. Spiderman is wildcard.

There's your lesson, op.

>got lucky

luck had nothing to do with it. Jackman and Stewart were finally being allowed to act instead of being a prop for CGI like poor old ian mckellen.

Yes: execs should stop masterplanning cinematic universes and focus on making quality individual films.

Post credit scenes were a thing 11 years ago?

>MCU is good

I don't care about the memes here. The movie was good but left lots to desire.

>still ends up creating something far greater than either cinematic universe could come up with
>far greater

I swear people are wearing blinders during this movie. There were so many straight up bad parts that neither DCEU nor MCU would fall into.

Maybe good is stretching.

But even the dumbass low IQ Thor movies are not as bad as DC's worst. They're not as bad as Xmen's worst for that matter either, but Xmen's kino aura pushes it above the rest of the pack.

Yeah, they are consistently just good. Riding the line while playing it safe



I like the X-men reboot more than every disneymarvel shitflick, except maybe thor 1 and iron man 1.

ITT: World building franchises suck.

the movie was good its just the contrarians cant handle that people liked it.

this thread (and this board) is about 75% shill posts.

Logan was straight up globalist propaganda disguised as a film. They'll make 100,000 shill posts praising it, but that's what it was.

Go back to Sup Forums, Alex.

Sorry for exposing (((Logan))) for what it is.

How many hours of manpower do you people spend on this shit?

Deception is your religion.

Logan has always been kino

This afroamerican.

They try so hard.

It's a shitty capeshit movie, used to promote the globalist agenda.

And I'm sure the future Mex-Men movies will be more of the same.

It's an amazing film that so happens to have a "globalist" (aka liberal) message. Maybe you need to stop getting triggered about people who disagree with your shitty politics.

The Dark Knight had a neocon message and was still an amazing movie.

nigga plz. Soros could have written the script.

Fuck this movie and fuck Marvel.


>whining about the X-Fucking-Men being pro minorities

It's like you haven't been paying attention since the 60s bub.

Soros is just a generic liberal with a lot of money.

>this thread (and this board) is about 75% shill posts.
>Logan was straight up globalist propaganda disguised as a film. They'll make 100,000 shill posts praising it, but that's what it was.


X-Men always pushed an agenda.

Stan Lee based Professor X and Magneto on Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.

Chris Claremont based the Legacy Virus on the AIDS epidemic.

Bryan Singer convinced Ian McKellan to play Magneto by telling him how much the gay community can relate to the mutant struggle. ("Have you tried not being a mutant?" "You didn't ask I didn't tell")

Avi Arad said Magneto was like Meir Kahane and the Brotherhood of Mutants like the JDL. He even recites the "Never Again" slogan in First Class while raising a fist.

Sony and Fox are the best ones at making good capeflicks

Sony's R Rated Venom movie is going to blow all the DCEU and MCU wide open

No. It's a find send off movie that goes the complete opposite direction of previous x-men movies. The scale, number of powers and frequency of power use is lower. Making it feel 'more grounded'. Without the large scale stuff (expect prof X few freezes) being used it doesn't feel like a normal super hero movie and is allowed to wallow in the characters longer. It doesn't need to give every character their introduction, their power display, their training/character arc and then the final fight with what was learned.

The fact the tone is so different also makes it not feel like the same setting as previous movies.

and they already fucked up their upcoming title with blackwashed character

>Sam Raimi's Spiderman
>Chris Nolan's Batman
>Fox's Logan
What do these have in common? They are not part of any cinematic universes.

>My point
Stop making super hero movies that are part of cinematic universes because those don't give much room for good detailed plots and characters because all they care about is throwing out the next movie. This is why Kong: Skull Island was terrible. I didn't like it because the characters were so badly written and that of course the end credit scene was 2 minutes of "LOOK WE ARE GONNA GET KONG V GODZILLA"

>Sony's R Rated Venom movie

i really hope they get Jim Carrey to play Carnage. or maybe even Dave Chapelle

MCU isn't MCU. It's missing hundreds of characters, some that fox owns. Like where the fuck are all the x-men characters that are involved in other story-lines and characters interactions that occur in the same area that they operate? Why do the MCU movies ignore inhumans (NotMutants) and the lower level stuff that Netflix tries to do? Why don't the Netflix and AoS type shows cross over more frequently? It's not a cinematic universe if they are loosely connected but don't interact in any meaningful way.

Comic book movies/tv series were a mistake.

>stealing a meme
DC you're pathetic

>i really hope they get Jim Carrey to play Carnage.
Let's pitch the idea to get Sony to hire Jim for the role

>Opening scene
>Jim is stalking a poor woman
>abuses her
>next scene is Jim murdering some poor guy
>cut to Jim in prison sell looking in the mirror and thinking about his crimes

That's the fault of Nolan bats being successful. Got to follow up with a more destructive and real supes.

Michael Pitt as Venom? He can team up with Jim who becomes Carnage and wreck havoc across New York until Bruce Campbell who plays Mysterio appears and tries to get rid of them because he wants ultimate power without them getting in the way.


It is literally the only reason Xmen was ever culturally relevant.

>Bruce Campbell who plays Mysterio
Will this ever happen?

Doubtful without Raimi since they're buddies.

Crazy Carrey could be great

You know Sup Forums and Sup Forums have infested Sup Forums when every fifth posts cries about an "agenda."

Art should have something meaningful to say and reflect the worldview of the artist.

If you enjoy TV and Kino you would appreciate that.

What pollacks and capeshitters want are product. Unbiased, inoffensive, neutral.

So the MCU is for the lowest common denominator. Captain America can't even fight real nazis because Disney can't sell toys with swastikas.

Broke Clock. Twice a day.

>Captain America can't even fight real nazis because Disney can't sell toys with swastikas

I am fine with Cap fighting the World government and Iron Man. Makes it feel more like a real modern-day conflict.

The "cinematic universe" meme is overrated and whatever continuity adds to these movies, even more is taken away by being constrained by it.

One of the good things about Logan is that it never even really confirms if the other Fox movies "happened" in its own universe and doesn't have to worry about contradicting them or establishing solid ties to them.

Solid continuity is really only needed for direct sequels, otherwise it's really not necessary outside of obsessive nerd circles who feel the need to chronologically categorize everything in their heads.

Raimi and Nolan did the same

He might be referring to how they were planning on introducing the Fantastic Four into the universe until the reboot for that bombed so hard.

>Michael Pitt as Venom
i really don't see him as Eddie Brock. you need a dude with some legit self loathing.

People ignore the fact at the end the Mexican mutant kids end up in Canada.

As a Canadian I should be pissed about illegals crossing into the country, that said movie is da,n good,

The X-Men Cinematic Universe is just as god awful as MCU and DCEU. In fact they fuck it up even worse because they don't care about continuity.

Logan just happens to be a good standalone movie.

Woody Allen then

Same butthurt faggot.


you suck

Take a break Alex, this whole internet thing isn't really for you.

This movie was more libcuck agenda shit. The white man has to make way and die for the mexican female and allow violent dangerous refugees into his land because muh oppression.

Another Gran Torino. Expected as much from Hollywood.

She's literally his white clone tho

Born from Mexican surrogate mom, bron in Mexico, raised by Mexican nurse, raised on Telemundo and Univision, speaks Spanish as 1st language and English with thick Hispanic accent.

As Mexican as a taco.

>but it did have a story to tell
yeah, a shitty one

Reminder that the movie opened with Logan slaughtering a group of bad hombres

>I'm stable enough to realize a good movie's good
youre arguing movie taste. the other guy didnt like the movie, and youre telling him hes wrong. thats not stable at all. in fact, that makes you retarded.

>He might be referring to how they were planning on introducing the Fantastic Four into the universe until the reboot for that bombed so hard.

IIRC, Marvel publicly smacked that notion down months before the movie was even out. Apparently, they have just enough control over the F4 and X-Men series to stop Fox from crossing them.

There is no need to get triggered by the future m8.

Make good movies that stand on their own? Have ideas that aren't fighting a CGI army around a pillar of light? Let directors make movies, instead of having them designed by committee?

Eden wasn't real...

they tend to feel the need to keep rehashing origin stories whenever they do that. but to some extent i do agree with you. there need to be a loose continuity between these comic films. continuity in necessary to keep from having to reintroduce the same characters.

Just say jew.